Page 205 of Twin Brothers

Ivy crossed her arms and leaned on the door frame, with a sarcastic smile on her face. She hadn’t ever thought that Leon Cooper might ever admit to a shortcoming.

“You look mighty lost alright.” She said, the smile growing wider.

Leon pulled the glasses off his face and folded them on the table, looking at her with those chocolate brown eyes that she had grown to become so fond of.

“Do you want to help me? Or are you just going to stand there and make fun of me?” He asked, raising a mischievous eyebrow at her.

Ivy pursed her lips, enjoying this other new side of him.

“How long have you been sitting there? Secretly waiting for me to come out of my room, cowboy?” She asked, walking in his direction now.

He finally smiled. That same warm wide smile that always took her by surprise. It was strange to think that he was probably at least half a decade older than her, or maybe even more. In that instance, she felt more authoritative and wiser than him. He wasn’t trying to pretend that he knew more than her.

“Since eight o clock.” He said and Ivy burst out laughing.

She pulled out a chair at the table and sat down across from him.

She noticed the handsome plaid shirt he was wearing, the dampness of his sandy blonde hair, his clean-shaven jaw. He too had just taken a shower.

“You’re not working out on the ranch today?” She asked, absent-mindedly pulling the stack of papers towards her. They had never had such a normal, regular conversation before and Ivy was lost in enjoying the simplicity of it. Neither were they at each other’s throats, or trying to rip the clothes off each other.

“I have to get this done.” He said, running his fingers through his damp hair. Just watching him do that filled her with a sudden warmth. Just a small regular gesture, but it made him a bit more human.

She nodded her head, running her eyes over the papers in front of her.

“Now, I’m no accountant, but I took a few classes in college, just to study the business side of farming.” She said, looking up at him again.

“Give it your best shot, because mine looks like that.” Leon said, pointing at the stack of papers with a grin on his face. Ivy grinned back at him.

“Well, I can begin with arranging this in the right order first, and then we can take it from there. Do you have a record of all your business receipts? Bank transfers? The forms that need to be filled up?” She asked, crossing her legs and turning to him with a serious, business-like expression.

Leon stood up from his chair and nodded his head.

“I think so. I’ll go look for them, and pile them up there in a box or something.” He said.

“This could take a while, Leon.” Ivy said, stopping him as he made his way out of the kitchen.

“I don’t expect you to do much. Just help me out with what you can, and then I’ll hire an accountant for the rest of it.” He said, their eyes meeting again. Ivy blushed, because she couldn’t stop thinking about how nice this was. How normal this felt.

“Sure. What did you do before this? With your money, I mean.” She said, genuinely wondering how a billionaire cowboy managed all his funds.

Leon shrugged his shoulders.

“My father did it. I just worked our farms and ranch in Minnesota. When he died, I bought this place. I’ve never looked into the business side of things. This is all new to me.” He said frankly, and Ivy smiled again. Suddenly he looked like a much younger version of himself, lost and confused.

“You’ll get the hang of it soon, it’s not that hard.” She said and he nodded, before disappearing out of the room.

She sighed as she looked at the papers again.

She had lied, it wasn’t that easy and all of the paperwork looked like at least ten days’ worth of work.

But after the next day it wasn’t going to be her problem anymore. Once her father picked her up, she could forget about the ranch, Leon Cooper and his accounts. For now, she was planning on enjoying working with him, in a few hours it would be night again and then the dawn of a new day.

She bit down on her lips as she thought about that moment when he had walked into her father’s pub. She could still remember how she had felt by just looking at him. He still made her feel that way, but the wise thing to do would be to just train herself to forget about it.

“You really do need to get an accountant!” Ivy said, widening her eyes at Leon who was sitting across from her at the table. The glasses were back on his face and he had a pencil stuck behind his ear.

He looked up at her, again from on top of his glasses and gave a smirk.