“What’s the matter, sugar? Don’t you recognize me? Don’t think unemployment suits me?”
“No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way.”
“Tell me, sweetheart, is your boyfriend on this flight? I hear he’s been doing so well since I was told to get my ass out of Dodge. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy, either, if you want my humble opinion.”
His voice was hard and angry. I was sure that if he had the ability to physically wound me with his words, he would not have hesitated. I had an idea he would have destroyed the entire plane if he could have. He wouldn't have even given a thought to what would have become of him. People who were at rock bottom, the way he appeared to be, rarely did. The force of his hatred struck me so hard, I couldn't think of an answer. Again, it was Tony who swooped in to save the day.
“Mr. Stevens, I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say it’s good to see you again, and we’re sorry about the way things played out. Still, we can’t stand around and catch up all day. You know that better than anyone. So, if I can see your ticket, I’ll be happy to show you to your seat.”
“I’ve got my ticket right here, boy. Don’t worry about that. First class ticket, right here. And I know how to find my damn seat.”
“Wonderful. Then I must ask you to go ahead and be seated. We’ll be taking off very shortly.”
“Spare me,” he snapped. “I know the drill. I’ll sit down like a good little boy.”
Mr. Stevens sneered at us both and then shoved past us, almost knocking me over in the process. As he went, I realized that the stench of alcohol on him was almost overwhelming. This was not the smell of a guy who had knocked back a drink or two. This was a man who had been drinking steadily for days and days. I glanced at Tony, and all he had to do was give me a nod for me to know that he had smelled the same thing. Fred Stevens was dangerously drunk and very, very angry.
“Will you excuse me for a minute?” I asked Tony in as light a tone as I could pull off, painfully aware that Fred was trying hard to listen in. “I need to go let the captain know we’re fully loaded.”
“Sure thing, doll. Just hurry back, won’t you?”
"Believe me, I definitely will."
The walk from where Tony and I stood to the cockpit door was only a couple of feet, but it felt like miles. By the time I was close enough to knock, I was almost sure I was going to pass out. It was only the sound of Drew's voice granting me entry through the door that kept me up and alert. I opened the door quickly, hoping that Fred Wouldn't do anything stupid while I was away, and shut it soundly behind me.
“What’s the trouble, Jess? You look upset.”
"I just, I'm not sure that I even need to say anything, but then I started thinking that it might turn into a problem, and things would be worse if I didn't. So here I am."
“What are we talking about here, Jess? What kind of a potential problem?”
“It’s Mr. Stevens. Fred Stevens.”
“What about him?” Drew asked, frowning.
“He’s on the plane. Not only is he on the plane, but from the way he smells, he’s pretty seriously intoxicated.”
For a very long minute, neither Drew nor his co-pilot said anything. I could see Drew's jaw working and the veins in his temple pumping overtime, though. I knew he was pissed, and I felt my unease click over into genuine fear. Drew had no tolerance for people like Fred. I understood why, but that didn't mean I wanted all hell to break loose on the plane. It had been my duty to tell the pilots about Stevens being on the plane. I believed that. Stevens was drunk, and technically, we could kick him off the plane just for that. But now, it was Drew's duty to put his personal feelings aside and make a decision based on safety. When he finally opened his mouth to speak, I held my breath, terrified of what he might say.
“Just keep an eye on him, will you?”
“That’s all?” I asked.
"That's all. He's not behind the wheel, and he's not flying this plane. I don't love that he's on this plane, but for now, we’ll let the man fly. But if he kicks up any kind of disturbance, tell me immediately."
Chapter 21: Drew
“Things are looking good up here, right?” I asked.
"Roger that, Larson," my co-pilot answered without ever taking his eyes off the sky in front of us. I had flown with the guy a couple of times and never had a problem with him. But having Stevens on the plane made me appreciate a competent co-pilot all over again. Jess had left the cockpit with my reassurance that Fred being on our plane was nothing any of us needed to worry about, but in my gut, I had a bad feeling.
This was a man who had been given an opportunity to clean up his act and had refused to take it. This was a man who had waited for me in the shadows of the airport to whine, complain, and ultimately launch threats. Maybe him being on our flight was just a shitty coincidence, but then again, maybe it wasn't that at all. Maybe he was there to start trouble, and if that was the case, I couldn't stand knowing that Jess was out there dealing with him while I was safe in my little locked room.
“Good,” I said. “Hey, do you mind if I step out for a minute? I’m going to use the bathroom.”
“And double check to make sure Stevens isn’t doing anything he shouldn’t be?”
“Maybe,” I said.