Page 159 of Mine Forever

“If I didn’t have my company, we wouldn’t have any of this,” I said sharply. “And you wouldn’t have fifty thousand dollars in the bank, just waiting for the day you go to college.”

Brett looked sour. “I just want to play,” he whined. His eyes lit up with hope. “Dad, if you…I dunno, inspect it, can you let me play? Just for a little bit?”

“No,” I said sternly. “Go to your room and do your homework.”

Brett glared at me. I could practically read his thoughts: “I hate you.”

“I know you’re mad,” I continued calmly. “But this is for the best, Brett.”

“Whatever,” Brett mumbled under his breath. He glared at me for a long pause, then turned on his heel and stomped up the stairs.

Just then, Isabelle came out of the kitchen. She wiped her hands on her apron and cocked her head to the side.

“Is everything okay, Mr. Thomas?”

I nodded and heaved a sigh. “Yes,” I said. “But when you have a free moment, would you mind cleaning this up?” I gestured down to all of the packing peanuts. “When everything is back in the box, please tape it up, set the box in my office, and lock the door.”

Isabelle frowned but she nodded. “Yes, Mr. Thomas,” she said. “Is that a present for Brett?”

I shrugged. “I have no idea,” I said, struggling to stay calm. “It arrived with no return address.”

Isabelle nodded. “I see,” she said. “Anything else, Mr. Thomas?”

“Yeah,” I said. “Please call my ex-wife and make sure she can take Brett over the weekend. I have reason to believe I’ll be entertaining.”

Isabelle nodded again. “Would you like me to do anything? Prepare for your company?”

“No, thank you,” I said. “That will be all, Isabelle.”

Isabelle darted back into the kitchen and I sighed and closed my eyes. Right now, the thought of bringing June here and fucking her senseless was the only thing keeping me sane.

I wondered how much other shit could possibly go wrong before I’d crack.

Chapter Twelve


I was shocked when Thomas showed up at my apartment on Friday evening, unannounced. He looked gorgeous in a tailored suit – I could tell that he’d come directly from work.

I could also tell that something was really bothering him. There seemed to be distance between us, distance that I couldn’t seem to reach. Thomas was acting both interested and cold…I wondered what was going on.

“I’ve arranged for Brett to spend the weekend with his mother,” Thomas said. He raised an eyebrow at me. “How about you come home with me and spend the night? We’ll order takeout,” he added. “Whatever kind you like.”

I flushed hotly. “Even cheap pizza?”

“No cheap pizza,” Thomas said. He smiled, but there was no hint of warmth or affection in his eyes. “But I promise you’ll enjoy yourself.”

I glanced down. “Should I…change?” I was still wearing the same jeans, blouse, and cardigan that I’d changed into when I’d come home from school. The event of the previous day had left me reeling, and my day had only been a success in that thankfully, I hadn’t seen Andy at all.

Thomas chuckled. “No need,” he said. “I think you look perfect. After all, we’re not exactly going to do anything fancy, now are we?”

I blushed. “I guess not,” I said softly.

After leaving a note for Angela, I stuck my cell phone charger in my purse and followed Thomas outside. This time, there was no Porsche – only a shiny black Lincoln SUV parked by the curb.

“Sometimes I don’t feel like driving,” Thomas said. He smirked. “So, I have a car service.”

“Ah,” I said. I bit my lip as Thomas helped me into the luxe expanse of the backseat.