Page 180 of Body Heat

I like her tone, but as much as she’s trying to sound confident, she’s failing miserably because her voice is weak and her lips are quivering.

“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

“So, you do this for a living?”

I laugh,

“No, I have a job. I just know how to satisfy a woman.”

I’m waiting for her to leave. Tell me that she wants to get out and this isn’t what she had in mind. She thought that I’ll take her out to dinner or even show her a different part of town that she’s never seen before, she never expected my boldness or for me to tell her that her expectations were wrong. I’m only going to give her one thing and nothing more.

“When you say that I’m a submissive, you mean that I’m basically a dog?”

Her voice is weak as she’s probably trying to digest it all. Wondering if this is a good idea or not, which is fair enough and I don't mind taking the time out to explain it to her properly, “No it’s a different type of relationship. It’s not like an owner and their dog where I say fetch and you go and get the ball that I’ve just thrown and we repeat that over and over again until one of us gets tired.”

“So, what is it?”

“A submissive should always be respectful. I’m giving you the ground rules so that there’s no rudeness or attitude at anything that I command you to do. I need to ask one thing, you don’t seem the type but I need to be sure.”


“You must be in control at all times. You can’t be an alcoholic or even a drug user, they are body and mind controlling agents. They can affect how you think and act at any time. You can get paranoid and think that I’m doing something or feel something even if I’m not touching you. You won’t get the full pleasure of being a submissive if you’re addicted to any of those things.”

“Well, I am addicted to one thing.”

I knew that it was too good to be true.

“Ben & Jerry! Does that count?”

She looks so innocent as she asks the question, I want to laugh, but I can tell that she’s serious and then I remember what her aunt said. She mentioned about her being depressed, maybe she’s been comfort eating as a result of it?


She nods as if she’s trying to digest it all in, so I continue speaking. I think that it’s good to be honest before we go any further. So that we both know what we’re getting ourselves into.

“This is rule one of a good submissive relationship.”

I want to touch her hair and figure out what’s going to happen next.

She replies, “Honesty.”

Shit, she’s learning already I don’t even feel like taking her home. I feel like I want to reward her here and now.

“It’s about respect, I hold the position of authority and you as the submissive knows the difference between your needs and desires. I’m not a mind reader. I can only assume that you’re thinking certain things by your body movement. The way you react to my touch,” I trace a finger down her face.

She quivers and I growl, “Just like that, you want this as much as I do. I can tell. Otherwise, you would have bolted out of the car screaming that this isn’t something that you want. The fact that you’re in the car tells me that you want this.”

“Maybe I do. Maybe I’m processing this is in my mind trying to get my head around it. One thing’s for sure. You don’t beat around the bush.”

“Exactly. I need to make sure that you’re one hundred percent comfortable with all of this so that we both have a mutual understanding of where we go from now on.”

She nods her head.

“I want you to know your rights. When you think that I’ve crossed the line and when you think that it borderlines at abusive. So, the only way to make sure that everything goes according to plan is to come out with a safe word. Something that at any time you’re not comfortable with it all you shout out.”

She laughs, “There’s only one thing that I can think of…”
