She never complained. She never asked for a break. Everything that Clint ordered of her she did with gusto and verve. Even when the session was nearing an end, and Clint asked for more than he had originally intended, she complied. Even when she could barely move, as she fell to her knees mid sprint, or dropped onto her stomach mid push up, she soldiered on. It was a level of dedication that he found admirable and... if he were being honest, slightly arousing.
When Clint had gone to that bar the night before he had not expected to find Olivia there. He knew what she was like and knew that she wasn't the bar going type. So when he spotted her in the parking lot he could not believe it. And when she invited him back to her place, he was shocked to say the least.
But what he had found most odd was how right it all felt. That entire day his head had been filled with thoughts of Olivia. As she sprinted up the beach and swum out in the ocean, he distracted himself with images from the night before and how perfect it had been. He hadn't thought on her in four years and now, like a punch to the face, he couldn't get her out of his mind.
He didn't want to admit it either and he did all that he could to deny it, but Clint knew for a fact that he was starting to fall for the Navy SEAL to be. It was just like the Academy all over again, only this time there would be no leaving. Of that he was sure.
The heart wants what it wants and right then, it wanted one thing...
The sex seemed to get better and better. Even after a full day of working out and training, both Clint and Olivia left nothing at the door. What Clint found most amazing was that it was Olivia who initiated it too. He would have assumed she'd have been too worn out, and for that he couldn't have blamed her. But no.
She came out of his shower in nothing but a towel, the steam from the room billowing around her and pouring into the bedroom. Clint, already in his towel and about to go shower himself, never made it that far.
Olivia pushed him back as he tried to step around her, near throwing him onto the bed. As he sat up, she dropped her towel, revealing her near perfect body. Indeed, to Clint it was the epitome of what a woman's figure should be. Her large breasts were perfectly round and seemed to defy gravity; bouncing as she moved toward him. Her flat stomach hinted at the beginnings of a six pack and her hips were a perfect hourglass curve.
Still in his towel, Clint remained where he was as Olivia climbed on him, straddling him as she did.
"Don't move," she whispered in his ear as she kissed him on the neck, softly, passionately, before working her way down his chest and to his stomach. Each kiss was soft and moist and each one moved closer and closer to his towel.
She slid from him, falling to her knees as she dragged his towel with her. Clint lifted his hips as she did this, releasing his now throbbing member for her. He knew what was coming of course, but still braced himself, holding his breath in anticipation as she planted kiss after kiss around his crotch, his thighs, his stomach. Everywhere but where she knew he wanted it most.
The whole time Clint shook, his breathing intensifying as she finally took him in her mouth. He remained on his back as she worked him, his hand running through her hair, gripping it without meaning too. Only when she were satisfied, did she climb back up. And then, without letting Clint return the favor, she climbed on him and slipped him inside of her without hesitation.
Even after a full day of training Olivia held nothing back. She kept her two hands on Clint's chest, keeping him down as she rode him, grinding her hips against his. Back and forth, back and forth. Everytime Clint tried to move, she pushed him back down. That night he was hers to do with as she pleased. And Clint... Clint was perfectly OK with it.
It was all about Clint that night, Olivia made sure of it. And whether she meant to or not, Olivia was all but ensuring that Clint was falling for her all over again.
"It's beautiful isn't it?" Clint asked without a hint of sarcasm. In fact there was a slight tinge to his voice, like he was choking, that suggested he was on the verge of tears.
"Yeah it's... it's something," Olivia agreed, not too sure what response he was after but knowing that the moment was too serious a one, for Clint at least, for her to make a joke.
The two were currently on a walking tour of the USS Arizona in Pearl Harbor. Of the eight battleships attacked during the attack on Pearl Harbor, all but one sailed again. The USS Arizona was struck in the hull by a torpedo, causing an explosion that was said to have lifted the great hunk of metal fifteen feet in the air before sending it to the bottom of the harbor. In commemorance to the fallen and the attack in general, it was decided that the ship would be left where it sunk. Now it acts as both a tourist attraction to those visiting the harbor and a constant reminder of what the soldiers were fighting for.
Two days after their training session on the beach, both Olivia and Clint took a helicopter ride to Pearl Harbor. Clint went because that was where he was stationed. He had only gone across to San Diego to meet with Olivia, and that was only because of the charges he was brought up on. Olivia on the other hand went because she had to follow through with the next part of her investigation, that was interviewing the memebers of the Coast Guard that were present during the submarine incident.
The two days before Clint and Olivia had left, had been spent entirely together. By day Clint would train Olivia and by night the two would catch up on lost times. In fact, as Clint had no official residence, he opted to move in with Olivia. When he asked her if he could it had caught her off guard – yet another act that suggested he was after more than just a casual romance. She was going to deny him at first, not wanting to put herself in a position where he could hurt her again. But eventually relented. She was only human after all
In the end, those two days were the best in Olivia's recent memory. Sure, each day she was pushed to within an inch of her life; even throwing up on several occasions. But she couldn't remember a time when she had been so happy. And it wasn't just that she felt as if she were coming closer to her goal either. It was because of Clint. The two had fallen back into their old rhythms and every day she was reminded of why she had loved him so fiercely in the first place.
Her only fear was that he didn't feel the same about her. For all she knew he was just using her to kill time while he was in San Diego and the moment he went back she would be forgotten. This was a fear that raged inside of her right up until their first day Pearl Harbor.
"When are you meeting with Brian?" he asked as they got off the chopper. He had even opted to carry her bags. It was unnecessary but appreciated.
"Tomorrow," she responded. "Today I'm going to inspect the rig you were on and the equipment you used. Plus I need to look at tidal charts and --"
"Is there any chance that can wait for tomorrow too?" he asked. There was an air of excitement in his voice, and Olivia sensed that something was up.
"Probably. Why...?"
"I have something I want to show you." That was all he would say on the matter too. Even as he helped her to her room. And even as he watched her get changed out of her Navy whites, he kept his mouth shut. All he would say was that he had something he wanted to show her. From that simple exclamation he could not be budged.
It was because of that that Olivia later found herself on the USS Arizona. The great battleship was meant to be closed for the day but Clint managed to get permission for the two to walk through it. Or at least he claimed that he had permission. For some reason she got the sense that he had just snuck them on, not caring what would happen were they discovered.
The moment they were on the battleship though, Clint'