Page 340 of Body Heat

“Kristin, maybe you—“

“Shut up,” Andrew hissed to Victor. “She’s upset, okay? Give her some space!”

“I wasn’t demanding anything,” Victor snapped. “I just wanted her to hear my point of view. Kristin—“

“Shut up,” Andrew growled, louder than before. “We should give her some space.”

“No, I think she needs to finish talking—“

“Shut up!” I screamed, jumping to my feet. “I can’t do this anymore!” I looked sadly from Andrew to Victor as my heart thumped loudly in my chest. “I have to go home,” I said softly. “This…this isn’t for me. I don’t think I can do it.”

“Kristin, please—“

“No, Andrew,” I said softly. “I’m too afraid of getting hurt.” I bit my lip. “I can’t let you break my heart.”

Not knowing what else to do, I threw myself down on the bed and sobbed.

Chapter Six

Andrew drove me to the train station. We didn’t talk in the car – I felt awkward and uncomfortable around him, ever since I’d made the announcement that I was planning to leave.

“Kristin, are you sure this is what you want?”

I stared at him, my gorgeous stepbrother. What I want is you, I thought, afraid to say it out loud. Instead, I nodded my head slowly.

“I think this was moving too fast for me,” I said quietly. “I’m not really the fast kind of girl, you know?”

Andrew sighed. He reached for my hand, twining his thick fingers with mine and squeezing gently. The comfort was reassuring, but I knew that I couldn’t back down. Unless Andrew was willing to be with me and me alone, I couldn’t keep playing these dangerous games. I knew that somehow I’d wind up getting hurt.

“It’s your decision,” Andrew said stiffly. “I respect that.”

We pulled into the train station and I shifted awkwardly in my seat. Part of me wanted to throw myself across the seat and kiss him, but I knew I couldn’t do that – it would be betraying Victor.

“Well, thanks,” I said softly. “I’m really sorry, Andrew. I didn’t know this would happen.” I sighed. “I just…I don’t want to get hurt. You can respect that, right?”

Andrew nodded slowly. “You know you don’t have to leave, right? You can stay, Kristin. You don’t have to go back there – back to that den of wolves.”

I wrinkled my nose, nodding. “I know.”

“And when you’re really ready to leave again, you can come and stay with me,” Andrew added. “I don’t want you to feel like I’m upset with you for leaving.”

I blushed. “I know,” I said softly.

A train whistle blew loudly from the station, making me jump and squeak with surprise. Andrew laughed.

“You’re so cute,” he said. He leaned forward and my heart skipped a beat. He’s going to kiss me, I thought in excitement. He’s gong to kiss me goodbye – he really does like me! But instead of a passionate kiss on the lips, Andrew’s mouth gently pressed against my forehead.

“Bye,” I whispered. Tears filled my eyes as I grabbed my bags from the backseat and slammed the door. I kept wanting Andrew to follow me, to chase after me.

But he never died.

The train ride home was enough to fill me apprehension. I didn’t want to go back with my parents, but I knew that I really didn’t have another choice. After all, this was my fault. I was the one who had lied to my mom, regardless of how ridiculous the circumstances had been, and I was the one who was going to have to face the consequences of my actions.

Hell, to be honest, I was surprised that she was letting me come home at all.

Mom picked me up at the local station, an hour later. The air in the car was icy, and her lips were set in a tight line.

“Mom, I’m really sorry I lied,” I said softly. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”