Page 312 of Body Heat

The office filled with voices as the next hour passed and I knew that we were at full capacity. The number of orders we all had to process was absurd, and I longed for personal help again. I took a break and looked at Brandon for a moment as he sipped his coffee. “What if we place an ad?” I asked as he glanced at me.

“For help?”

“Yeah, but let’s keep it at that for this week at least,” I joked as he grinned. “We have orders to catch up on and there’s a good chance that we won’t have someone right away anyway.” I shrugged. “I’d rather get caught up sooner rather than later and try to focus on other aspects of the company.”

“Let’s do it,” he agreed as I nodded and pulled up the former ad. It said everything that we needed and I posted it in

one of the job sites before getting back to work. I laughed at the emails coming in about a beautiful girl giving shoulder massages and assured the managers that it was legit and to enjoy.

One of them mentioned that his personal assistant had a friend that was looking for a job, since her company of seven years closed due to bankruptcy. He said that Breanna assured him that she was smart and a hard worker that just had a bit of rough luck and she’d mentioned how busy she was at work. He knew how hard Dad worked and wanted to help and I told Brandon about it. “We can talk to her, right?” He asked as I nodded and told the guy to have her call us. If she was a good worker, she could pick up quickly and get this mess caught up.

We worked through the day until lunch and grabbed some sandwiches at a nearby deli. My phone rang while we were walking and I answered in business mode as a woman asked if this was Brent Moyen. “Yes, it is. Who am I speaking to?” I asked as Brandon looked at me.

“My name is Jane Drury and I believe that one of your managers spoke to you. I am Breanne’s friend,” she offered as I noted a drawl in her voice. She must not be from New York. “I was interested in a job there since I just got laid off. I have an apartment that I don’t want to lose and Bre says that you’re busy this time of year…well, every time of year.” She laughed and I smiled.

“What was the former job?” I asked as she told me that it was at a warehouse for a smaller shipping company, one that I knew mishandled their finances from word of mouth. “I know that you have experience then. Come in this afternoon or tomorrow morning, if that isn’t too soon?” She agreed with relief in her voice and told me she’d be there at three o clock to talk to me. “We have an interview today.” Brandon looked at me as he sipped his soda, raising an eyebrow.

“That is almost too easy,” he said as I shrugged. “You said her friend works for the company, too?”

“Yes, so we need to behave ourselves. We already pushed it last time,” I referenced Veronica as we both sighed. “She sounds like a sweet girl.”

“Uh oh,” he voiced our thoughts as I pushed open the door to the building. It was exhausting how many people watched us walk down the street and I was noticing cameras now. I didn’t see the fascination with us but I just let it go. We walked back to the office and he dropped his gaze to the floor as we left the elevator as I scanned the crowd that was getting on the elevator. There was a brunette looking at us with a glint in her eyes and I thought back to the weekend.

“Is that her?” I asked once we were in the office and he nodded. “She noticed you.”

“Yeah, I saw that,” Brandon noted as he sat down and sighed. “She’s hot but there’s no way that I’d tap that. I hope her friend didn’t tell her every detail.” Brandon grimaced and I laughed. “Shut up. You’ve been there.”

“Hence the reason I’m laughing. I was bored with the last girl I hooked up with, so I didn’t have this drama.” I told him as I unwrapped the sandwich. “She was just so typical. Empty.”

“Isn’t that what we’re supposed to want? We’re only twenty-two,” Brandon told me as I shrugged.

“Are we? It doesn’t feel like that.” I said as I shook my head. “There will be more balance after this week. Maybe Jane will work out.”

“That’s a sweet name,” Brandon said as I laughed. “Who is she friends with?”

“Breanne. She’s Logan’s assistant,” I replied as he looked thoughtfully out of the window.

“Redhead. She’s cute,” Brandon snapped his fingers as I stared at him.

“Don’t get any fucking ideas,” I warned him as he shrugged. “We’ve fucked off enough here.”

We were done with lunch and ready for Jane when three rolled around, sitting behind our desks as we waited. There was a soft knock at our door and I told the person to come in, seeing a girl with dark curls walk in as she looked around the office with wide bright green eyes. She was wearing a conservative green dress that brought their color out and she cleared her throat as she looked at us. “Are you twins?”

“I am Brent Moyen and this is Brandon, my twin brother. We took over the company this year after our father passed,” I offered as sympathy crossed her pretty face.

“I’m so sorry,” Jane said as she eased herself forward and glanced at the chair.

“Have a seat. Tell us about yourself,” Brandon offered as she slipped into the seat and pressed her hands into her lap. Jane was about our age and looked like the girl next door with her innocent face. She was beautiful in a subdued kind of way and I watched her as she smiled at us.

“My name is Jane Drury and I am twenty-two years old. I worked for Ames Shipping for seven years until they closed and my friend Breanne mentioned this place.” She swallowed thickly as I stared at her. “It’s so much bigger than Ames. They used to read about you guys all of the time.”

“I am familiar with them. They started in the south, right?” I asked as she nodded. “It’s hard to bring a business here sometimes. Are you from New York originally?”

“No, sir. I am from Nashville and moved with the company. I have a cute little place in Brooklyn and New York has grown on me. I’d like to try and stay here for a time.” She smiled and I looked at Brandon. “I have a resume if you’d like to look at it.” She passed a pink folder across the desk and I looked at it, finding it impressive before I passed it to my brother to look over. She was young but had a good work history. Jane clearly knew the shipping business and I expected that she could start with little training. “Breanne said y’all are busy right now with the holidays?”

“Very. We’ve all been putting in a lot of hours,” Brandon said as he slid the folder back to me. He gave me a look telling me that he approved of the resume and I nodded as I looked at her. “Do you travel for the holidays?”

Jane shook her head. “It’s just Mama and I and she’s coming here. I was anticipating being busy at work, so I didn’t schedule time off.”