I was just about to say something when she interrupted, “That’s not the right word I would use. Depressed is more like it. Her boyfriend used her in many ways and I just want her to feel good about herself again.”
“By having sex with me?”
She waved her finger, “Not just sex. I could pay someone for that. I told you that I just want you to make her feel better. I’ve been with men like you before.”
This time I’m the one standing up.
“I heard,” I nodded as I remember hearing the rumors but hearing it coming from her mouth has just confirmed them. She’s not just a shrewd business woman, she’s really something else.
“Anyway, she’s coming tonight and I need you to make sure that she gets back to her old self.”
She shakes her head, “That’s all I want. You see unlike you Mr. Moore I love my family. They mean more to me than some piece of land.”
I nodded, because for a minute I thought that she was insulting me, but as her eyes closed slightly as she watched me move.
I lifted up my hand and said, “It’s a deal. But I won’t be paying you that price.”
She agreed, “I know. Look over the contract that I’ve had drawn up. I think that you’ll see that it’s a fair price.”
As she handed me the contract and I flicked through the pages. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but I kept my composure as I shook her hand and said, “I’ll look over it and give it to my lawyer. If I can, then I’ll give it to you tonight.”
She shook her head, “There’s no need. We can meet the same time on Monday. You would have finished with my niece and I’ll be more than happy to sign the papers.”
I hesitated for a minute and then as I turned to walk out of her office. I didn’t even know her name.
“What’s your niece’s name?”
I turned to see that she wasn’t sitting on her desk anymore. She was behind it and typing on her laptop.
“Oh, like Scarlett O’Hara, a damsel in distress.”
She mocked, “My niece is fair from a damsel and she’s not distressed and she certainly doesn’t need rescuing. She just needs a pick-me-up and as I said, I’m sure you’ll fit the bill to do that. Good day, Mr. Moore. I have a lot of work to do.”
I opened and closed my mouth, but then as I left her office I didn’t know if I had a boner for only her niece or the land too?
I realized as I walked out and looked at the contract, the deal was for nearly twenty five percent less than I’d originally offered. It was a fucking bonus. I hated to admit that Ms. Young was right, I needed this land to get me back into the black from the red. Between taxes and the rate of inflation my business has been suffering. There’s a development company that has the means and plans to develop on that land. Everyone’s been trying to cut a deal with her for them to develop on it. I just happened to have the right connection.
My cock had the right reputation and I intend to use it to get exactly what I need. Not only was I going to show her niece a good time tonight. I’ll have her begging for more and when the land’s mine. Maybe I’ll give it to her one more time. Just as a means of thanks for securing not only the deal of the century, but my lifetime.
Chapter Three
I feel like a little kid as I see that we’re getting closer to the house. The climate is so different from New York in Rowtons. The Porsches, Ferraris and other expensive models all flood the roads as the odd cyclist passes by in hot pants and caps.
I do miss the town that I used to spend my summer vacations as a kid. I hated as I got older and mom used to take us to the Caribbean. I used to consider Rowtons as my second home. The place that I could have pool parties and catch up with other kids that I hadn’t seen all year long. Back then the summer vacations didn’t seem long enough.
“We’re nearly there,” Daniel announces on the intercom.
“I know,” I beam as I see us approaching the gate. I take in the beautiful green scenery of the conifers and the roses which are neatly displayed next to it. Aunt Betty planted the conifers because she said that she wanted to have some privacy. Even though it’s a mile between the gate and her house. The ‘Young Residence’ sign hangs over it and as we drive down the pebbled lane towards it, all my fears about staying here this week are washed away. It’s nearing seven, but the sun is still strong as I think about Rowtons and all it has to offer. The house, which Aunt Betty calls home has ten bedrooms, a sauna, an outdoor as well as an indoor swimming pool. Luxuries that I used to be accustomed to, before I stood up to my family and said that I had a life with Sam.
I laugh at the irony of it all. To think that I’d turned my back on this life, as I roll down the window and the sun beams hit the inside of the limo. Living in New York has its benefits during the summer, but the winters are too cold, unlike in Rowtons when winter is merely fifteen degrees rarely less. Aunt Betty’s waiting for me outside on the stairs of her mansion. One of many that she owns. She invested heavily when my uncle died of cancer. She said that it was her way of dealing with her loss, especially seeing as she had no children. A choice that they both made and she said that she never regretted it seeing as she had a niece who spent her summers with her most of the time.
She looks flawless and the irony of her telling me that this could be her last year feels like a joke. No one knows her true age apart from mom, but she forgets and constantly confuses it with how old Aunt Betty should be and her actual age.
It’s irrelevant because even with her pale skin, even though she lives in such a hot climate she could easily be mistaken for a woman in her forties. She says that most of it’s to do with her healthy lifestyle. She’s never drank alcohol, smoked or even tried any form of drugs. She believes in healthy living and is a guru at yoga. She looks beautiful in a sequence black dress and the last time I saw her she had splatters of gray in her hair, which seemed to have all disappeared.