Page 272 of Body Heat

“My name is Rosetta. I’m Señor Turner’s housekeeper. If you like, I’ll make you breakfast?”

I nod my head, feeling bad for her. I wonder if he does this type of thing all the time. I watch as Rosetta comes back with a vacuum cleaner in one hand and a dustpan and brush in another.

She smiles at me, “He gets like this sometimes. When he gets sad. Don’t worry he come down soon. I make you something, and by the time you eat, he’ll be fine.”

Wow, just like that?

Is this why he’s been away from the spotlight, he’s been sad? I think that she wants to say depressed or maybe something deeper than that, but I can’t think right now. As I want to leave. I never thought that I would come to the star’s house the one that I’ve idolized for so long and wanted to leave. I nod to her, and she points in the opposite direction I want to tell her I know where it is. But I find myself speechless about the chain of events, “Go wait there. I come in the kitchen. I just clean this up.”

I watch as her chubby fingers start to get to use. Without hesitation, she starts vacuuming, and I follow her direction and head to the kitchen. Not to wait for her, but simply to call Harper and tell her that I’ll be home soon.

“Hey, it’s me, Valentina.”

She laughs, “I know who it is. What’s up? I thought that maybe you were getting down and dirty with Eric Turner.”


She’s still laughing, so I wait for her to stop. She sounds as if she’s heading home. I can hear her on the bus and maybe this isn’t the best time to have this type of conversation. I rented the room next to hers and ever since then we’ve been best friends. She’s my only friend in the city; she even managed to get me a job at The White Bar. Most of the girls working at the bar are budding actresses and think that you’re some competition if they believe that they’re helping you out in any way possible.

“So you going to tell me where you’re at? Or you are going to keep quiet on the other side of the cell?”

I nod my head, but then don’t say a word as Rosetta comes into the kitchen. She sees me on the phone and whispers, “Just call me when you finish. I make you something.”

Again, I nod my head and smile at her. She leaves the kitchen, and I get on and say exactly what’s on my mind.

“I’m at his house.”


I sigh, “Eric Turner. I came back in a taxi with him to his house.’

“Tony said that you left with him, but I thought that he was just acting like a prick. I didn’t think that you would do something like that. Not you!”

I laugh as I think about her being the one person that’s always telling me just to chill and get a life. And now I’m telling her that I’ve done a lot more than that, no wonder she’s surprised.

“Well, I’m full of surprises.”

I’m trying to sound casual, but I’m not good at that.

“What’s up? You wouldn’t call me when you’re there unless something’s up.”

“He just threw a bottle at the wall and just went to his room. It was weird, we had…” I clear my throat as I think about Rosetta hanging around and probably hearing parts of the conversation.

“It’s as if last night he didn’t mean.…”

“I’m going to stop you right there. He wanted to get laid. He got to lay the guy that you’ve been fantasizing about your whole life. Don’t think that this is anything else. If he wanted you there, then he would be making you breakfast. I know what you’re doing, thinking that this is something real. It isn’t. Get out and then come back here and tell me all about it you dirty girl!”

“No, it’s not like that.”

“Valentina I’ve seen the photos that you keep of him. It’s clear that you’re a fan. But he’s a star that’s had more than his fair share of a rough patch. I bet he looked smoking hot last night? Even if he didn’t, he’s still Eric Turner. Just hurry up and come and tell me about it.”

I know that she’s right, but then I decided just to tell her my other issue.

“I don’t have any money to get home.”

“What’s wrong with you?”

She blurts out, and I start to sob, “I have no idea. I thought that he would pay for the drinks and then we may get back to his place, but he gave the driver like seventy bucks. I don’t have that kind of money to get home. Besides, there’s no taxi rank around her.”