Page 270 of Body Heat

I whisper, “No.”

“Shit, you’re tired.”

He lifts up the covers and says, “Come lay next to me. Get some rest. We’ll have a shower later. I’ll rub you down, and you’ll get your energy back again.”

I hope so because I feel so weak. I didn’t eat that much today and if I knew that not only was I going to be losing my virginity, but I’ll have a marathon session with Eric. I would have had a triple hamburger just to keep me going for the rest of the night. I had a feeling by the way that he was stroking me, he didn’t just want us to have sex in the shower. He did want us to have sex all night long. This was the best birthday gift ever, something that I wouldn’t regret for the rest of my life.

Chapter Seven


This is fucking crazy!

Something that I would have done back in my hay day. I wouldn’t hesitate to take a girl back to my place, but that was before actors like me used to get caught with underage girls. I’d seen one too many of my co-stars get caught out that way, and the one woman that was safe to take back to the crib was one of the stars at least we didn’t have to worry about their age. They’re the safe bet; it doesn’t matter if they’re married or not. At least no one runs the risk of ending up in court.

I head down the stairs as I look at her sprawled like an eagle on the bed. She’s completely exhausted; she works in a bar. There’s no way that she’s under age. She can’t be. And she said that it was her birthday, but she didn’t say how old she was going to be. That wasn’t even a session, last night and even the early hours of the morning we were still at it. It’s as if the more I take her, the more I want. She’s a piece of candy one that I don’t feel like giving up. Not now. She made me think of something other than drinking, which hasn’t happened in a long time. I feel as if my head’s spinning, but I want to make sure that we managed to pick up all her clothes that were scattered on my stairs.

When we grabbed something to eat earlier, I let her wear one of my shirts. Fuck! She looked as sexy as hell with her tight butt teasing me and when I got the whipped cream and put it in between her pussy that was the only thing that I was hungry for, tasting her all over again.

I’m broke. Well, not quite. I still have the house and the cars, but it won’t be long before they’re knocking on the door wanting to take one of them or even worse all of them.

I can’t let that happen; I need to be fucking positive. I fucking read like a preacher last week, but there’s one problem. They still haven’t called me. I check my phone by the nightstand, and there’s nothing.


Maybe I do need a drink even if it’s too early in the morning. Then again there’s no time limit when I feel like complete shit.

I grab my pants from last night; I’m too tired to start searching for something to wear. Besides, I know that the only two people in the house are Rosetta and Valentina. Before I used to have one housekeeper, a gardener and a couple of other staff. Now, I can’t even afford to keep the garden up. Let alone the rest of the house, but Rosetta stays and does the best she can. If I don’t get the movie deal, then I won’t even have her anymore. She’s been with me for so long and calls me sentimental, but the idea of her leaving fucking cuts like a knife.

I put on a shirt, and then I start to head out of my room, before looking at Valentina once more. I want to see if she’s sleeping or pretending. I shake my head at the idea of her going through my shit once I leave the room. I get close to her just to make sure that she’s still fucking breathing. After confirmation of that and her mumbling something in her sleep. I turn and head out of my room. I’m going right down to the living room to get a drink and then like yesterday. I’ll decide what part of town to get completely drunk in if Florence doesn’t call me today. The agony of staying at home with no phone call is too much to fucking bear.

“Señor Turner is that you?”

Rosetta shouts out; maybe she didn’t think that I was at home.

“Yes,” I say as I notice that there are no clothes on stairs. I’m sure that we picked it up, but I can’t remember anything right now. The only thing that was on my mind was taking Valentina in as many ways as possible without ripping her pussy apart.

“Good afternoon Señor Turner, did you have a nice night?”

I nod my head, ignoring her question and I wonder why she’s saying that it’s afternoon when I’m sure that it’s the only morning. I look at my phone as I start walking towards her and see that it’s just after one. Fuck, my eyes must be playing tricks on me, because a few minutes ago I thought that it was eleven. Not one in the fucking afternoon. Even better, that means that it’s civilized to be drinking this time of day. Not that it ever bothered me before. Usually, I don’t even care what time it is, just that I’m fully stocked up.

I scratch my head as I see the front door wide open, but no car. Why’s my car not in the driveway. My merc, the one I left parked before I left.

“I’ve been here all night,” I reply as my eyes dart towards her and back to the drive. I swear that when we came home from the bar, my car was parked outside.

“So, where’s my car?”

“They came to take it Señor Turner. They said that they told you. I thought that you not here, so I didn't want to wake you. Sometimes you leave things around but you not here.”

Shit, they told me that I had until Monday. Not that it would have made any difference. If Florence does call, it takes time to sort out the contracts and all that. I’m not going to get any money overnight, but at least the prospects of getting some, which is better than my bone dry bank account at the moment.


I want to make sure that it’s not some thief. Maybe it wasn’t the creditors, and I’m just being paranoid.

“Señor Turner, they came for not just the Mercs,” her chubby fingers take hold of my arm as if she wants to make sure that I’m paying attention. Some part of me is still looking out on the drive. Wondering if my car will show up. I loved that car, back when I was famous it was a gift from Mercedes. All that was needed was for me to drive in the car. Until they broke the contract and all of a sudden it was on my list of creditors.

“They came for all of them.”