But I don’t ask him that, no one knows about our rendezvous before we came on set and I want to keep it that way.
Maybe I should talk to her and figure out what’s going on in her mind, considering this is her first big screen movie she seems to be doing well. She’s talented that's for sure. I feel as if I’m the newbie and I should be getting advice from her as to what to do next.
He pats me on the back, and I wonder if he knows. Fuck! I’m so fucking paranoid, and I need to stop doing that. So, what if he knows. It doesn’t mean a thing. I should have a conversation with her. That would be the decent thing to do, seeing as she was a fan. I bet she stopped being one the moment I ignored her on the first day.
“Sure. I’ll come. What time and where?”
I laugh, “Why do you say that?”
He tilts his head to the side and says, “Well some of the guys were thinking that you’re a bit full of yourself because you never want to go out for a drink or anything. So, at least I can prove them wrong.”
“Since I came out of rehab I’ve avoided socializing. It tends to lead to temptation. As much as I say that I'm not going to drink, for some reason whenever I go out. I can't say no. I fucking drink over time.”
That’s the only bullshit that I can think to come up with, it’s partly true, and the other part is mainly because the dark-haired blue eye that I need to fake being attracted to in the next few scenes is here and I need to fucking avoid her like the plague.
“Fuck, I feel like a prick for saying anything.”
I smile, “Don’t sweat it, man. I’ll be there. Just tell me where and what time?”
He nods, “Cool, we’re only here for another week, so I think that it’ll be a good thing. It helps with the vibe of the movie and everything.”
I sigh, “Sure.”
It’s all bullshit, everyone gives this illusion that for the movie to be a success we all need to connect in one way or another, but that’s not true. They just like turning the set into an offscreen orgy and use the movie as an excuse to do it. I’ve been in the industry long enough to know the drill. I don’t want an orgy, I just want one lady but the problem is staying away is becoming harder every fucking today. I have a feeling that tonight it’s going to be even harder and that makes me want to go to the party. Not to mingle with them, but just her.
Chapter Sixteen
A few of the guys are going to a party, the good part about it is the fact that Eric won’t be going. He didn’t go to the one on the first night, and I’m sure that he’s not going to be going to this one. I pick up the phone and give my usual update to Harper which entails, ‘Did you talk to Eric off-screen?’ my reply’s always the same, ‘No.’ Then we move on to other topics. The crew, the people, being in a movie and anything else the doesn’t revolve around Eric.
“Hey Harper,” I beam as I’ve got something really important to tell her tonight.
“You sound happy. What’s happened? Oh God, please tell me that you didn’t talk to Eric off-screen today?”
“No! Can you stop tripping about that? Besides he hasn’t even made any effort to talk to me. I told you that.”
“Yeah, but he’s a snake. He’ll try it eventually mark my words.”
I giggle at her being the expert in everything and always wanting me to send her pictures of the set. Just so that she can feel that she’s part of it all.
“Anyway, I've got big news. The director said that I did an excellent job today and he feels that I'm a born natural. He said that he's worked with a lot of newbies and none of them have been as professional as me. And if at any time I need a reference, he'll be happy to give me one.”
She squirms, and she can probably feel my excitement on the phone.
“I was so nervous about it all and then being here Harper, well it made everything feel natural. It’s as if it's all fallen into place. Without me even trying.”
She sighs, “That’s good, and it’ll stay that way as long as you don’t let Eric anywhere near you.”
“Okay, okay. I get it. So, tell me what gives?” I slump down on the bed again. I’ve been sleeping since I came in the room. Crap! I never checked the time before I called her. I didn’t even take my clothes off. I was exhausted we had an early morning start today, but it’s all good because we’re not shooting tomorrow.
Sometimes I don’t want to talk about me. Right now, I don’t want to jinx it all. I did catch Eric looking at me a few times today. But there’s no way I’ll tell her and make her panic about it all. Eric’s spent seven days ignoring me and treating me as if I’m a stranger. I’ve been doing the same. Apart from yesterday when we had a break. I swear that he was coming towards me. That’s when Florence left. It was as if he was good at keeping his distance when she was around, but then again maybe that’s what I want to think. That he’s regretting the last few days, because of as much as I keep telling myself that he’s a jerk. There’s another part of me that keeps saying that it's all in my mind.