Page 113 of Body Heat

“I got a call from them only half an hour ago. From the offices of Lonex Apps?” Susan said and looked up at me. Now, she was beginning to look like she was worried for me.

“Lonex Apps?” I said, in a much shriller voice. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

“That’s what the man said on the phone,” Susan replied and I fisted the palms of my hands and tried to control my rage.


“You mean, Grant Jennings’ company?” I asked and Susan shrugged her shoulders.

I was asking the wrong person, Susan wasn’t up to date with the inner workings of Silicon Valley. But, I had no one else to take my temper out on, and I had a lot of temper inside me at that moment. I couldn’t believe that Grant Jennings’ company wanted to make an offer.

“What does this mean?” Sasha’s voice interrupted my thoughts and I whipped around to face him with narrowed eyes.

“I don’t know what this means. I don’t even know what they want,” I growled at him.

“Lonex is huge, they are becoming even bigger by the day. I’m sure if they want to buy us out, they’ll have a big sum to offer…don’t you think?” Sasha continued, unaware of the bubbling feelings of rage that were erupting in me.

I tried to control them, I barely could. Sasha’s words were slowly sinking into my brain and driving me nuts. Just when I thought that my day couldn’t get any worse, it had.

“I mean, Grant Jennings…that dude really knows what he’s doing. I bet he has big plans for the app. This could actually be great, Bev,” Sasha said and I shook my head silently. I didn’t want to hear his name, I didn’t want to think about what Grant Jennings wanted to do with my company. I wouldn’t sell to him even if I had to go bankrupt.

“Hey, didn’t you go to college with him or something?” Sasha said and I glared at him, before turning on my heels and walking straight into my office. I banged the door shut behind me and leaned against it, just to catch my breath.

This was the worst possible way that Grant Jennings could make a re-entrance into my life. I thought I never had to think about him again. That my feelings for him in college were over and I could finally move on with my life. But here he was again, turning my world upside down…but this time I was resolved not to let him.

Chapter 2


The meeting was set up for the next afternoon. Our secretaries had spoken to each other, so I hadn’t actually heard Beverley’s voice, but I got the feeling that she wasn’t pleased. In fact, I had expected her to turn down even before meeting up with me. But, I had a look at the company’s financials, I was aware of their state of affairs. That would have made her desperate to meet with me.

I was sitting behind my desk in my swanky new office, and a smile erupted on my face when I thought about her. Beverley Wade…my biggest competition in college. We had four classes together, and in each one of them she always made a point to try and prove herself to our teachers and to me. She had underestimated me in the beginning. I was captain of the basketball team, I dated cheerleaders…she had probably assumed that I was just a jock. That I was also an ace student and that I’d turn out to be her biggest competitor in class; was not something she anticipated.

Beverley was something of a nerd in college, the exact opposite of me. That is what the rest of the world thought, including her. With black rimmed circular glasses, her dirty blonde hair tied in a ponytail at the back of her head; she was always in oversized t-shirts and plain shirts and ill-fitting jeans. She took pride in her scores, not in her looks. She had a fiery temper and always took the high moral road.

Beverley sat at the front of the class and always had her hand up when questions were asked. While I sat at the back, and if I happened to give the right answers; she never failed to whip around and shoot me a look. But, surprise was always mixed with her rage. She was always shocked that I had the answers and then that shock immediately turned to anger that I had managed to trump her.

My friends thought she was a geek. Everyone thought Beverley was a geek. A fairly attractive geek but a geek nevertheless!

To me, Beverley was delicious. Her anger and competition with me, made me secretly smile and fantasize about taming her. What would Beverley taste of? What would it feel like to pin her down in my bed? Sometimes, when I slept with another new cheerleader, or a sorority girl…I imagined Beverley’s face and I could never control myself after that. She was like a forbidden fruit. I knew I could never have her. She detested me, but it was exciting just imagining it. Undoing that ponytail, taking off her glasses, overpowering her and making her orgasm. That would teach her.

It wasn’t just sexual though, she challenged me. I found it refreshing to go to class and try to beat her to it, but she never seemed to be having fun. It was always a competition to her, while to me it was just a friendly game. And now we had found ourselves in this position. We had both started tech companies to build apps and games, and we had big ideas for it. We had both moved to Silicon Valley with this idea and very little money in our pockets, and she maintained her distance from me. But in the past four years that we had been here, I had not once bumped into her. It had to be a carefully constructed scenario, I could sense that she had been avoiding me like the plague. Probably because of my company’s success.

I had the backing of wealthy investors within six months of starting Lonex, while I heard that Beverley was still trying to perfect her app. I paid attention to the business side, passing over programing reigns and responsibility to a dedicated team of experts. I focused on expanding my company, while Beverley still wrote her own code, worked with only two programmers and hadn’t found any investors yet.

I wished I could reach out to her and give her some advice, but there was no way that she would have accepted it. In her eyes, I was still the womanizing basketball heartthrob who sweet talked his way into getting better grades. She thought I was an airhead, while she was the genius. And probably I didn’t deserve any of the success I had gathered.

Now here we were. She was on the brink of bankruptcy and I was a billionaire. I didn’t have to talk to her to know that she was not a fan of this situation. But there was no way that I was simply going to sit back and allow Beverley’s company and hard work disintegrate into nothing. Whether we were friends or not, I still believed that she was the smartest person I’d ever met. Buying out her company was a no-brainer. Even if she didn’t look at it as a rescue, that was the only way I knew how to keep her afloat.

It had been close to five years since I last saw her, we were both in our late twenties by now, on two different ends of the spectrum; but I hadn’t stopped thinking about her. I knew nothing about her personal life, I practically knew nothing else other than that her company was sinking; but just the prospect of seeing her again excited me.

Our lives had changed drastically now, and she probably hated me more but I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like if we could work together. If we could finally put our differences aside and work as a team. It would require a lot of effort, because Beverley was a tough cookie, but it would ultimately be beneficial to my company as well as to me.

Now, all I had to do was make sure that our meeting the next day went according to plan.

Chapter 3
