Page 21 of Mine Forever

Although it was clear that both girls were disappointed by my rejection, I thought I had done enough ego stroking to have them heading out for the night feeling okay about things. That was good. I had no desire for drama, and at the moment, no desire for any sexy flight attendants. I already had one of those, and she was more than enough for me.

“All right, suit yourself,” flight attendant number one called over her shoulder as they made their way off the plane. “But whoever she is, she’s one lucky bitch.”

The two women dissolved into laughter again and were gone, leaving me the last person on the plane. Grinning to myself, I collected my things and left as well. I wasn't interested in the flight attendants, but on second thought, I might be interested in a drink in the lounge as well.

This had been a good flight. The plane's captain had been efficient, professional, and best of all, sober. I had been feeling good for the duration of the flight, and the mention of the "lucky bitch" I was seeing only helped to improve my mood. I wouldn't have ever even thought about calling her a bitch, and as far as I was concerned, I was the lucky one, but still.

Jess and I hadn't had a flight with each other since the one to Dallas, and that had made things hard. Even when two people had the same flight schedules, dating in the air could be difficult. It was a strange schedule to keep, and sometimes, the constant access to strange rooms and the strange people who filled them could make fidelity and honesty in a relationship brutal.

I had never been one for either of those things at the best of times, but somehow, for some reason, I had been making it work with Jess. We'd only been dating for about a month, which wasn't that long according to most people's standards, but for me, it might as well have been a fucking century. Three or four dates in, I was still hooked on Jess, and that felt like some kind of miracle. Thinking about her made me smile, and I pulled out my cell, tempted to call her, despite the fact that it was already late enough for her to be asleep. Jess had texted me.

“Hey, mister. Emma and I are off to bed. Hope you had the best flight and can’t wait till we get to see each other again.”

I sighed, feeling love-struck and wishing I could hear her voice as I returned my phone to my pocket. Lately, I’d been thinking that maybe it was time to try and do something about how different our schedules were.

There was plenty of uncertainty involved with air crew scheduling, and that was no secret. Anyone who took a job on a crew knew to expect that. That being said, it didn't mean we were completely helpless. It wasn't a guarantee that we could do something about our different schedules, but there was precedent for changing things up.

We were allowed to put in requests for our schedules, and there had been plenty of people to put those requests in so that they could fly as a couple. I had been thinking about that a lot lately, and there was only one thing that was stopping me. In our world, the world of the air crew, putting in a request like that was the same as announcing yourself as a couple on fucking social media.

I could ask Jess what she thought about the requests, and I had a pretty good feeling she would be down for it, but I wasn't sure that I was. I wasn't sure that I was ready for that kind of a step. The minute we talked to somebody about having our schedules matched up, our casual dating would be a thing of the past. Instead, it would become a bona fide relationship. It would take things to the next level, and that was something I had sworn I would never do again, after losing Alice.

“Hey, motherfucker!” a voice called out.

My head jerked to the right, but before I had time to speak, somebody was grabbing my arm and yanking me into one of the little airport alcoves I had to pass by to get to the Lounge. I spun around, fist up, ready to punch the lights out of whoever was trying to mess with me. When I saw who the would-be assailant was, though, I let my fist fall. I wasn't sure what I had been expecting, but it wasn't this.

"What do you want, Fred? Don't you know this isn't an appropriate thing to do? Because it isn't, in case, you were on the fence about things."

Fred Stevens stood before me, a defiant look on his face. One might have thought that a man doing something as weird as this would have the decency to look a little embarrassed, but I didn't see a trace of that on Stevens. That wasn't the only thing I noticed about him, either. It was pretty hard not to be caught off guard by how terrible he looked.

He looked like total shit. His face had gone unshaven for at least a week, and his hair looked greasy and unwashed. His clothes were rumpled and unkempt, giving me the impression that they hadn't been washed or changed for several days at the very least. On top of all of that, he positively stank of alcohol.

It clung to him like an invisible cloak, reminding me of that Peanuts character who was always surrounded by a cloud of dirt. This was the perfect picture of a man who had tried very hard to obliterate himself completely with drinking, and when he hadn't been able to manage it, he'd come looking for me.

“Don’t you try to lecture me on decorum, pretty boy! You don’t have a fucking leg to stand on. You know it, too!”

"What the fuck do you want, Fred? I just got off a long flight, and I'm tired. Too tired to deal with your bullshit right now. I'm ready to unwind."

“Ready to unwind, huh?” he asked, sending another cloud of noxious alcohol fumes in my direction. “Ready to unwind? What you mean is ready to have a goddamn drink!”

“So what if I do? There’s nothing wrong with that, Stevens.”

“Nothing wrong with it! Ha, nothing wrong with it, he says! That’s a fucking riot, coming from you!”

“Lower your voice, Stevens,” I said.

“Don’t fucking tell me what to do!”

"Fine, either lower it or don't. You're yelling, though, and if you keep on doing so, you'll attract the attention of security. If that's what you're going for, then by all means, continue. It makes no difference to me."

“I bet it doesn’t,” Stevens continued, his expression like that of a wounded animal, but he still had enough sense to quiet down. “I bet nothing matters to you. I bet you sleep like a fucking baby at night, don’t you?”

I laughed. “Do I wake up in the middle of the night crying, after having pissed and shit myself? No, that sounds more like how you sleep.”

Fred scowled at me. “Real fucking funny. Here you are, headed out for a fucking drink like it’s nothing, when that’s the exact fucking thing you tried to ruin my li

fe over. Fucking hypocrite, that’s what you are. Fucking pretty boy hypocrite.”

“Fred, come on. I know you think I’m pretty, but I just don’t feel the same way about you. It’s nothing personal. You’re just a disgusting drunk asshole, that’s all.”