It brings a smile to her face. One that I’ve been longing for all night. Her red lipstick glimmers in the dim lighting.
There’s a knock on the door and once Jean-Claude, a tall, dark haired waiter enters through the door with our menu.
“Bonjour,” he nods as he walks through the door. He delicately shuts it behind him, and I start to discuss in French the options of our meal with the wine suggestions. Each time I have one eye on the menu and the other on Emily as her eyes wander around the room.
“D’accord. Merci Madame e Mademoiselle,” Jean-Claude nods as he walks back out of the room.
“What did he just say?”
Emily says with bolts of excitement.
“He just thanked us.”
“Marvin, is there anything that you can’t do? I never even knew that you could speak French and not even just a little, like a native.”
I smile as I tentatively reach for her hand and she offers it so naturally. I start stroking her fingers, remembering her touch and the fact that her hands are so soft.
“I spent some time in France when you were growing up. But you probably don’t remember?”
She shakes her head, “I remember that you used to leave for long periods of time. Dad used to laugh about you having a secret wife in France.”
“No, I just love their culture and most of all the language. That’s why I learned it so well. Besides I think of Paris as my sanctuary.”
“How comes?”
I stand up and look at the artwork on the wall wondering if I could show her what I’m talking about. There’s none that captures the beauty of the city, so I blurt out, “One day I’ll show you. I still have my apartment in the city, and I still go there from time to time.”
She sighs, “I would love that, it sounds like heaven.”
“I ordered for you, Emily. I hope you don’t mind?”
“I’m not as cultured as you are,” she winks at me. “I know that whatever you ordered would be a lot better than what I would have done.”
“Don’t understatement yourself all the time. You used to have such confidence as a child.”
“Not really,” she shakes her head, “I just think that I was better at hiding it.”
Maybe she has a point, I never thought of her as a person with doubts. Just a gentle soul who believed the best of everyone and had a gift and wanted to share it with the world.
I’m about to say something to her when Jean-Claude knocks on the door again. I know that it’s him because I was expecting him to come back at any moment.
“Viens ici!”
I sit back down and then Emily whispers, “Whenever you talk in French, it turns me on.”
As Jean-Claude and the other waiter leave the room. Not only did they bring the wine, but our meal too. I know the other waiter wants to stay to serve us. But I can do that myself, and besides that was the message I gave Jean-Claude when I was ordering earlier. That they should bring both courses on a tray and we’ll help ourselves when we’re ready. He was hesitant at my request, but when I explained that I wanted privacy. He didn’t hesitate in compiling with it.
“They’ve brought all the courses, apart from one thing.”
Emily asks as she looks at the tray. Trying to figure out what could be missing.
“Okay Marvin, I give up. What did they forget?”
“Desert. I want to eat your pussy for desert.”