“Everyone’s been telling me that I shouldn’t have high expectations about anything in the city. There are so many actresses who went to the right drama school, colleges and they’re all out of work.”
I’m starting to get angry because for a second I thought that she was having a dig at me. But as she puts the plates in the dishwasher and says, “Well, I just wanted to say that knowing that I have a small chance of hope is enough to put a smile on my face.”
Then without warning my phone rings and the bell goes at the same time.
She stops and looks at me, “Are you expecting an
I nod my head, “Your taxi’s here. I thought that you needed to get going and I thought that I’ll help you along.”
She sighs, “Sure, I need to get going.”
I feel like a jerk for doing it while she was talking, but she did say that she had to go. Maybe I need to learn how to kick a girl out of my house without making them feel like shit. She grabs her purse and runs out off the door. I want to stop her and tell her bye, or maybe kiss and say that I’ll see her again.
Shit, only a guy would do that. Someone that she deserves to be with as I press the button to open the gates. She doesn’t turn back. It’s best for her, but most of all it’s even better for me.
Chapter Ten
I’m sitting in the taxi only a couple of blocks from my room. The one that I have to sleep in tomorrow after I finish my shift today. I can’t believe that he did that to me. I feel so damn cheap. When he asked if I was hungry and offered me something to eat. Silly me thought that he was talking about maybe getting to know each other better. I didn’t think for one minute that he was desperate to get me out of the house.
“Here we are. Eighty dollars and twenty-five cents!”
The driver says as he turns to face me. I look in my purse at the notes that he left on top of my purse. I can’t believe that he only gave me fifty bucks, which means that I’m really out of pocket. He paid seventy, but then again maybe he didn’t have any money. I did out the bills out of my purse and then reluctantly give it to the driver as if I’ve given him a kidney or something.
I can’t believe that things are going from bad to worse in the space of a short time.
That’s when I see Harper crossing the street, and I jump out of the taxi and then tell the driver to keep the seventy-five cents change. He doesn’t even say anything as I slam the door shut.
I shout even though it’s the last thing that I feel like doing right now. I’m tired, angry and so darn frustrated right now. Why did I think that Eric Turner would be a nice guy? One that would offer me more than a ride home.
“Hey,” she says as she comes running up to me.
“Considering you’ve been getting down and dirty with the one man that you’ve idled for so long you look as if you’ve just come back from a funeral.
I shake my head, “That’s because I was stupid. You were right I got carried away, and then he just called the taxi and told me that it was outside waiting for me.”
“Wow, not even a goodbye kiss?”
She purses her lips together and closes her eyes. I walk past her not feeling in the mood to laugh about it.
“Hey, Valentina wait up. I was only kidding.”
I sigh, “Yeah, yeah I know it’s just that I thought that he would string me along a little you know.”
“Exchange numbers?”
I nod my head feeling silly for even thinking such a thing.
“Well, you know he’s a bad boy with a crappy reputation. Remember the court case last year?”
I sigh as she starts to open the front door.
“The one where he pretended that he needed an operation and couldn’t shoot for another couple of weeks,” she says as we start heading towards the shared kitchen. The one where we tend to avoid going in because we never know what kind of mess it is in at the best of times.