“I’ve been working all the extra hours on these cases because I have been trying desperately to get a promotion,” he revealed. “It requires a lot, but once I have it, the workload will go down a lot. I want to start a family with you, and in order to do that, I need to know that we have stability. This promotion will bring job security, regardless of who is in office. It will bring financial security that will only go up from that point, and it will allow me to feel comfortable knowing my family will always be taken care of, no matter what. That is why I’ve been putting in the extra hours.”


I was completely overwhelmed by what he had just revealed to me. I had no idea that he was thinking about having a family with me. I thought I was the only one with that on my mind. I figured that everything he did was to further his career, not to further our relationship or our family. I leaned in and threw my arms around his neck, squeezing him even harder than before. Everything was starting to make sense to me now. The longer nights, the extra workload, it was all a pathway to a better life.

“I want all of those things, too,” I said, choked up. “But we are here now, and I want us to enjoy this vacation, not continue to keep looking past where we are standing, especially if you are going to go right back to working just as hard when we return home.”

“I understand,” Austin said, nodding his head. “You are right. They know I am on vacation. They don’t expect anything from me, and if I keep pushing through the present, I am going to reach the end of my life and not remember what and who got me there to begin with. This promotion is important, but I promise you that I will try harder to be present during our trip.”

“Thank you,” I said, hugging him again. “I just want all of it to be worth it, you know? I want to know that we will be okay so that when we get to that place to start a family, we are still there as partners, not strangers.”

We sat there staring into each other’s eyes, finally feeling like we were back on the same page. It had been a while since I felt that kind of connection to him, and I was glad that we could talk things out without screaming, or tears, or anger. I really did want a family with him. After a few moments, Austin raised his head and cocked it to the side as if he were listening for something. I looked at him funny.

“What is that noise?” he asked.

I lifted my head and waited to hear whatever it was he was talking about. Suddenly, I heard it too, an almost rhythmic pounding coming from the side of the house. It was strange and slightly alarming because that was where Jason and Kristin had disappeared to. I stayed alert for several more minutes, listening to the sound, watching the Scotch shake in my glass. I looked back at Austin and shrugged my shoulders, a look of concern still on my face. I slowly stood up and straightened my sweater, feeling the chill that was seeping from the still broken front door. I walked over to the window and looked outside, but all I could see was a blanket of white coming from the storm out there. I looked to the right and squinted, seeing what looked like the edge of Jason’s coat sticking out from the corner of the porch. That was strange. What the hell were they doing out there? It had to be in the teens, if not colder.

I looked harder and realized that the jacket was moving in and out of my field of vision. I stopped, listened, and watched for several moments, trying to get the connection. Suddenly, with wide eyes, I brought my hand up to my forehead. The coat was moving in and out at the same rhythm as the pounding against the side of the house. I looked again and waited to nod my head, noticing that with every push forward was another loud thud. Oh my God. I had to be wrong. There was no way they were doing that in a blizzard on the front porch. What was I saying? If anyone would think that was a good idea, it would be Kristin and Jason. Immediately, I started laughing, walking away from the window and covering my mouth. Austin looked over at me with confusion.

“What’s so funny? Is the house falling down? Did the abominable snowman finally make its way here through the blizzard?”

I shook my head and laughed even harder at Austin’s comments. I couldn’t believe that I was about to say the words that were on my mind. Only in my life, and only with Kristin and Jason, would something like this actually come to mind. Anyone else on earth, I would assume was being attacked by a bear, hit by a falling tree limb, or something else equally as horrifying, but nope.

“I think that the sound we are hearing is Jason and Kristin banging outside on the patio,” I said through giggles.

“No way.” Austin chuckled. “That is ridiculous. It’s like minus ten degrees outside.”

He walked over to the door and stood there for a second before opening up the door slowly. I watched him as he shook his head at me and began to crane his head out of the doorway. There was no way I was going to miss this, so I grabbed my jacket and scurried over to the open door, shivering as the cold air hit me in the face. If Kristin and Jason were doing it in a blizzard on the front porch, it was unquestionably one fuck that was going down in the history books.



I swung the door open and looked back at Jessica, who was laughing and pulling on her coat. Slowly, I craned my head around the corner, feeling her run up next to me. I almost fell flat out in the snow from what I was staring at. Jason and Kristin pressed against the side of the house, and clear as day, he was fucking the hell out of her. Both their bare skin was bright red from the wind and the snow, but that wasn’t going to stop them from reaching the finish line. I couldn’t imagine what it felt like to fuck in a blizzard on a porch. However, Kristin seemed to be in heaven. Her hands were clutched against the wood, her knuckles white from holding on so tightly, and her moans were constant, rolling along with the rhythm of his hard thrusts. The porch was shaking every time he slammed his dick into her, and little drifts of snow would fall from the roof and swirl around their half-naked bodies. They showed absolutely no sign of being cold at all.

