Page 346 of Twin Brothers

Jeff was irresistible even now and Suzie squeezed her eyes tight to resist the urge to touch him or flirt with him. Instead, she walked past him and walked into Jared’s room. Strangely it was comforting. She moved the pillows around and crawled in. It smelled like Jared and felt like a warm hug. How could she be excited to have him back when she had betrayed him?

Hearing voices in the other room, she walked out to see Laura, flirting with Jeff. She was carrying some bags and followed Jeff into the living room. When she saw Suzie, she screamed and ran over her hugging her tight.

“You look awful. Take that sweater off right now. Something in these bags will fit you better than that old thing,” Laura said and she started rifling through the bags. Finally, after being forced to try on clothes and model them for a cheering audience (Laura and Jeff), Suzie found a few outfits that would be comfortable for at home and some dressier outfits. Laura was smaller than Suzie so the clothing was tight, giving her ample cleavage.

Jared arrived shortly before supper and he hugged Suzie in relief. “I am never leaving you alone again. You poor thing. Are you alright?”

“Yeah, I am fine,” Suzie replied.

“Thank you Jeff for being here. I don’t know what I would have done without you,” Jared continued. “You took care of what is most important to me.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Jeff said quickly. “Forget it.”

Jeff was quiet throughout supper and snapped at Jared when he was asked to relate the details from his perspective. Jared and Jeff exchanged words until Laura interrupted with a joke. Jeff muttered an apology and an excuse that he was tired and left the room. After supper Laura left, making Suzie promise they would go shopping on the weekend. Suzie eagerly agreed since she had nothing left, she also realized she needed to find somewhere to live. As she said goodbye to Laura, Suzie heard loud voices behind her. Jared and Jeff were arguing again and Jeff was aggressive. Not knowing what else to do, she ignored them and walked into the bedroom. Her head was spinning again as she remembered her promise to herself. The other lie became bigger than she had planned and she did not know what to do. Suzie showered and when she realized she could not stand both brothers in the same room, she went to bed.

Jared came in and crawled into bed with her. He had obviously had a few drinks. Wrapping his arms around her he whispered how much he loved having her and his brother in his life and then spoke of a party he planned on having on the weekend. “To celebrate you moving in with me,” he said. Stiffening, she thought again of the lie. Now that it was out of her system maybe she could move on. Could she?

The next morning as Jared was showering and getting ready for work, Jeff cornered her in the kitchen. Immediately their lips found each other and the sparks of electricity flew. Jeff pulled away even as Suzie wanted more. Then he looked at her with determination and said, “I have to tell him.”

“Are you ready? We have to go,” Jared said impatiently.

“I am not going,” Suzie replied, she was confused and overwhelmed and could not deal with work right now especially with Jared driving. “I am still feeling off.”

“Then I am staying home too,” Jared said, insisting on caring for her.

“No, please,” Suzie protested but to no avail. Jared called work and told them neither would be in that day. “There, now we can have the day together.”

Jeff left for work without saying a word. Jared and Suzie spent the day together, watching old movies and cuddling in bed, in between naps. It was not making Suzie feel better. She did not know what she wanted. Well, she had an idea about what she wanted but she had not accepted it yet. She wanted Jared that was for sure. He was her rock and he took care of her. They worked together and talked and shared so much. Then there was Jeff. Dark, forceful Jeff who had the power to get her to do anything. Just thinking about him made Suzie emit a soft moan.

“You okay?” Jared asked, kissing the top of her head and then stretching.

“No,” Suzie said moving away from Jared. “I am not comfortable. I want to go home.”

“This is your home now,” Jared said.

“Thanks. There is just a lot going on right now. It might take me a while,” Suzie sighed.

“Take all the time you need,” Jared said and then started the next movie and held her tight.

Later in the afternoon the phone rang. It was work and Jared got up and talked quietly in the kitchen. Coming back into the room, his face was solemn.

“I have to go into work for a few hours, do you want to come?” he asked her hopefully.

"No I will be fine," she said.

"Okay I will try to be quick. Call if you need anything and I will bring home supper." Jared tucked a blanket around her and got ready to go.

"Thanks, I think I will have a nap. Hope it goes wel

l," she said to him.

"Bye, love you.”

“Yeah, you too bye.”

Jared closed the door and she squeezed her eyes shut and held her breath. Then she settled back and tried to quiet her mind. Dozing on and off, Susie felt locked at a stalemate.

A while later her ears perked at the sound of the door opening. It was Jared home with supper she hoped. Nope it was Jeff. He looked at her and then looked away. Straight to the bathroom without a word, Jeff focused his full attention on everything except Suzie. She heard the shower run for a while. After it shut off, Jeff headed into the kitchen wrapped in a towel. Frozen in place Suzie listened to pots banging and water running in the kitchen. It was her turn to pretend to be watching TV.