I frowned. “What are you even talking about?”
“Get dressed,” Andrew replied. “I’m taking you out for breakfast.”
I didn’t have any clothes but the ones I’d worn into Boston with Megan, but Andrew promised to take me shopping sometime soon. Once I was ready, I ran a brush through my hair and used Andrew’s manly deodorant.
“Come on,” Andrew said, jerking his head towards the door. “Let’s go.”
Victor was curled up on the couch, reading a book. I glanced towards him.
“Isn’t Victor coming with us?”
“I’m working from home today,” Victor called out, not glancing up from the book. I was surprised at his change in demeanor – it was like both Victor and Andrew could go from sex-crazed maniacs to respectable people in a matter of seconds.
Fresh snow had fallen overnight and I marveled at how beautiful the neighborhood looked as Andrew guided me carefully down the icy street. I nearly slipped and fell three times, but each time, Andrew was right there at my side,
gripping my elbow and making sure I stayed on my feet.
“Careful,” Andrew said with a grin as he guided me around the corner. “Don’t want you falling and breaking anything.”
This time, there was no hint of malice or anything dark in his grin.
The restaurant Andrew had chosen was really nice – inside was all reclaimed wood and low, dim lighting that made it look intimate and cozy, even though it wasn’t even noon. Andrew ordered lobster eggs benedict for both of us. I didn’t feel hungry, but looking at the menu made my stomach ache.
Everything felt different. I couldn’t believe that I’d slept with my stepbrother – that I’d had such
raunchy, dirty sex. I felt like a different person. Kristin Calloway didn’t do things like this – had I become someone completely different overnight?
Andrew chuckled. “I know how you feel,” he said, breaking the silence at the table. “Trust me – I’ve felt like that before, lots of times.”
I nodded slowly. “What do you mean?” My cheeks blushed bright red. “How did you know what I was thinking about?”
Andrew snickered. “Your eyes are as wide as saucers, Kristin. Trust me – I know. It’s different, yeah, but trust me, it’s fine. It doesn’t mean anything about you as a person. It doesn’t change who you are in here.” Andrew tapped his chest, which I took to mean as a gesture towards his heart.
My blush deepened. “I don’t know,” I said quietly. “I feel different. I feel like I failed my mom, you know? She always told me…” I trailed off, feeling stupid. Andrew was looking at me like I was a little kid, and I was afraid that he’d judge me if I told him the truth.
“She’s wrong,” Andrew said firmly. “She doesn’t know that sex doesn’t really matter that much.”
I frowned. “What do you mean, it doesn’t matter? Victor’s your…your boyfriend,” I finished nervously, taking a sip of my lemon water.
Just then, the waiter arrived and placed two steaming plates down on the table. I bit my lip, not wanting to say anything else until after he’d gone.
“Victor’s a good friend, yeah, but he’s not my boyfriend,” Andrew explained. He salted his eggs, then took a neat bite on his fork. “We have sex, that’s it. We’re not in a relationship.”
My jaw dropped and my eyebrows shot up.
“Are you serious?” I narrowed my eyes. “But you seem…so…I don’t know…at home with each other.”
“We’ve been friends for a long time,” Andrew said. “But trust me – that’s all it is. It’s like a way to relieve stress, you know? We’re both into the same stuff, and we both understand exactly what it is that we’re doing.”
I frowned, taking a tentative bite of my lobster eggs benedict. I wasn’t sure that I understood. I’d never heard of relationships where people just had sex – I’d always thought that was some myth that showed up in movies.
“I’ve never really known anyone like that before,” I said slowly, picking apart my food with my fork. “I mean, I know that I’m sheltered. But I didn’t think I was that sheltered!”
Andrew laughed heartily, throwing his head back. When he saw my cross expression, he narrowed his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” Andrew said sincerely. “I’m not trying to make you feel bad. It’s just wow, yeah, you are that sheltered. Trust me, I know my dad. He wasn’t always like that, but together with your mom…” Andrew trailed off. “I know exactly what kind of rule they’ve been keeping you under.”
I frowned. I didn’t like to listen to anyone criticize my parents, even if I secretly agreed with them. It was unsettling – like hearing that everything I’d ever learned had been a lie.