Page 345 of Twin Brothers

“Yeah, she acts tough but she has been through a lot, she needs strength and support. So I need you to give it to her since I am not there,” Jared said.

I will give it to her alright, Jeff thought. I will bend her over the table and give it to her right now. Clearing his throat he instead replied, “Sure. Chill out.”

Suzie was panicking. She was late for work, again. Everything she had to wear was at her house and she had to rely on Jeff to get her there. He got off the phone and still had not got up. Suzie paced, then slowed as her stomach clenched in hunger. She ignored it and focused on getting to wo


“Can you drive me home?” she asked him.

“You don’t want to go to work wearing that?” Jeff gestured to the black sweater she had put back on.

“I just need to get some clothes on and get to work. Can we go?” Suzie insisted.

Slowly getting up, Jeff pulled on his jeans and shirt and followed Suzie out the door. Halfway home both their phones started going off. First it was a message from her boss asking her to call ASAP. Then Laura called at the same time Jared called Jeff, who pulled over to sort the chaos.

“OMG Suzie where are you. Everyone thought you were dead,” Laura gasped.

“Whoa, what? I just left a message saying I was running late,” Suzie said. “How could I be dead?”

“Your place, it burned to the ground. We all thought you were in it. Where are you?” Laura explained.

“No I’m fine. Look I got to go I will talk to you when I come in,” Suzie said then ended the call. Turning to Jeff who was still on the phone she said, “Drive. My place, now.”

Tossing the phone to her, Jeff drove. Jared was still on the phone and confirmed that there had been a fire. No one had been able to locate her so they called her work and chaos had ensued. Finally, Jared had been called and sorted everything out informing work she was safe and sound though would not be in to work that day. Jared then insisted she go back to his place and stay there until he arrived.

“It’s all taken care of babe. I will be home tonight, until then, take a day of rest.”

She did as she was told and allowed Jeff to take her back to Jared’s apartment. There was nothing left of her place, it had burned to the ground. Everything she had, which was not much, was gone. In shock, she fell silent. Jeff opened the door for her and guided her inside. She sat down on the couch shivering. Jeff went into the kitchen to make coffee. When he returned she was wrapped in his blanket. Locking eyes with her, he saw she was scared but there was fierceness there, a spark. Her hands shook when she took the cup from him and he helped her set it on the table. Then he turned and walked out of the room.

It was not just the shock of the fire that kept Suzie quiet, it was Jeff. She felt like the fire was punishment. Her house had burned while she was ravishing her boyfriend’s brother. It was quite fitting. Thinking about the previous night with Jeff, she started to warm up. Her mind was all over the place but it always came back to Jeff, preferably naked.

At that thought, Jeff walked back into the room carrying two plates. He set one down in front of her. It smelled delicious.

“There wasn’t much for groceries but you haven’t eaten since yesterday, probably why you are shaking so bad,” he said.

They ate in silence and Suzie felt much better afterwards. She got up and cleared their plates and cleaned up the kitchen. No one had ever cooked for her before. Jared always took her out or ordered in. The intimacy of Jeff preparing food for her caused her to pause. She was getting in over her head and she knew it. Jared would be home in eight hours and then what? She had told Jeff he could go to work and she would be fine, until Jared got back but he refused. Now, with coffee and food perking her up she was glad he would be staying home. This would probably be their last few hours together.

“Are you okay?” Jeff called.

No, she was far from okay. She was a mess. Though hearing his voice brought back the image of his skin on hers and she shivered. She might as well enjoy these last few hours since she had already crossed the line. Smiling to herself she walked into the living room.

Jeff was reclining on the couch and he looked up when she walked in. She sauntered in and sat down on the couch beside him, close but not touching. Teasing, she pretended to stretch then pulled her sweater off inch by inch. He laughed and grabbed her, pulling her onto him and wrapping them in a blanket. Eager to explore each other’s bodies they rocked with building intensity. Holding tight their pleasure mounting, Suzie cried out and Jeff covered her mouth with his as they matched rhythms and found release together. As their panting subsided they both fell quiet, still touching hands, chest to chest. Jeff lowered his gaze to hers, opening his mouth to speak.

“That is my inspiration. Oh. Wow. I want to paint you,” he spoke softly.

“Oh Jeff,” Suzie said sadly. “We can’t tell Jared.”

“Right, not about the painting and not about this. Just a little fun when no one is looking right?” Jeff winked at her.

“He loves me,” was all Suzie said.

Getting up from the couch, Jeff padded to the shower. Suzie watched him go, relishing seeing his hard body in all its glory.

“Better get back into girlfriend mode Suzie,” Jeff said when he caught her staring. Then he strutted in a circle before entering the bathroom and closing the door.

While Jeff showered, Suzie straightened up. She heard from Laura who was going to bring some clothes to Suzie since she had none of her own. The office had also done a collection for her and they had a few things. Jared was coming home for supper and as usual he would be bringing food home with him. Suzie felt physically and mentally prepared to deal with everyone when Jeff sauntered in.

“You might want to make his bed, look a little more slept in. It looks like you haven’t stepped foot in that room. Naughty,” Jeff teased.