“I dare you to lick Kristin’s nipples for two minutes,” he said triumphantly. “Unless of course, you have an objection, Kristin.”

“Of course not.” She smiled. “I mean, it’s all for the sake of the game, right? I am dedicated to making this game run smoothly, and if it means I have to give up my nipples to a little tongue action from a sexy-ass woman, well those are just the sacrifices that will have to be made. Who am I to deprive Amber of the dare you just assigned her?”

“Amber?” Matt said, looking at her with darkened eyes.

“Gladly,” she said, hopping up off the couch.

We all watched with bated breath as she moved across the living room and bent down in front of Kristin. She slowly pulled her tank top off and tossed it to the side, grabbing her perked breast with one hand and massaging it as she stared into Kristin’s eyes. She lowered her head down and pulled Kristin’s nipple in her mouth, sucking it hard. She turned and did the same with her other nipple before pulling her head up a bit and swiping her tongue across it. As she flicked her tongue, Kristin leaned her head back and started to moan loudly, grasping on to the brick beneath her. She reached up and ran her fingers through Ambers blonde locks, really getting into the motions. I was pretty sure if no one said anything, they would be licking each other’s pussies in no time.

I reached down and adjusted myself, realizing that my cock was hard as stone. It was starting to become really uncomfortable, especially since Jessica had played with it before we climbed down from hammock to play poker. I wanted Kristin so bad. Her kiss had made me unbearably aroused, and now, the sight of her and Amber—two extremely beautiful and sexual women—touching each other was pushing me way over the edge. All I wanted to do was get up and stick my cock in Kristin, watching her moan and scream from the way Amber’s mouth felt on her body. I wanted to feel her juices running down my cock and over my balls. But could I really do it? Could I actually fuck another woman, or women for that matter? What would Jessica feel, watching me balls deep inside of Kristin?

Jason kept the time on his watch as Amber pushed Kristin harder and harder. For a moment, I really thought that I was going to watch Kristin burst open from the seams and come all over herself from the flick of Amber’s tongue, but she refrained from climaxing at that moment. When she was done, she kissed Kristin on the cheek and walked back over to her husband. It was now her turn to ask, and I could see she had her eye on Jessica.

“Alright Jessica, Truth or Dare?”

“Dare, of course,” Jessica said with a smile.

“I dare you to race me in a horsey race,” she said with a big grin.

“Alright, what in the world is a horsey race?”

“I’ll show you,” Jason said excitedly.

For some reason, I had a feeling that even though the name sounded innocent, there was not anything sweet about what was about to happen. Either way, I was already really curious and if it had anything to do with these girls naked, then I was down. Jason jumped up, still naked, his t-shirt dislodging with his movement and his huge cock swinging around. He sat down on the edge of the couch with his knees bent. I furrowed my brow, trying to understand what in the hell was actually going on. Amber stood up, patting me on the back and walked over to Jason. She walked forward and straddled one of his knees.

“No, no, no,” Jessica said, shaking her finger. “You know the rules. Horsey races do not allow any articles of clothing at all. Especially not your socks, since last time, you tried to cheat.”

“I did not,” Amber said, feigning shock.

“You wore gripping socks, so you wouldn’t fall off,” Jessica said, pointing her finger at Amber.

“Not on purpose.” She laughed.

Amber started laughing and giggling as she stood up and took off her clothes. I couldn’t help but stare at her sexy body, wishing she was going to be straddling my and not Jason’s. Jason leaned back and stabilized himself with his hands as he moved his legs apart, making space for Jessica and Amber to both straddle a leg, facing away from him. The girls climbed on with serious faces, every once in a while, letting out a short burst of laughter here and there.

“Alright, ladies, here are the rules,” Jason said in the voice of an announcer. “You each straddle my leg. There is no gripping on with your hands. They have to stay above your heads at all times. The first person to fall off or orgasm is the loser.”

“I don’t know if you would consider it losing if you came,” Kristin said, smirking.

“And we’re off,” Jason said, starting to bounce his knees up and down at a rapid pace.

My eyes grew huge, and it was like, for a moment, I was watching this extraordinary thing in slow motion. There were titties flying everywhere, and watching them was like watching a porno. My cock was almost instantly hard. The girls were laughing hard and loud, trying desperately to hold on to Jason’s bucking knees. Jessica lowered her hands and grabbed her breasts, breaking the rules, but there wasn’t a single person that was going to call her out on it. My wife was sexier than fuck, the way she rode him, her thighs flexing as he moved beneath her. I wasn’t sure whether to cheer her on or hope she fell off.

I could see the up and down motion of Jason’s leg stimulating both of the girls’ pussies, and neither of them were trying to hide the fact that they were grinding down on his leg, rubbing themselves even harder. After a few moments, the giggling stopped, and a lustful haze fell over the room. The speed of their breath was picking up, and Amber was starting to close her eyes, a look of pleasure on her face. Small moans escaped both of their throats as Jason picked up the pace, running his hand down both of their backs and watching them as he pushed through the pain in his thighs. Finally, after several moments, Amber’s foot slipped right out from under her, and she fell over sideways, catching herself before she hit the floor. She slammed her fists down on the floor and shook her head as Jessica hopped up and threw her hands in the air like a champion. Everyone started chanting Jessica’s name, and she clasped her hands together and shook them high in the air.


e turned toward me and smiled, prancing across the floor in full glory before sitting across my lap and kissing me long and hard, with passion behind it I had never felt from her before. She slowly turned her tongue, exploring my mouth and straddling my body. I felt her soft, supple skin on the palms of my hands as I held onto her tightly. Between the intensity of the way she was kissing me and the fact that she was straddling me with my hard cock rubbing beneath her, I could barely handle it anymore. I slipped my hand down between her quivering thighs and rubbed through her folds, feeling her breath increase. She was so wet, she was practically dripping all over me. I rubbed a little more, feeling the tenseness of her clit against my fingers. She thrust her hips forward and ground against my hand, our mouths still tightly pushed together. It was in that moment that I made my decision.

I no longer could sit there watching this and not give in to the urges that were bursting to come out. I felt stronger than my fears for the first time since we arrived there. I wanted my wife to feel the most pleasure she possibly could, and I wanted to do the same with her. I was no longer going to sit back as a tourist, and I was going to accept anything and everything that came next in that little lusty cabin in the woods.



“Alright, little miss Jessica.” Kristin laughed. “I know you are busy over there, but it is your turn to keep the game moving. Unless of course, you want us all to join in with you over there and take your Austin on a ride of his own.”

“No.” She laughed, turning around. “I’m ready. Let’s do this. Let me see, who do I want to be the next Truth or Dare victim of this house?”