Page 288 of Body Heat

She would have been at one with the bush, yet she wants to tell me what to do. I suppose I’ll let her, because maybe then I’ll get back into her good books. If she has one, I want to feature in it. As we walk through the hotel, I can tell that she’s shaking and so I turn to pick her up.

She waves a finger at me and says, “No you don’t. I can walk by myself. I don’t need you to carry me.”

I sigh at the thought of her being so cold, but then I have to remember the reason that I came back. I came to claim her, whether she likes it or not.

“Suit yourself.”

“I do actually. I’m only in need of your help because I’m desperate.”

I start to walk the opposite way, sure I deserve some slap on the cheek, but she’s going too far.

“Wait, where are you going?”

“To get Kevin!”

“Shit, no Eric don’t. I’m sorry. Look it’s been an eventful day. First I thought that I was going to the party and you weren’t going, then I find out that you’re going..”

I shut her up with a kiss; I don’t try anything sexy. I just want to kiss her pale blue lips which need warming up and then I hold her in my arms and growl, “Do you ever shut up?”

She shakes her head, as she looks at me. Those blue eyes that got me from the start are staring at me with the same innocence that they did from the start. As much as I want to take her right now. I won’t. I’ll talk to her and appeal to her good nature. She has one; I know that I can get to it. I just need to give her time.

Chapter Twenty


Oh my God, as if tonight couldn’t get any worse. First Eric comes to my room expecting me to forgive him at the drop of a hat and then Kevin was on his way. I knew that he wasn’t coming to talk. Or even keep me company, I just had a bad feeling about being in the room when he came over.

Maybe staying behind the bush wasn’t the best idea, but I just didn’t want him to Kevin to know that I was around. I had visions of him trying to get me drunk at the bar. He’s cute. The type of guy that could have been my best friend back home. The type that I would confide in, but this is a different type of reality. The people here on set. Talk about each other. I’ve seen a couple of the girls flirting with one guy and then go up to the guy and do the same thing. They’re either bitching or just making up stuff just to get the other one in trouble. This is why I go to the party’s and smile too much and say a lot less. I don’t want to be caught up in the web of lies that they love to bathe in. I may want to be an actress, but I don’t want to surround myself with all the crap that comes with it too. Then again, maybe I’m kidding myself and they both go hand-in-hand.

“Okay, so are you sure that you don’t have frostbite or something?” Eric asks as he gets to the front of his door.

I shake my head, “No. I’m just cold.”

He nods frantically, “Right let’s get you warmed up.”

I want to agree with him, the way that he would have done it before. Getting me all dirty between the sheets. But there’s something different about his tone. Then again we’re now different people. No longer are in my bar and ready to fuck.

We’re starting in the same movie, and both of us have something to lose if it doesn't work out. I think that slowly, but surely I’m starting to realize that now. He’s so damn gentle that it makes me feel bad for throwing him out earlier.

“Hey, just get in the bed, and I’ll get some covers and get you warm.”

I nod my head like a little child, being looked after their dad as he starts to peel off my gloves and says, “You are crazy. Standing out there. You could have gone to the bar or something?”

“Yes, but I had a feeling that if he saw me, then he’ll drag me to my room.”

He laughs, “He couldn’t do that. Unless you drank a bit too much.”

I shake my head as he cups me in his arms, he’s stroking my back, and the covers are between us, but I know that he’s keeping me warm.

“Do you feel better?”

“Yes,” I whisper as I close my eyes.

“I’m sorry about the way things ended up between us and I should have apologized better and explained to things to you.’

I choke, “Why? You’re acting as if we were an item or something? It was just one night.”

He kisses my head and sighs, “Keep telling yourself that Valentina.”