Page 290 of Body Heat

“So, you were watching us? And there I was thinking that you were too busy flirting with the director.”

She giggles, “A girl can do both.”

I nod and say, “Yes a girl can do both, but you are far from a girl. You’re a lot older than that and you should know better.”

I kiss her on the forehead as I head out to catch up with Valentina.

“Yes, but I’m not dead yet. So, there’s nothing wrong with living and having a little fun. But not too much fun.”

I nod as I head out and start making my way towards Valentina. Her final scene’s are being shot in the cabin, and I have something to tell her. It starts with that I don’t want this to be the end. I want us to keep seeing each other as a couple. She’s been the ray of the sunshine that I’ve needed in my life, and I don't want to let her go. I haven’t been drunk or even felt like it for the last few days, and it’s all down to her.


“Where’s Valentina?”

I ask Gia, as I pass her as she starts leaving the cabin. I notice that she’s the only one coming out of there. Which I find a bit weird, usually when they’re shooting scenes there’s people coming in and out of the cabin. And a least a stand-by crew outside.

“How the hell am I supposed to know? I’m not her keeper!”

Then she struts off as if she’s pissed with me. I know she is, but she needs to get over it. It’s not as if she was fucking interested in me. She has a reputation for trying to get with the leading men, and it seems as if this time she failed, and now she’s pissed. She’ll get a job on another movie-set and I’m sure the leading man will be ever so willing and then I will be a man of the past. One that she’ll probably not even remember turning her down.

I shrug my shoulders and walk off hoping to see someone else.


I thought that they'd be here for at least three hours, but it looks as if they ended early. What the fuck is going on?

“Ben, what’s up? How comes the shoot ended early?”

He sighs as he rubs his balding head. He’s a bit eccentric, but there’s no doubt that he’s one of the top directors’s in the business.

“Yeah, we had to stop shooting. It seems that the weather’s not cold enough to shoot it right. Something was wrong, so we need to try again another time. Maybe tomorrow.”


“And my scene?”

He pats me on the shoulder’s, “Tomorrow.”

Then he starts to mumble something and then walks off. That’s the problem with filming outdoors at times, the weather needs to be right, but for some crazy reason, I thought that this was all going to be happening indoors. But that still doesn’t help answer my question about Valentina? Where is she?

I take out my phone, and there’s no message from her. Maybe she wanted some quiet time? She does that once in a while; I know that she feels that way whenever she thinks about her parents. She becomes all insecure and shit. I feel like the white knight that wants to take the pain away from her. The problem is she doesn’t allow me to do it. At times, I think that she’s too independent for her good. Always wanting to do things by herself and never really letting me in.

I start walking to the hotel, it’s not far, and as much as the winds blowing, the sun’s out, and it doesn’t feel as cold as it did when we first came here. I must admit that I’ve missed being at home in my bed. The idea that it’s not going to be taken away from me makes me want to be there even more. Rosetta was happy when I told her the news about being able to pay her, but she seemed even happier knowing that I was back at work. Back on the big screen.

As I step outside Valentina’s door, I think I hear a scream. I’m just about to knock when I hear it again.



She doesn’t say anything, but I start to panic. I start trying to knock down the door. Fuck they’re tough, and my head’s racing out of control. On in a while I used to play an action hero figure. I used to know what to do in these type of circumstances. Kick and then the door would automatically open and I’d rush in and fight whoever was in there. It seemed so fucking easy, but that’s the problem with being a movie star hero and real life. They’re not the fucking same and kicking down a door isn’t as easy as it’s been when shooting, besides I don’t even know if I’m doing this fucking right.

So with my heart racing like crazy I decide to do the best thing. Get some fucking help. I didn’t have to look far before I see one of the maid’s and tell her, “You need to open that fucking door now!”

“That’s why I came here. I thought I heard something.”

She starts panicking as she’s trying to get the key. I start to kick the door some more with my foot. It fucking hurt, but I can’t hear anything, and it scares me so fucking much right now.