Page 211 of Body Heat

I can hear her grumble, but then I hang up the phone before she says another word. She’s brought a smile to my face. One that reassures me that I’m going to take her words on the board and have fun. For once in my life.

Kurt calls out on the intercom, “We’re here. I’m just going to get your case out before opening the door.”

I look out and see that it’s as impressionable then I thought that it would be. We’re on the Vegas strip. The bright lights, the flashing signs are not an exaggeration when people talk about them.

Everything about this place is exciting and as he hands my case to a valet and says my name. I’m shocked when the boy follows us inside. I thought that Kurt would just drop me at the hotel, but it looks as if he wants to make sure that I check-in too.

I could get used to this life. The personal touch, where everything’s taken care off. I feel as if I’m in a different world as I walk through the reception area seeing the golden walls and the strong lights. There are people casually walking on the black marble floors, but to me this is a big deal. I don’t know what I’m more excited about?

Being with Marvin or just being here in Vegas?

As we reach the reception, Kurt says my name, and then with a nod, he tells me that I’m in the penthouse suite. The most expensive room in the hotel. I’m sure about it. I want to ask if I’m staying alone or if Marvin’s going to join me? But I don’t say a word and nod as quiet as a mouse, “Thank you.”

He nods and walks away. I’m left with the bell boy and as I watch him enter a different elevator. Not the one’s in the main hall; I feel as if I’m Cinderella. Being taken away from the rags to the riches.

Once we reach the suite, the bell boy’s talking, and I remember that I need to give him a tip. I can’t help but draw to the window wall which has a full view of the strip. He tells me that I can easily draw the curtains. I could sit on the bed and watch it all night long.

I reach in my purse and hand him a $20 note. I don’t even know if that’s the going rate? $5 would have seemed pathetic and $10 even more. I’m staying in the penthouse; I need to look the part.

But once he leaves and the doors close, I end up jumping up and down like a little kid on the bed shouting, “Yeah!”

Chapter Four


Kurt told me that he dropped Emily at the hotel around forty-five minutes ago, so I don’t understand why she’s not at the restaurant. One thing I hate is tardiness. I like everything to be on time, and I don’t like surprises, but I have one at the moment, and it’s not sitting well with me.

Kurt checked her in, so she can’t be lost. All she has to do is go down a few floors in the elevator. That’s not hard, especially for someone as intelligent as her.

“Would you excuse me?” I say quickly to my colleagues and get up as my patience starts to spiral out of control. I don’t wait for their response as I get up and move away from the table. As I head to the entrance, I check my phone.


I’m just about to go to the reception to make sure that she hasn’t decided to chicken out and that she’s still on board with our agreement. That’s when I see her, walking through the reception and all eyes are on her as she has a black dress that looks as if it’s a second skin. It hugs her so tightly as it holds her ample breasts and revealing a good amount of cleavage with the oval in the middle of the dress.

It’s as if she’s completely covered from top to toe about from the revealing oval in the middle which runs from her breasts down to near enough her naval.


I don’t even feel like taking her to dinner. I don’t want any company, my cock’s screaming to be inside her tight pussy. She has a rope around her neck, no doubt it’ll be one of her designs, but that’s not what everyone has their eye on. No the blonde-haired beauty with her hair tied up is heading in my direction with a seductive smile. One that lets me know that tonight she’s all mine.


I can’t say any more, because she’s taken my breath away and judging by her new found audience, I’m not the only one.

“I thought that maybe you got lost, Emily?”

She raises an eyebrow, “No Marvin. I just took too long getting ready. I wanted to make sure that I looked nice for dinner.”

I should compliment her and tell her that she looks beautiful, but I think that maybe she knows that already, by the way, that she’s smiling at me and our eyes lock for a second and I have to shake my head to remember why I came out here in the first place.

“Well, we have company. They’re waiting.”

“Oh, I thought that it would be just you and me?”

I’m trying to get out of the trance. I have my hands in my pocket trying to hide my obvious bulge that’s growing by the fucking second.
