“What say we call a truce and fix the fence.”
I ignore her as she tries to bribe me about posting it on Facebook. Not that I care, it’s not as if I go on there that much.
“Yeah, spoken like a wise CEO,” Olivia says as she climbs off Autumn.
As I put on my gloves, I glance up at the sun that is threatening to suck all the moisture out of my body. “Suddenly, I remember why I moved to Houston,” I’m wiping my forehead with the back of my arm.
The sun’s pouring down on my face and burning me. I should have put sun lotion on before I came out here, because I burn easily.
“Why because you?
?re not a good cowboy?”
She raises and eyebrow and I know that she’s really pushing me to the limit.
“No, because…”
I can’t even think of a comeback. She’s got me there, I’ll make her pay for it much later, when I spend the night with her in the cottage or maybe before that, when we get back to the barn.
Chapter 12
I smile to myself when we finally meet up with Dan. Isaac’s trying to put on a good show, but I know his butt must be hurting something awful. Not once has he complained.
“How did it go? Find any breaks in the fence?” Dan asks as he approaches Isaac.
“Yeah, two. We fixed them. And you?”
“None,” Dan says as he rides past us. “Time to head back to the ranch,” he calls over his shoulder.
Isaac looks over at me. “Do you think he knew the breaks in the fence were on the left side?”
I manage only to smile instead of laughing. “Have you ever known a cowboy to do work when he can get someone else to do it?”
“Damn him. I bet he stopped in the shade of a cottonwood tree and took a nap.”
I didn’t respond. It was what I would have done when I wanted to make a new hand work a little extra.
“That’s all right, I’ll get him back,” Isaac says as he kicks Buckskin in the sides and rides after Dan. “What goes around comes around, Dan,” he calls out.
Dan lifts his hand to show he’s heard and I can see a crafty smile on his face.
“Hey,” Isaac says as I catch up with him. “Have I told you yet today that you’re sexy?”
“No, you’ve been too busy,” I laugh as I think about the way that Dan conned us both to do his job. I suspected it at first, but I didn’t mind doing it because it meant spending more time with Isaac.
“Well, too busy to tell you, but always thinking it. The thought flashes through my mind every time I see those tits bouncing up and down as we chase a stray.”
“I’ll wear a bra next time,” I say and stick my tongue out at Isaac.
“Fuck! No bra. You don’t know what you’re doing to me right now.”
“And no panties either? Shit, I want to take you to the barn right now!”
Dan turns around, glances at Isaac, and shakes his head. “Too much sun.”
That’s when we both stop talking; we’ve got company. I smile feeling embarrassed that I said those things and Dan must have heard us. I can’t remember having so much fun doing ranch chores. It makes a big difference having Isaac here on the ranch. I know that without him I’ll be doing this alone. Even Dan keeps his distance from me most of the time. Probably worried that everyone would think that I have a thing for older men.