Page 247 of Body Heat

He grabs me by my arm and then holds me. This night is one to remember. Not only did my business expand, but I ended up with the man of my dreams. Not as the woman that was weak and needed fixing, but the woman that could be his wife, for life because she’s stronger and is in more in control of her mind.

Night with the Seal


Clint Reese is a headstrong Navy Seal who didn’t join the core for honor or glory, but to save lives.

Olivia Conway is a Naval Intelligence Officer who harbors the secret passion of becoming the first female US Navy SEAL.

When Clint is charged with putting a fellow soldiers life at risk during a routine training exercise, Olivia is brought in to investigate. What should have been a routine investigation is hampered by the fact that Clint and Olivia used to date.

As Clint is investigated by Olivia, he finds himself slowly opening up to the woman he once loved; an act he believes will end in heartbreak. And as Olivia investigates Clint, she is slowly reminded of the reason that she fell for the young SEAL in the first place.

As more damning evidence comes to light and the two grow closer and closer, Olivier will have to decide what is more important, her job or the love of her life?


The North Pacific Ocean had never seen a more pristine and near picturesque day. And it wasn't just the heat of the uncovered sun, beating down over the water that made it so. And it wasn't the water either, crystal blue and placid for a hundred miles in every direction. It was the senstation that this scenery created in those that were lucky enough to witness it. It was truly paradise and that cannot be overstated enough.

Lucky enough to witness this glorious day was a small contingent of five US soldiers. Navigating a rig roughly five miles off the coast of Honolulu, they were the only souls for as far as the eye could see.

The rig itself was a small transport vehicle, used for carrying the Navy SEAL submersible, currentl

y strapped in place and not in use. The team operating the rig was made up of four memebers of the US Coast Guard and one US Navy SEAL. At that moment in time only the Navy SEAL and one member of the Coast Guard were actually visible on the rig, the other three members being underwater.

"They're taking their damn time," the Navy SEAL moaned, hanging off the side of the rig as he leaned over the railing and peered down at the crystal blue waters. "I thought you Coast Guard boys knew your way around down there? Or are you only comfortable when your on a boat?"

The Navy SEAL was Clint Reese. He was everything that a Navy SEAL should be, both physically and mentally. His stature was tall and broad, with shoulders so wide it looked like he'd have trouble walking straight through most door frames, and a chin so square and hardened one would swear it was carved from granite. Shirtless as of that moment too, his tanned skin suggested an active lifestyle that was akin to most Navy SEALS.

"Give 'em some more time. What's it matter anyway? I thought you just came along to babysit?" The sole member of the Coast Guard replied, his feet dangling off the side of the rig as he too watched the calm blue waters. His name was Lieutenant Brian Fischer and he stood in stark contrast to Clint. Yes he was tall, but his lithe body and gangly arms and legs suggested a different lifestyle to that of the SEAL.

"I came along because you guys wanted to borrow my sub and I've grown pretty attached to it over time. Can't be letting a bunch of coasties hoon around Pearl Harbor in it now can I?" he replied, the grin on his face suggesting that he wasn't taking himself too seriously.

Indeed, Clint's presence on the rig, and out in the middle of the ocean too, was unofficial in nature. The Coast Guard had wanted to borrow the Navy Seal Vehicle Delivery submersible for a few training exercises. Clint was more than willing to let them do this, but not without supervision – supervision that he personally volunteered to provide.

Brian scoffed at Clint's remark, turning his attention back to the water. The moment he did a single bubble floated to the surface and popped right by Brian's feet. This was followed by another and then another. Before long there were dozen's of these air bubbles. Their presence could only mean one thing.

Sure enough, a moment later and a head broke the surface, directly followed by two more. The three heads were covered by thick black wetsuits and oxygen masks - the other three members of the Coast Guard.

The one nearest Brian popped his mask off the moment he breached the surface. "Lieutenant, Sir. We found something down there!" He was heavily out of breath, suggesting that he and the other two had high tailed it to the surface as quick as they could.

"What --"

"What did you find?" Clint cut in, leaning over Brian.

"It's a sub. We think it's Japanese."

Although Brian looked confused by this, the smile on Clint's face suggested that he knew exactly what it was that young member of the Coast Guard was talking about. "It's still in one piece?" he asked excitedly.

"As near as we could tell. It got itself caught in a reef about 1400 feet down. Torpedo's still strapped to the side, live by the looks," the Coast Guard continued, still bobbing up and down in the water.

"OK," Brian said, going to stand. "I'll call it in. We can get a salvage team out here in --"

"Wowa, let's not get crazy here," Clint cut in again, putting his hand on Brian's shoulder to stop him. "You know what this is don't you?" The look on Brian's face indicated that he didn't. "It's the fifth missing submarine from the Pearl Harbor attacks. That thing's got to be at least seventy years old. This is like striking gold boys. We can't go and let some salvage team bring it in."

"What are you suggesting?" Brian asked slowly.

"That we do it ourselves."