He’s standing and waiting for me to say something. The one thing that I rarely do, but I know that if granddad were here, then he would force me to do it.
Just this one.
“Thank you,” I say through gritted teeth. The smugness and smile reappear on Steven’s face as he holds out his hand and says, “Anytime cuz.”
Great as if I need reminding that we’re related. That’s when it dawns on me as I slump my shoulders and head to my office. I better go back to the ranch. I was so lost in my thoughts when I came here that I didn’t even tell granddad that I was going. I could have told Olivia, but I hated the way that she treats me at times as if I’m her kid or something.
I’ve never been with a woman that doesn’t want me to try something. Not even once. She makes me feel as if I’ve lost my fucking touch. No man wants to be with a woman who wants to be his friend.
Hell no!
Every time I flirt with her, she just backs away. I grab my key open the closet and my Scotch Malt Whisky Society Karuizawa Single Malt is sitting there begging me to open it. Shit, it won’t have to wait long. One phone call and one long car drive with a couple of blocks of ice, and I’ll be in fucking heaven.
I’m stuffing it in my bag and closing the door. I’m about to leave when I see a face. One that I never expected to see this side of Texas.
“Isaac!” she says as she walks into my office.
I don’t even know what to say to her.
“I should have told you that I was leaving…”
“But you didn’t.”
She say
s with her hands on her hips. I may not know much about women, but I know one thing for sure. Olivia’s genuinely pissed.
“Well you didn’t, and I came to bring you back to the ranch.”
“Really?” I sigh, because I’m not used to seeing her not smile and acting a bit too chirpy any hour of the day. It’s as if she’s constantly on a happy dial. Maybe I’m rubbing off on her with my crappy attitude.
“But before we do that. Let’s go and have a coffee.”
She’s so fucking close that all I want to do is kiss her right now. Tell her that she must be as attracted to me as I am to her. But as she backs away I blurt out, “Fine, but you’re paying.”
Apparently, Granddad’s paying her too much. It didn’t take her long to get here, which means that she either drove or Trevor brought her? But he couldn’t have because he’s out for the day on some run, which means that she has her car. So, not only is she living in the cottage for free, she’s riding around town for free too. Not with me. Granddad may think that she’s an angel, but the way that she commanded me right now. I can tell that it’s all one big act.
Chapter 6
I can’t believe that he agrees to everything I say. Something must have happened before I arrived at the office, part of me wants to know, and the other part thinks that ignorance is bliss and maybe that’s the problem. I’ve spent too much time trying to get to know him and forcing myself on him to some extent. Not stripping down and telling him to take me. But more subtly, like brushing my hand against his, or telling him to help me when I can do it myself.
Not once has he taken the hint!
Like the one time we were playing pool, he was so close to me that I could smell his woody scent. He just took the stick of me and told me that I needed to do it this way. He didn’t try to touch me, and I can’t just throw myself at him. I’m not that type of girl, but then he has a sadness about him. One that should make me stay as far away from him as possible, but it does the complete opposite it pulls me towards him like a magnet.
I do know one thing for sure. He’s holding on to his bag as if his life depends on it. That can only mean one thing. It has a bottle in it. So, I come up with the grand plan to distract him. Make him forget about what he’s holding.
“I thought that you might like to show me around, Houston. Instead of us rushing to the ranch.”
“But you stormed into my office saying that I was coming back to the ranch with you now!”
I laugh, “I know, but I’ve never been to Houston before.”