“Marvin, have we finished pretending?”
I grin at her, “Better than expected! I have more games to play for us to play.”
“I don’t think that I can do it again. This meal was a struggle, but I know you, Marvin. Not as well as my dad, but enough to say things about you and your past.”
I shake my head, “I think you can because back then you were playing with one. And you were on fire.”
She doesn’t say a word as I can feel her thinking about what I’d just said, but she doesn’t have to think about anything. All she has to do is play along and not only will she find it fun. But she’ll soon discover that it’s so natural to her.
Chapter Five
I decide that I want to spend some time together with her. I can’t wait to get her in the bedroom, strip her down and see every inch of her body. But not only view it but touch it. I bet her skin feels as soft as skin. And as for those alluring lips, they draw me in all the time, and all I want to do is taste them and put them so fucking close to mine.
She still seems nervous especially now that we’re alone. I move in the direction of the bar, and she follows my lead. I want her to know that at any time she can back out. I’m not holding her hostage, if the truth be known, whether she decides to participate or not?
I’m not a monster, and I’ve known her, her whole life. I’m not about to bail out on her now. I walk to the side and pause as I see a quiet area. There’s no one around to hear our conversation, and it will be the first time since she called me up saying that she wants to take me up on my offer, that we’ve had a chance to talk.
“So, do you want a drink?”
She touches my shoulders slightly and for a second I completely lose focus. Emily’s the type of woman that loves to touch people. That’s the side of her that I’ve always been attracted to, her free nature which seems to have grown now that she’s a beautiful swan.
“Are we going to the room afterward?”
“You’re keen!”
I’m teasing her, but I can tell by the look on her face, that she’s not hundred percent convinced. She makes me feel guilty about what I have in mind for us, and I shouldn’t feel that way, and she shouldn’t regret it. Especially when my cock is begging me to take her to the room right now, but I need to do it at a pace where I’m comfortable with things to go to the next step. The one that I’ve had on my mind all fucking day.
“No, I thought that we could sit down and talk.”
She smiles, “I don’t remember us ever doing that properly. Well, not quite. Just the once.”
I watch as the waitress draws near to us. There seems to be a rule in this hotel as soon as someone sits down they have to jump up like spring chickens to serve them.
“Hi, My name’s Candy, and I’ll be your hostess for the evening. Would you like the wine? Cocktail or snack menu?”
Before I can even answer, she laughs and says, “Or I could just bring all three?”
Emily shakes her head, “I’ll just have a Cosmopolitan.”
Candy nods, “Good choice and you sir?”
“I’ll just have a JD on the rocks.”
“Okay, I’ll bring them right up.”
Then as bubbly as she was when she came over, she leaves our side and allows me to get on to do what I was trying to do before she came over.
“She’s a bit too happy for me,” Emily laughs. “And I figure that seeing as you’re paying I’ll go all out and order cocktails, something that I wouldn’t normally do.”
Maybe I won’t have to try so hard because she’s already starting to loosen up.
“Emily, why did you call me?”
She chokes, “You know why. I need the money. The business is not doing so well.”
“Yes, but you could have called the bank. Or even talked to your parents about it. I’m sure that they would love to help you.”