I sigh as I decide that there’s no point topping up the glass. I’ll just drink straight from the bottle, and then I sit down and face him as he revised the painful memory of dad when he was the CEO for two years.
“I didn’t want to take your dad out of his position, but I had no choice…”
“Blah, blah, blah…it doesn’t matter. As I said, I need money. Fast. Let’s not pussyfoot around and talk about the past. Because if I don’t have the financial injection soon, then Winters Industry will be closed an
d not passed to another generation. Not that there is any generation to pass it to,” I laugh as I start to sip from the bottle. I’m starting to feel disorientated as the bourbon’s not offering comfort but if anything it’s starting to give me a headache.
“Son, you’ve been like this ever since Dede died and I-“
“Don’t you fucking bring her name into this!”
I’m trying to stand up, but then I flop back into the chair. I drank too much, and the worst part is I can’t remember the last time that I ate. This is turning into a fucking disaster.
“Isaac you leave me no choice!”
I’ve never seen the old man raise his voice. Not true, I’ve seen him but as he turns a deeper shade of red and then heads closer towards me. He takes the bottle of my hand and rants on, “Your drinking’s out of control. You took out a loan to invest in a company that’s not even related to our industry. You took out a loan against your apartment and even your flipping house.”
“Damn! Someone’s been busy.”
He shakes his head, “Not busy enough because I’ve tried. I call, I come to visit, and you go out of your way to avoid me. I was shocked that you said you would come here today, but then when I learned about the state of affairs, I knew that it was only for one reason. Money. Listen carefully, because I won’t be repeating myself. You see that beautiful woman that you saw when you came here.”
I nod my head because one minute he’s talking about money and the next he’s talking about women.
“Seriously, I don’t need to know about your love life. What you do with your life is your business. I just came here for the money.”
“Three months Isaac. You move here. Live here. I help you with your drinking and if at the end of that you marry Olivia. Everything becomes yours.”
He’s got to be fucking kidding me!
“I’m not going to be blackmailed into marriage. Let alone living in the one place, I can’t stand to visit. What makes you think that everything will happen in three months time?”
He sighs, “That’s how long the doctors have given me to live. I want it all to go to you, but things need to change.”
Did he say what I think he said, “Three months?” I whisper as I think about this family and the fucking curse that must be on it. I can’t deal with another death or be a part of it. That’s why the bottle’s safe; it makes me forget my fucking nightmares.
“I’m not sticking around and watching you die. And I’m not getting married. You can leave all your money to charity for all I fucking care,” I’m slurring, and my vision is blurry, that’s when I feel a hand by my side.
“Trevor,” I look up as I see Granddad’s driver supporting my weight.
“What the fuck do you want?”
He doesn’t blink; sometimes I think that the man’s a fucking robot. He’s so damn emotionless. “Your granddad said that I should drive you home.”
“I don’t want Olivia to see you in this state, and I need you to sleep on it.”
Maybe I should stay so that she’ll see what her precious boss has lined up for her. But as Trevor practically drags me to my car. I know that I have no choice, Trevor’s going to take me home. He’ll do whatever my granddad tells him to do, and unfortunately, I’m not in any state to argue with him. Then again, I’m not in any state to do anything right now.
Chapter Two
Isaac’s hot! I can’t believe we have never met. I’ve been working here for a couple of years and have never met him. I’ve seen pictures of him around the house, but the man’s changed. I’ll ride Autumn for a while, ever since she injured her leg, she’s been a bit nervous about riding. Gareth, the vet said that I just need to give her time, but I can’t help myself. I hate seeing her this way. Especially when she was so vibrant before the injury.
I smile as I think about the way he was looking at me. Then again, Isaac’s out of my league. I’m penniless, which is why I’m working and living on Neil’s ranch. I never used to be when both of my parents had jobs working on the ranch. Things were just great on the surface. But Dad couldn’t stop drinking. One sip and he took to it like a duck to water.
If Dad hadn’t insisted on driving home after the party that night and ran his Mercedes off a bridge into a river thirty feet deep, then he would still be alive. However, I’m sure his drinking had become so bad he couldn’t function at work. I just hadn’t seen the signs. I was too caught up in thinking about going to college. Then again, that became a distant dream when I found out that my college fund was only something that dad talked about, but never set-up.
I turn around as I walk away, but Neil and Isaac are in a heated discussion. I found myself speechless in his presence. I wanted to say something, but then my mouth was shut firmly, and all I could do was think about his emerald eyes and dark hair. His features are the complete opposite of Neil’s, who has dark hair, but matching eyes. Maybe Isaac will stay for lunch, and I’ll get to know him better.