Page 197 of Body Heat

“Scarlett I’ll get your clothes.”

She shakes her head, “No, I need to get out of here. I’ll do it.”

“Wendy thanks for calling me. It was the right thing to do. But what were you….oh never mind.”

And then she hangs up the phone.

“Aunt Betty’s been in an accident. Apparently down the stairs, she’s in the hospital will you take me?”

“Of course,” I’m walking with her, but she seems completely lost as she walks in front one minute and then behind.



She stops for a minute and then looks from left-to-right utterly bewildered, she’s butt naked in my hallway and distressed about her aunt. I’m trying so hard to get my cock out of my head, but it’s so fucking hard when it’s the only thing I do when it comes to women.

Especially Scarlett.

“I haven’t got a clue which one’s my room.”

I walk in front of her and open the door, “This one.”

She smiles, “Thanks.”

“Okay, so I’ll go down and start the car while you get ready.”

“I won’t be long.”

I know that she won’t, and I want to kiss and comfort her and tell her that everything will be okay. She’s scared, but then I don't know how to comfort her even if I did try. We’re still strangers, and we don’t know anything about each other apart from how to make her come.

I turn around and head down the stairs; it’ll give us both time to cool down. I can’t believe that the old lady’s dead. She’s too much of a fighter, but then falling the stairs is serious business especially for someone of her age.

Scarlett must have flown into the bedroom and come down the stairs because, by the time I get in the car and start the ignition, I can see her leaving the house in front of the car. As she opens the door, I say, “That was quick.”

She turns to me, “My aunt’s in the hospital, I need to get there.”

That’s her way of telling me to speed up. I was going to ask Scarlett if she would stay longer. I have a few meetings this week, but not so much work that it'll take up all my time. I could spend time with her, if she's still in town for that long.

She’d made me do what no woman’s ever been able to do, I've never been able to sleep in the same bed with another. I’ve tried it a couple of times, and I always felt uncomfortable having another body by my side.

“How long till we get there?” she asks after I stop at the second set of lights.

I forgot that she was in the car because I feel like a teenager thinking about asking a girl to the Prom. We’re on our way to the hospital. Maybe now I should tell her the truth. She’s going to find out that there was more at stake than just a charity ball. The whole thing was set-up from the start, but I want to tell her that this is how it started and I want it to end on a different note.

If she spends more time with me, then we can get to know each other better, in a different way.

“Can you drive faster?”

I nod my head.

“Just that I’m so damn scared. If I lose her, then I don’t know what I’ll do.”

“I understand.”

“Shoot, sorry that was insensitive of me. You must know what I’m going through.”

Then she puts her hand on the wheel, but then I move mine. Not because I need to while I’m driving, but because I don’t want her to get attached and think that something can happen between us. Maybe asking her to spend more time here is not a good idea after all.