“Okay.” I don’t give him those words back even if they’re on the tip of my tongue.

“Yeah.” Ryder’s lips land on mine, soft, sweet, smooth like velvet, and the feeling of belonging overwhelms me. That’s what this feels like, finally.



One Week Later

“What in the actual fuck.” It’s rare for me to take a break while working at the shop, but today it was with the intention of seeing my woman. Things have been progressing slowly—kissing, some heavy petting, but for the most part, it’s all on top of the clothes. A lesser man would lose patience; that’s not the case with me for Ender. If anything, it’s making the anticipation that much stronger. The shitter, though, is with her dad. Neither of them are budging. He won’t talk to her; nah, it ain’t that. Shovel won’t apologize, so she’s refusing to even concede. Something’s gotta give eventually, though.

“Hey, Ryder, you’re off work early.” Ender gets out of her car, a car that is packed with all her shit she just offloaded a week ago.

“You care to tell me where you’re goin’?”

“Oh, didn’t I tell you?” I cock an eyebrow up, letting her know just what I think about this.

“Nope, you sure didn’t.”

“That day we talked, settling things, you know? Well, Mom and I put a security deposit down on an apartment in town. It’s a decent studio-type place in a good part of town and minutes from work.” She has it all figured out, without me. Fuck, that burning sensation in my gut is back.

“I guess you got it all taken care of, then, huh?” I see the lightbulb go off in her eyes when she quits fiddling with the box, attempting to shove it in its place.

“Ryder, that’s not at all what this means. You know how awkward it’s been in my parents’ house. Add in the fact that I’ve been on my own for years, they’re pretty easy-going, but it’s not the same either.” She steps towards me, hands going to my sides, moving the fabric out of the way until skin touches skin. A hiss leaves my mouth. This is the first time I’ve had her hands on me willingly, without me starting it, and definitely more than holding her hand. Fuck, it’s been too damn long, especially with the fact my cock is rock hard.

“Get that. Just figured you’d think to tell me about it. Been with you every day, and it hasn’t come up. I’m blindsided.” I pull her in. There’s no room to be pissed at Ender, not after four long years apart.

“I’m sorry. Wanna move in with me?” she asks without hesitation.

“Gonna do one better.” I pull her to my side, whistling to get all the brothers’ attention. If she weren’t in the forecourt, none of this would be possible, but since she is, all the men turn their heads, watching, a few smirking at the two of us.

“Oh my God, Ryder, what are you doing?” I look down into her eyes, wink, and then proceed with doing what I should have done as a damn prospect.

“About to make this shit official. Not having my woman thirty minutes away in town when I can fix that.” I kiss the side of her head. “Layin’ claim to Ender, making her my Ol’ Lady. Too much shit has happened for me not to. Anyone got a problem with that?”

“I can’t believe you.” Ender buries her face in my armpit, attempting to crawl inside my body. It doesn’t bother me, though, because not one brother says anything. In fact, they’re all clapping, laughing, and even her father nods his approval.

“Believe it, baby. It’s you and me against the world.” Now it’s time I show her what I’ve been working on since I got patched in. With one move, she’s up and over my shoulder, hands going to my ass, squeezing it for purchase, and I gotta say, I fucking love it.

“Ryder! Where are we going?” My thumb slides beyond the hem of her shorts, feeling the cheek of her ass.

“You’ll see, but you won’t have to worry about an apartment, ever.” Those are the last words I say. I want this to be a surprise in every way possible, which is why she’s hanging over my shoulder instead of walking alongside me.

“Fine, but when all the blood rushes to my head and I’m dizzy, it’s your fault.”

“It’s not that far away, and if you’d quit wigglin’, we’d be there already,” I reply.

“If you’d quit turning me on, maybe I would,” she sasses back. Yep, today is going to be a great fuckin’ day.



“Oh my.” The wind is taken out of my sails. It only took what seemed like ten minutes to get to where Ryder was carrying me.

“Yeah, been workin’ on this for a couple of years now.” I take it in. It’s a house, a full-blown home. A one-story home with a massive front porch the length of the house, white in color, black metal roof, wooden posts, windows that still have the plastic on them.