Page 316 of Twin Brothers

“You better not think that we’re done.” He was on his knees, fumbling with his button when his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he fell backward. I couldn’t believe it.

He had me wanting to show him several new positions. I would have gladly driven stick cowgirl style, slapping his chest and leaving behind handprints of my lust etched into his skin. There was no way that I was going to be able to move for quite some time.

He was completely out of it, snoring loudly and I slipped underneath the covers of those two blankets with my knees up to my chest not to disturb him. I was still tingling and my legs were numb with that fire down below merely a simmer of what it once was. I could’ve gone all night, satisfied his every whim and left him wondering what hit him. He was going to miss out on that and I had no idea if we would find some time to revisit this.

I heard pots and pans banging together and opened up my eyes to see him stumbling around in the dark. The light outside informed me that another day had arrived. It was still very early, but he must have thought that he had to do something to make up for coming here and breaking my window.

The coffee was already percolating and the timer had gone off precisely at the time that I had requested. I was not a morning person and the cotton in my mouth made me feel like what we had done last night had crossed the line.

“I would suggest that you drink a gallon of that stuff. Sober up and then we can talk about how you acted last night. I’m going to take a shower. I would ask you to join me, but the moment is over.” I got up, clutching the blanket to my naked body and for the first time feeling vulnerable and exposed.

“Before you go and do that, would you like to explain what happened here? I have no idea, but the taste on my lips is not exactly foreign to me. I would say that somebody got lucky last night. It would’ve been nice to be there with you, but I do hope that I made up for it in some way.” His shirt was out of his pants and the thumping presence of his manhood was not that hard to recognize.

“I will say that you made up for breaking my window. I don’t know what possessed you to come here in the first place. I would be dressing you down, but I have to say that you made a believer out of me. I can’t express how much I enjoyed that. That is the first time in a couple of weeks that I have slept like a baby. You were responsible for that. It was like you were possessed by the devil. You kept coming back and I don’t think that you would have stopped. The only thing that made you stop was the liquor. It was too much for you. You passed out and unfortunately, it was at the time in the evening where you were going to… I don’t think that I should say.” I was teasing him and having a bit of fun at his expense because he didn’t let me see what was obviously his prize possession.

“By all means, finish your sentence and you have me more than curious.” He had a cup of coffee and it was that necessary black to be as strong as possible. “What exactly did I miss out on doing? I’m probably going to regret asking, but I don’t think that I can live without knowing.” If he was going to be like that, then I felt that it was my responsibility to show him that getting drunk has its disadvantages.

“Look at yourself and tell me what was going to happen.” He glanced down to where he had unbuttoned his pants, but the zipper still remained intact. “I’m sure that somebody with your intellect can put two and two together.” I saw that look on his face and I walked backward down the hall towards the bathroom.

“Please don’t tell me that I passed out before we could do the dance with no pants” That was a crude way of describing it, but it was essentially exactly as he said it was. “I get the feeling that I was a bit more anxious than you were expecting. I don’t even know what to say about my behavior. I can see from the smile on your face that you’re not complaining. Why would you when you got what you wanted and left me high and dry.” There was no way that he was going to get away with making me the bad guy.

With a purpose, I walked over to where he had broken my window and showed him exhibit A. “I’m not saying that what you did wasn’t fun, but what about my window? I’m going to have to pay for that out of my own pocket. A lumbering idiot tried to put his hands on me? I’m glad that you didn’t try to force anything, or you might have gotten a well-placed knee where it would do the most damage.” He was holding his head with one hand and that cup of coffee with the other. He came over and surveyed the damage before reaching into his jacket for his pocketbook.

“I made this mess and I should be expected to pay for it.” That wasn’t what I had in mind. He had more than made up for it by making me moan incessantly. I don’t think that I ha

d ever screamed that loud in my life. It was a testament to his prowess in the bedroom. I didn’t get to find out if what I had felt was real. That was some interesting hardware that he was carrying around with him.

“There’s no reason to do that. I can certainly afford to fix my own window and I don’t need a man to take care of me.” I didn’t mean to be defensive, but I’d come a long way to insert my own independence and I wasn’t going to allow anybody to take it away from me.

“I can see that you’re one of those progressive girls that need to stand up on her 2-feet. I was just trying to help and I do hope that you didn’t take it the wrong way.” I walked over to him and ruffled his hair. I did not find that he was fussy enough to try to fix it.

“If it’s all the same to you, let me handle my business. I’m sure that your mother is worried about you not coming home last night. You might want to give her a call and tell her that you spent the night at a friend’s house. If I were you, I wouldn’t mention what we did. I doubt that you would, but I have no idea how open you are with your mother about your sex life.” It was just a nice little jab at his masculinity. I wanted him to think that I thought of him as a mama’s boy.

