Page 146 of Body Heat

He shakes his head, “It’s fine. I’ll pay for it, and you didn’t bring anything with you. You didn’t know that you

were staying overnight.”

He’s right about that. I visioned myself going back tonight for some reason. Not spending the day at the Space Centre and I never thought that I'd be enjoying myself with him.

“So, let’s go and get lasagne!”

As we ride in the car, I can’t think of anything better than spending the next couple of days with Isaac. Not only is the idea of speaking to someone and spending time with them, it feels as if it’s the best gift in the world. Neil and I have our moments, but apart from meal time, I don’t go out with him, or anything like that. This is about two people just enjoying each other’s company. My eyes dart towards Isaac once in a while. I wonder if he knows how I feel, but then again if he did he would make a move by now. It’s obvious that there is just one sided Isaac doesn’t feel any attraction towards me, I’m starting to realize it more and more. Isaac pulls into the parking lot of a small restaurant with a neon sight spelling out Fettuccines in big red letters.

Isaac wasn’t lying about being a regular at the restaurant. The moment we walk in the waiter standing a podium with a sign. “Good evening Isaac.” The front manager greets him with a wink and a smile. Isaac responds with the same friendly gesture.

“We haven’t seen you for a few days.”

Isaac smiles, “Yes, I had to spend time with my granddad on his ranch.”

The Front Manger smiles at me, then back to Isaac, “Do you want your usual table?”

“Yes, and we’ll like a bottle of Cotes du Rhone wine.”

I start to ask what kind of wine that is, but as I follow him to the table, Isaac smiles and says, “You’ll love the wine.”

An older waiter who looks Italian bring us some breadsticks and a small shallow dish with olive oil.

I glance at Isaac because I’m completely lost and feel pathetic that as much as I love lasagne, I’ve never eaten it in an Italian restaurant. Only when they’ve had an Italian night in town at the local bar. That’s when I first sampled it and ever since then I checked out the recipe on the net and made it once in a while.

He smiles reassuringly, “You dip the bread in the olive oil.”

“Damn, is it so obvious that I haven’t got a clue what to do with everything?”

He laughs,“That’s what I like about you. You are sort of unspoiled like the air in the country.”

“I guess that’s a nice way to say I’m a country bumpkin.”

We both chuckle. I like hearing Isaac laugh.

“Ah, was granddad upset yesterday when I moved back to my apartment,” Isaac asks, suddenly turning serious.

“A little, but I think he understands, but he just wants what’s best for you.”

“Yeah, well I’m a big boy living in the city. Not the boy that he raised so many years ago. Sometimes he has a hard time distinguishing between the two of us,” he lets out a sigh as he pours us glasses of water. “He needs to let go, and maybe I do too.”

“I’m confused, what you mean about you need do the same?”

He doesn’t answer as the waiter interrupts and brings the bottle of red wine. He pours Isaac a little in his wine glass, and it’s just like in the movies. Isaac takes a small sip and nods his head at the waiter who then pours wine into my glass before give more to Isaac. I taste the wine, and I raise my eyebrows thinking that I would love to say that I hate it. Just for the sake of it, but it’s not in my nature to do that.

I put my glass down and say, “I could get used to this type of lifestyle.”

He smiles at me in a way that he never has before.

The rest of the meal is delightful. I realize as I set the table from Isaac that I don’t want the magical moments to end. I’m afraid that when we walk out, we’ll end up bickering like we did at the ranch. But the mood follows us out in the hot, humid Houston night air.

“Now, I get to show you my apartment. I think you’ll be impressed. It’s decorated in Johnnie Versace.”

“Was he gunned down on the stoops of his house in Miami?” I ask suddenly recalling an old new report.

“Yes, and the world lost a great designer.”

“I remember that he was expensive,” I’m thinking about one day having my home. A place that I can have for my own and decorate it the way the way that I want to have it.