Page 273 of Body Heat

“I bet.” She takes a deep breath and says, “You got carried away being star struck by the one guy that you’ve got photos off. Valentina get out of there and just come home. I’m getting off the bus now. I’ll pay for the cab back home, don’t sweat it. Hearing the juicy details will be payback enough because I want to hear every last dirty detail..”

I sigh, “Sure, I’m just going to get something to eat and then I’ll be on my way. It’s okay. I’ll be there soon don’t worry.”

“I’m not worried I just need some sleep and you need to get over the fact that you’re with a star. Because you’re not. He’s a fading star that you had a major crush on, and you need to get rid off. Keep the night in your mind, but don’t think of it as anything more than one night.”

“I know, soon I’ll be on my way.”

“Valentina, you better be, because I need to sleep. I’ve got a shift in about six hours, and once I hit the sack, I’m out like a light.”

“I know, I usually hear you snoring from next door. Night get some sleep.”

“What? I thought that

you were coming home?”

“I am. Soon. Just get some rest. It’s okay. I don’t need the money after all. It’s all good.”

I look up and see Eric. Not the man that came to the bar, but a completely different one. A man dressed in a red polo shirt with jeans and most of all he’s showered and nothing like the man who just threw a bottle at the wall.

Chapter Nine


“I was hoping that you would still be here.”

I nod my head, “Yes, I was just talking to my friend.”

“About leaving right?” I drop some bills on her purse which is lying on the table. She’s a struggling actress and the only way for her is for me to give her a lift and hat’s not an option seeing as I don’t have a car.

I head over to the stove, “How do you like your eggs?”

She nods as if she’s in a fucking trance.

“Well done.”

It’s as if she’s speechless and then she moves towards me. No longer do I feel angry or even upset about all that’s taken place today. I can’t fucking go on like this anymore. Not if I need to make a change, maybe knowing that she’s downstairs ready to heal my wounds made me feel like getting changed. Not just physically, but mentally too.

“Good, because I don’t know how to do anything else.”

I smile at her, but I’m not used to doing that. Being nice and planting a smile on my face. Something that I’ve rarely done.

“Where’s Rosetta?” Valentina asks as she comes to sit closer to me on the stool by the workspace. The place that I used to sit when I had nothing better to do but watch Rosetta cook something up for me. She even showed me how to make a couple of things in the kitchen. The time that she had to spend time with her sick mom and I refused to have anyone else in the house while she was gone.

My short smile turns into a frown as I think about her bringing up Rosetta, the one who left my house a few minutes ago in tears.

“She had to leave!”

I lie as I turn to the fridge and put my non-culinary skills to a test. I’ve spent as much time in here lately as I did in her bar yesterday. But, it doesn’t mean that I can’t fry an egg, put some bacon and sausage on the grill. I can do basic things even if I’m not on the big screen.

“Do you need me to do something?”

I stare at her for a minute, as if I’m seeing her for the first time. I’m not slightly tipsy, and she’s not naked. I laugh at the irony of us not being able to keep our hands off each other only a few hours ago to sitting down at a table and having a conversation. It’s not that I don’t want her, but right now I’m just not in the mood but to do anything but eat.

“No, just keep me company if you don’t mind?”

I wink at her, and she smiles back, “But I need to be heading back soon. I’ve got to go to work.”

I nod, “Sure, I even went upstairs to get you some money for a taxi home.”