“I don’t mean to be eating and running, but I do have a place to be.” His underlying meaning was clear and he was referring to quite crassly about giving me pleasure. “I’ve already called a taxi and I really didn’t want to disturb you. You obviously needed your beauty sleep. I mean…you needed to be well rested and I was going to slip out without saying anything. Don’t worry; I know how stupid that was.” I was still feeling the effects of him exploring my flesh. I’d already noticed that there were marks on the inside of my thighs from the way that he was pressing his fingernails into my body.

“You should take the coffee with you. You need it way more than I do. I could use a vitamin C shot.” He was way ahead of me and had the orange juice already poured. He reached back and grabbed it and put it into my hand. The cool surface of the glass was a welcome relief.

“I do believe that I’m going to take you up on your offer. I don’t know if it’s too early, but I would really like to see you again for supper tonight. This time, I would like you to come over to my place and I’ll cook for you. Believe me, I don’t do that for any other girl and you should consider what that means. Do you have any requests, or can I surprise you like you did with me at Antonio’s?” I was actually quite fond of a man cooking for me. I was hoping that he would wear just an apron and nothing more, but maybe that was asking for too much.

“I think that I can manage to be there for 7:00 PM. I didn’t like the way that you went about last night, but the results are undeniable. You have a gift and one that I hope that you will never share with anybody ever again. That might sound obsessive, but you brought it on yourself. All that I know is that you made me cum too many times to count. They blended in with one another and it was a never-ending log ride of pleasure.” I took the coffee from his hands, drinking half of it and then placing it back where it was.

“I don’t see you being the one that is suffering from a hangover. I know that I did this to myself, but I think that everything worked out in the end. We have something here that I would like to try and make into something lasting. I don’t know if that is even possible and I’ve never done anything like this before. This is new territory and I’m going to need your hand to show me the way.” He was the kind of man that was the perfect combination of strength and vulnerability.

“What you are asking is impossible.” I saw the confusion on his face and I was going to have to explain. “I’m exactly like you. I thought at one time that I had found somebody to care for, but I was just settling for second best. We are going to be the blind leading the blind. I’m sure that between the two of us we can figure this out. I’ve known a lot of men that get drunk and do stupid things. They either get too hands on, get silly or angry. What you did last night was make me forget about all of them. There’s a part of me that wants you to continue to drink if that is the way that you’re going to act. I can’t in good conscience do that, but I don’t see any reason why we can’t indulge.” I did enjoy having a few drinks to loosen up and I didn’t want him to go cold Turkey.

“I don’t have a problem if that is what you’re thinking. You’ve met my mother and anybody that meets her usually ends up drinking themselves into a stupor. Living with that tension all of these years has made it impossible for me to have a normal relationship with my parents. I will say one thing and they did give me an appreciation for wine. I have my own small wine cellar. Don’t get too excited, because it’s not that special. I do have a few interesting bottles that you might find to your liking. I’ll have something nice for dinner.” He was at the door and I was reaching out about to tell him everything, but then there was nothing.

I watched him leave; feeling like such an idiot and knowing that I had allowed Lillian to hold this secret hostage over me.

I went to the window with my hand on the glass. It was a good thing that he had only broken one pane. It probably would’ve cost a whole lot more to replace the window than just one small square of glass. I made a few phone calls and finally found one company that was willing to do a rush job for a price.

I called the office and told them that I was going to be late and that I had to take care of something. My boss Wendell was not exactly happy, but he knew that I was the one that was bringing in all the money. There was no way that he was going to bite the hand that fed him and kept him living high on the hog.

I had made up my mind that I was going to tell him everything at dinner. He would probably hate me, throw things and yell, but it was a risk that I was willing to take. I kept thinking about what Lillian had said and how her plans stemmed from me keeping him from learning the truth. After tonight, I was either going to have him on my side or as an enemy.

If I was going to drop this bombshell in his lap, then I was going to have to do something to make it easy to swallow. That mesh outfit was on underneath my clothing. It made me feel naughty to be wearing something so decadent that it was going to knock his socks off. I decided on a black leather dress. It was form fitting and molded to my considerable curves perfectly. I was not taking any chances. I had to let him know that my interest was more than just the job.

I was feeling pretty good about myself. The window was fixed and I had sold three cars in the span of 3-hours because they kept saying that there was something about me that made it hard to resist. It could’ve been the glow of innocence, or it could’ve been those naughty thoughts that I had about Marshall that kept my best feature on high beams. It was not exactly easy to keep those tendencies to myself.