I straightened up in my seat, realizing that while I was daydreaming, Kristin had leaned into Jason and they were whispering and giggling to each other. I smiled at Matt and leaned into him, remembering how excited I was to be spending a vacation with him. We both worked so much that getting time away like that was a huge treat for both of us.

“I want to know what you are thinking,” he whispered, making me blush.

“You,” I said, kissing him sweetly and turning back to Kristin and Jason.

I had never told Matt about my college sexcapades, worried that he would think of me differently. He might find it hot, but he also might find it completely crazy and uncomfortable, something I did not want to take the chance with. It had been a long time ago—no matter how much it was on my mind at that moment—and it wasn’t anything that was going on by th

e time Matt and I had met each other. He had hung out with all of us in college, but not in the same way that we hung out behind closed doors. He was the star football player, completely absorbed in his game, trying to make it to the big team like every other player, only Matt was also dedicated to his education. In the in-between time, he would hang out with us at the bars, talk about his last plays on the field, and was completely oblivious to the chemistry between the rest of us. It was all for the best in the end, since he probably wouldn’t have taken me seriously had he known.

Matt and Jason had always gotten along so well, constantly talking about sports, rehashing the memories of when Matt used to play football, which he loved, and bonding over the fact that they were both married. Men did that, and though I thought it was weird, I guess it wasn’t any weirder than two girls bonding over the fact that they wore the same lipstick. Since the two of them were good friends, at least when we were around each other, I didn’t want there to be any possible occurrence of jealousy or awkwardness between them. So, I kept silent about everything from our past, just trying to keep everything on an even keel.

Instead, I put some serious thought into how good it felt when Jason would lick my body from head to toe, bringing me immeasurable pleasure. I could feel my palms sweating, knowing that his face between my legs was what was on my mind while I cuddled up with Matt in the limo. I was more than relieved when the limo finally reached the resort and we piled out, going to the front desk to check into our own separate rooms. I needed to get away from the situation for a minute in order to get my mind straight.

When we got into our suite, I let out a deep breath, relieved that I was finally alone with Matt. The feeling inside of me couldn’t hide much more, and I was overflowing with desire because of Kristin’s teasing the entire way from the airport to the resort. I put my bags down and watched my husband milling around the room, my eyes searching his body and my bottom lip between my teeth. As soon as he turned around, I lunged forward and pounced on him. My lips pressed heavily against his, immediately pushing my tongue inside his mouth and tasting the champagne on his lips. I pulled and tugged at his shirt, needing to feel his skin. He chuckled at my eagerness and pulled his shirt off, flexing his muscles. From there, he didn’t stop, taking his clothes off as I hurriedly got naked and jumped onto the bed. He crawled up towards me, running his lips just close enough to my skin for me to feel his breath. The intensity and want was unimaginable.

He pulled himself in front of me and sat up on his knees, grabbing his long, hard shaft in his hands and smiling down at me with mischief in his eyes. I bit my lip and grabbed my perked breasts, wanting to feel him inside of me. There was no time, nor any need for foreplay, especially since I had been primed and ready since the limo ride. He began to move forward but stopped and looked over at the door.

“You don’t waste any time, do you?” Jessica asked.

My head shot up, and I peered around Matt, staring at Jessica with her bright red hair and green eyes staring back at me. Behind her was Kristin, and they were both laughing hysterically. I didn’t even know what to feel, but I knew it was somewhere between arousal and irritation. I quickly moved back, scurrying to grab the covers and pull them up on myself. I knew that if they were there, that would mean Jason and possibly even Austin weren’t that far behind.

“Oh, please, don’t rush covering up for us,” Jessica said, leaning her head sideways and biting her lip as she stared at Matt’s dick.

Luckily, Matt knew them both and wasn’t the shy kind of person. He chuckled and nodded his head as he grabbed a pillow and sat back, covering his crotch. I, on the other hand, was starting to feel like it was too much, too fast, and the fact that my husband was slightly flushed, irritated the hell out of me. They could have at least let me get laid before barging into my room.

“Okay, how the hell did you two get into my room?” I stared at them, waiting for an answer. “I’m fucking serious. I’ve been here like five fucking minutes. How the hell did you get into my room?”

