Page 168 of Body Heat

As soon as I enter the kitchen I can smell toast and eggs. I glance at Isaac thinking that he’s really learning to cook and not feel the need to always go out to eat,“See that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

“You’re just lucky I didn’t burn the toast. Did you look in on Buckskin?”

“No, I thought that you would do that before, you go to the office. His head’s outside the stall looking for you. When’s the last time you rode him?”

“Too long. After I get things settled in the office I want to do some riding.”

We both sit down to eat and both of us are avoiding looking at the chair. The one chair that Neil always sits in whenever he eats at the table is empty and it pulls a chord in my heart. Maybe I should just tell him that I don’t want this place?

Isaac eats so fast as if his life depends on it. I know that there’s no room for a conversation, let alone a discussion about Neil.

“Need to go,” he says as he pops the last bit of toast in his mouth.

I nod my head and then I walk behind him as he rushes to his car and then his car pulls out of the driveway, I found myself already missing the ranch. I really didn’t want to return to Houston, but it was necessary. I wish I had a crystal ball and could tell what was going to become of Isaac and I.

When I first started working for the company I grew to enjoy the challenge of working for Isaac. You’d think that when his employees found out I was the boss’s girlfriend, they would cut me some slack. They were different from people around me. They didn’t care and no one battered an eyelash about our relationship in and out of the office.

The time I'd spent in the office was fun while it lasted. I proved to myself that I'm capable of doing more than just running a stable. It felt good to have issues and not run to Isaac, every time I faced a problem.

r /> I loved going to lunch with the other secretaries. They would invite me, and we would sit and gossip. Everyone wanted to know what it was like with Isaac.

“We can't believe that he's found happiness again after..”

No one wanted to say her name. It was as if there would be a cloud of darkness at the mention of her name.

“Dede. I know about her, and he's come a long way from it all. He's healed, and he's moving on from what happened in his past.”

“Good,” they would smile, but I wondered if part of them were disappointed that there wasn’t any gossip about our relationship or even more about the boss. Even if our friendships weren’t real, they had treated me better than some of the people in town that I’ve known my whole life.

I get up and clear the table and then I hear a familiar voice behind me, “I could do that?”

I turn around and hug him, “Neil, you came back?”

He nods, “I couldn’t stay away from this place. Do you mind if I stay for a little while?”

I push him back and say, “You really are stubborn. This is your home. I don’t care what it says on paper. You can stay here as long as you want.”

He shakes his head, “But I don’t like the way that you look at me, or the fact that you don’t trust me.”

I agree with him and say, “If you want things to change then you have to change it.”

He takes out his hand and says, “You got a deal!”

I hug him one more time and say, “You really are an old fool and I love you. And Isaac does too. He’s going to be thrilled that you’ve come back.”

He winks, “He his, he’s bringing my things into the house right now.”

I laugh as I think about the two men in my life. They’re a handful, but I feel proud because before I didn’t have any family. I had no one that really loved me and although Neil had hurt me and done things the wrong way. I knew that he loved me. He’d showed me when he handed me his home, took up a meaningless job and the pity in his eyes right now. I shouldn’t let the old man suffer, because as angry as I was in the past. It’s truly buried, and that’s the only way to move forward with a happy new beginning.

Filthy CEO

Scarlett’s been invited by her eccentric aunt Betty to stay with her during the annual charity party.

This year, there’s a little twist.

An auction.

The women are not bidding for art or souvenirs from Africa.