Page 201 of Body Heat

She nods, “Yes, how did you know?”

“Well, after that time Sam said that he didn’t want to come back. He said that you didn’t like him.”

“I wish it was that simple. You see I knew that he was cheating on you. He had made advances to a couple of the girls and that upset me. But I didn’t think that he was stealing from you too. I don’t want to tell you the exact details, but when I saw the remains of your trust fund from your granddad, I knew that it had something to do with him.”

“There’s hardly anything left,” I start to sob. “The million do

llar's that was sitting in my account. Sam helped me spend it, but then most of it was spent on him. Then when the second amount was released when I was twenty-five. It was gone so fast, maybe by the end of my twenty-fifth birthday. I was a fool in love. I thought that we were going to get married, what’s mine was his and all that.”

“You don’t need to explain to me. I know that he manipulated you, pretty much like your dad does with your mom.”

There’s something that I need to tell her.

“Anyway, I’ve been a submissive in my younger day, and I knew through the grapevine that Joshua Moore is a heavy practitioner.”

“Really?” I choke thinking about Aunt Betty being a sub.

“I’m eccentric for a reason.”

“If at all,” I point to her. We look at each other for a second, and I think about Sam and Aunt Betty trying to protect me from him.

“But that doesn’t mean that I forgive you or want to stay here any longer.”

“Did you feel a big connection with him?”

I nod.

She smiles, “It’s natural. Being a sub is not an easy thing. Well, it wasn’t for me. I ended up marrying my dom.”

I gasp, “You and Granddad.”

I shake my head, because I don’t want to know if the pair of them had their playroom or any detail of their relationship, but I do know one thing. I love her. Even if her methods were not the best and she interfered a little too much. At least I know that she’s got my back.

I stand up, and I hug her, “I love you, Aunt Betty.”

“So, you’ll stay?”

I wink at her and say, “I’ll think about it.”

She smiles, “That’s all I can ask you to do. I know that I don’t deserve any more than that.”

She does, but I’ll make her suffer a little while longer. Make her think that there’s a possibility that I may leave. I had one man who controlled me and left me penniless and with a broken heart. It’s about time I grow up and it starts and ends with when I finish the painting, the one that I’m painting with all my heart.

Chapter Thirteen


Two weeks later…

I’m so damn nervous. My paintings are on display at the art gallery. My old ones that I used to do as a teen is on display too, but the big one. The one that I worked day and night on is on display, and I can’t get it out of my mind.

My parents and Aunt Betty will see it for the first time. When I told my dad that I was painting, he said that he’s not coming to see splash pieces of paint on a sheet of paper. He has my collection from when I was five, and he’s sure that it’s no different from that.

Then Aunt Betty said something to him, and he changed his mind. I don’t know what she said, but she told me that it would really be the last time that she interferes in my life.

“God, everyone’s here,” Gretchen whispers as she stands by my side. I told her parts of my childhood, and she knows that today, I’m going to tell everyone about it. I don’t know who’s more nervous? Her or I?

“You look beautiful Gretchen.”