Page 344 of Twin Brothers

“Beer and coffee is a weird combination,” Jeff said, his voice low and gruff.

“I am a weird girl,” she replied quietly.

“It has been a weird day,” Jeff added, then he turned back to his football game.

Suzie watched him while he was focused on his game. His long arms stretched out in front of him and his big hands lay on top of one another. The hands of an artist. She ached to see him paint again, wanted to probe that man’s mind and explore his body. He was so different from the man she saw now, engrossed in some football game. It was though he hid behind this tough guy because he was not admitting the artist he truly was. Suzie wondered where his painting was and if he had finished. Jeff looked over at her and caught her staring at him.

“It is only going to get weirder if you just stare at me all night and don’t say anything,” Jeff said.

“Oh, I was just thinking about your painting. Did you finish it? Where is it?” Suzie asked.

Jeff grunted. He did not like talking about painting but he knew she was asking because she felt a connection to it. What the hell, anything would be awkward when he was constantly undressing her with his eyes. “Umm. It is still at Mom’s studio. I haven’t worked on it since that day. Been busy arranging this job and lacking inspiration.”

“You should do more painting. Your work is inspiring. Your mom’s is too. I have been eager to paint since I got back, I think I will set up a small area in my house…My house. I really should go back and check that everything is okay,” Suzie rambled.

“No, you stay here. Everything is fine. Go over there tomorrow when it is light out. I made sure everything was locked up and closed when we left. No worries,” Jeff said, assuring her.

“Thanks. I will have that beer now,” Suzie said and she leaned forward and set her mug down on the table.

Handing her the bottle, Jeff willed her to move to the couch beside him. She didn’t and he shifted in his seat. Then antsy and bored faking an interest in the football game, he walked into the kitchen for food. Finding nothing in the fridge he started looking at the take-out menus on the counter across from the fridge. Suzie walked up to him and opened the fridge. Bending over for more beer, she bumped into Jeff. She stood and turned. Jeff took a beer from her hand and then, since she stood there unmoving, he reached behind her and closed the fridge.

Opening his beer, he drank most of it and then set it on the counter. Touching the fabric of the sweater she was wearing, Jeff moved his hand up and touched her cheek. Hearing the soft sigh escape her lips he traced them with his finger and then tilted her head up to him. Eyes locked on hers, Jeff leaned down and kissed her lips. She kissed back hard, pushing him back into the counter. Meeting her tongue with his, he grabbed her hips and pulled her closer. Still kissing him, Suzie let her hands wander to the hem of his shirt where she found skin and slid her hands up his back to his shoulders. His hard body under her touch made her tremble. Once again, a current ran between them. Fumbling and tugging at his clothes, Suzie pushed harder into the bulge in his pants. With a grunt, Jeff picked her up and she wrapped her legs around him, kissing his neck. Walking with her in his arms, he moved into the living room, turned off the television and sat down on the couch with her in his lap. Kissing his neck, her hands moved under his shirt tugging at it and pulling it up and off. Suzie’s mouth shaped an O of pleasure as she felt his naked torso beneath her. She tossed his shirt to the side and pulled away for a minute just looking at him. His eyes were softer but frantic and anticipating. He was breathing heavy watching her.

Her hands and arms tingled with pleasure as she ran them up and down his body. Moving over him she kissed his neck, then their lips met and she ran her hands through his hair. Jeff, finding the edge of her sweater started to pull it up over her head. She gasped and tried to resist, and he shifted positions using his face and mouth on her neck and ear, he eased the bulky sweater over her head. Feeling the cold air hit her naked body, Suzie’s nipples became hard. Jeff stopped moving and whispered, “Oh yes.” Staring at her ample breasts, he brought his face and then his hands to them, lavishing them with kisses and caresses. Suzie arched her back as waves of pleasure intensified. Jeff held her down, pulling her hips into him as she writhed on top of him. Biting, licking and grabbing at him she felt for and undid his pants. Desperate passion took over and Jeff moved Suzie off his lap and onto the couch. Pushing her back into the cushions he climbed on top of her, pressing his body into her. Again, Suzie tugged at his pants and pulled them down. Towering above her he pulled them off and cast them aside. Suzie, seeing how hard and ready he was, seeing his full body in its gleaming perfection, sparked a desire she had never felt before. A high-pitched moan of urgency escaped her lips as she felt him spread her legs and push into her. Quickly they became entangled and rose to the waves of pleasure that overtook them. Rubbing him, touching and tasting him seemed to release the electric charge between them until finally they found orgasmic release and fell, exhausted back onto the couch where they sat close but not touching and wrapped in Jeff’s sleeping bag.

A few minutes passed and Suzie looked at Jeff sitting beside her in the dark. “Well that was a bad idea.”

“Nothing about what just happened was bad,” Jeff smirked at her and moved closer.

“Ok, but what about…” Suzie started.

“Don’t say it,” Jeff interrupted. And before she could speak he put a finger to her lips. She bit it and stuck out her tongue to tease him. Then she licked his finger before sliding onto his lap under the blanket. They moved together stretched out on the couch. Still naked they groped in the dark and gently touched each other, taking the time to explore each other’s bodies. Slowly the pleasure and intensity built up and they succumbed to the pleasure and desire they had for each other.

The ringing phone woke them from their half dream state. They had pleasured each other until they fell asleep, still touching and exploring. Suzie opened her eyes. Jeff’s hand was still on her breast as she tried to distinguish which phone was ringing. Jeff picked up the phone with his other hand.

“Yeah,” he mumbled.

“Why are you answering Suzie’s phone?” Jared asked.

“Uh, sorry bro, she left it out here and I just grabbed it when I heard it ring,” Jeff stuttered.

“Still sleeping then. That figures. Get your ass up and find Suzie for me, you are going to be late,” Jared said in his condescending tone.

Jeff counted to three silently and passed the phone to Suzie who was removing herself from on top of him. She sat up and distanced herself from Jeff, pulling the blanket with her. She took a breath.

“Hi babe,” she said, trying to sound cheerful.

“Hey sweetheart, I wanted to check on you after yesterday and say I love you before you start your day.”

“Oh, thanks. I am fine, still a bit shaky but will be fine. Hope your day goes well too.” Suzie mumbled an I love you when Jared said it again. Then he asked to talk with Jeff.

“Is she really okay?” Jared asked Jeff.

“Yeah, she is fine. She is amazing. I mean okay, yeah she is okay. No worries,” Jeff said in reply.

“Okay, thanks. You have to look after her for me. I am so glad you are there with her,” Jared said with concern.

“She can handle herself just fine,” Jeff said.