I blinked several times, thinking that maybe I had hit my head, or maybe they were not fucking on the porch during a blizzard, but no, there they were, plain as day. My eyes widened, and I turned, looking at Jessica, expecting to see the same baffled expression on her face. My mind went wild, and I couldn’t even begin to think of what she would say if I tried to fuck her in a snow drift. She was much too put together for that. Jessica was standing there right beside me, watching them fuck, but instead of being completely shocked, or even surprised at what we were looking at, she looked amused. She literally looked like this was no big deal and it happened all the time. These crazy kids were at it again. There was a slight smirk on her face, and she was shaking her head, obviously wanting to laugh.

My mind couldn’t seem to catch up with what my eyes were seeing. There they were, naked as hell, fucking in the snow, yet I still couldn’t believe it. On top of that, my wife was standing there laughing like this was not out of the ordinary at all. Then, before I could even try to piece it together, Kristin turned her head toward us and caught sight of her audience. I didn’t know whether to stand there or run. I figured her response would be somewhere around shock, but I was wrong, very wrong. Kristin simply smiled and waved before clenching down, arching her back, and moaning loudly as she moved her way toward orgasm. In all honesty, if I hadn’t been shocked out of my mind, I might actually find it arousing, but I wasn’t even sure what to think. My cock had something else on its mind, though, and it shot rock hard in my pants, startling me from my shocked and frozen state.

I reached over and grabbed Jessica by the arm and yanked her back into the house, closing the door as quietly as I possibly could, as if they hadn’t already realized that we were standing there watching them fuck on the front porch. When the door was shut, I rubbed my hands together and walked over to the fireplace, staring down into the flames. I was in complete and total shock, unable to process what I had just witnessed on the front porch of the cabin. I was starting to realize I didn’t really know any of these people the way that I thought I did. I shook my head and looked up at Jessica, again noticing that she didn’t seem the least bit fazed by what we just saw. It was like we were both standing on two completely different porches, watching two completely different scenes take place. It was baffling my mind.

I jumped, turning toward the sound of the bathroom door flying open. Amber and Matt reappeared, sporting identical expressions on their faces, something that I couldn’t make out. I hadn’t even realized that they were missing until that moment. I watched as they walked over to the couches like zombies and sat down, sweat on Matt’s forehead and Amber’s hair all wild and knotted. I glanced at Jessica who was now giggling at Matt and Amber as if this was a completely normal thing. What in the hell was going on in this house?!

Just then, the door to the outside flew open, and Jason and Kristin sauntered in as if they had just been out for a leisurely stroll and nothing more. I stared at them, back at Matt and Amber, and then over at my wife, who was nonchalantly standing there. Kristin skimmed past me, and I looked her in the face, shaking slightly as she winked in my direction and walked to the kitchen. That was it. I was completely done. I couldn’t take one more second of any of the madness, especially since I seemed to be the only one in it. I grabbed Jessica by the hand and looked at her in the face before turning and pulling her toward the bathroom.

I could hear the others laughing behind us as I walked, but I ignored them, more worried about figuring out what was happening than who was doing what at that moment. When we got into the bathroom, I slammed the door behind myself and gripped my wife by the shoulders. She looked up at me slightly bewildered, but I could tell she was hiding a smirk.

“Okay, I give up,” I said. “I am asking the question.”

“What question?”

“The question that any normal person should be asking,” I said, shaking her slightly. “What in the hell is going on?”

Jessica stood there perched in my hands for several minutes, just staring up at me. It was like she was trying to gather enough strength to answer my question, but no words were coming out of her. She looked me in the face and tried to muster a seriousness, but before she could escape whatever was going on in her head, she burst into a fit of giggles. I dropped my hands and stared at her, trying to figure out if she had lost her mind, or if it was me that had completely lost it. Maybe it was cabin fever.

“Baby,” she said, controlling her laughter. “Kristin has always been crazy for as long as I have known her. Exhibition is just one of her things. She likes it when she gets caught fucking Jason. She likes when people watch her. It makes her even more aroused. Why do you think that she came as soon as she saw us? It’s like, her thing. Kind of like the people that like whips and chains, or the people that get off to feet sex. Only hers isn’t quite as disgusting. At least, I don’t think so.”