From the looks on Jessica and Kristin’s face, I could tell this was just the beginning.



“Seriously, how the fuck did you get into my room?” I could hear Amber freaking out as I made my way down the hall toward Amber and Matt’s suite.

I could also hear the laughter of the other two girls, which made me know I was about to walk up on something interesting. I was not disappointed when I walked around the corner to see Amber covered up in the bed and Matt sitting back with a pillow in his lap, both completely naked. I chuckled and leaned against the doorway, catching up on what I had missed.

“We convinced the front desk clerk that we had switched rooms and finagled a key out of him,” Kristin said, smiling.

“Actually, if you want to be specific, Kristin flirted with the poor man until he couldn’t see straight,” Jessica replied. “I’m pretty sure at that point, he would have given her the register if she had asked for it.”

I laughed quietly, having no doubt in my mind that Kristin flirting to get what she wanted was the truth. My wife was a giant flirt, and she had gotten her way more than once by using that tactic, even with me, who adamantly refused to believe I was still at risk of falling victim to her charms. Most men would hate that their wife flirted with everyone to get their way, but not me. In fact, most of the time, it actually turned me on that she was powerful and seductive enough that she could use her sexuality as a tool.

I walked farther into the room and leaned my back against the wall with my arms crossed in front of me. I stared over at Amber and took in the fact that she was almost completely naked right there in front of me. The curves of her perfectly-shaped, perky breasts and the way the sheet draped over her tight body let me know that she had not changed a bit since she was in college. She was just as sexy as I remembered, if not more with the tiny bit of aging that showed in the laugh lines at the corner of her eyes. I could still remember how good it felt to fuck her, how her body wrapped around me, her pussy tight and wet, and the sound of her moans echoing through my head. Her skin was soft and warm, and I loved grabbing onto her ass as I pushed deep inside of her. My cock was starting to get hard in my pants just thinking about it.

My eyes moved from Amber to my wife Kristin as she turned around and looked up at me with a smile. I knew exactly what she was thinking, and with a wink of her eye, I could tell she had a full-fledged plan of attack in her mind. I smiled and looked at Jessica who was turning toward me.

“Well, hello there,” she said, still laughing. “Absolutely good to see you.”

“Jessica,” I said, nodding my head and smirking.

I had known Jessica a long time as well, in more than one way, and she had always been a tough read. She had gone off and married someone outside the circle of our sexual relationship, so I wasn’t sure whether she was part of this whole plan my wife had cooked up or not. If she was, I knew we were in for a very good time. On the outside, Jessica had a seriously hard demeanor, never giving away too much about how she was feeling. Most of the time, you couldn’t actually know whether she liked you or if she was planning your imminent demise. You just had to have faith in your friendship. When we first met, I thought she was hotter than hell, with her perfect curves, big tits, and that redhead mischief in her green eyes, but I wasn’t even thinking about fucking with her. Her personality was distant, almost cold, until she got comfortable with me. Then it was quite a bit different.

No matter how cold Jessica came off, once she thawed, it was almost instantaneous. The fire inside of her would catch, smoldering and crackling for an extremely long time. That fire was one of the things that attracted me so much to her. As roommates, we had fooled around more times than I could remember, and the vision of her amazing body and pale skin aching for me was etched into my mind for eternity. I shook my head, trying to get my mind right, knowing that if I were to continue these thoughts, I would need to borrow one of Matt’s pillows to

hide my own erection, and it wasn’t quite time for that yet. I did have to laugh as Amber climbed out of the bed and put a robe on, throwing one to Matt as the girls booed.

I walked up behind my wife and wrapped my arms around her waist, grinding my hard cock into her ass. She turned her head toward me and smiled knowingly, turning me on even more. We’d had an open marriage for years, and if I knew my delectable little wife the way I thought I did, she was up to something. It shocked me that she was going for it on this trip since we hadn’t fooled around with Amber and Jessica since college, and they were now married and in monogamous relationships. I wasn’t positive about Jessica’s state of mind, but from Amber’s outburst, it looked like Kristin had a bit of a hill to climb if she thought she was going to convince her to swing. Not to mention both Jessica’s and Amber’s husbands, who knew nothing about our past together. If anyone could do it, though, it was my wife.