‘Just listen to him!’
Katie’s been begging me to do the for the last couple of weeks.
‘Maybe there’s a good reason for what he did,’ Michelle tried to explain to me. It makes no difference what they think about him because it’s as clear as night and day that he owns The Silk Box and he knew that it’s the thorn in my business side.
Mom winks at me, “Just give him a chance.”
“I did, and he used me…”
Mom shakes her head and then takes my arm and drags me to the kitchen. Away from them. Away from him.
“You were innocent in all of this too. You could have told him no and just gone to the bank and if that didn’t work just sold up as your dad did. He gave your business the life that it needed to run again. I’m not saying that what he did was right.”
She’s probably trying to make sense of it. Thank goodness I wasn’t around when she heard about what happened, I would hate to have seen their faces knowing that their daughter had offered herself for the sake of her business.
“All I know is that Marvin’s a good man. He’s been friends with your dad for years. He may not be perfect, but then no man is. He’s loved you for so long. Even I knew that.”
“You did? But why did you never say anything?”
“Because the only thing that your dad wanted to talk about was the business. And the only thing you could see was your designs. I’ve been ignored in this family for so many years that if he hadn’t sold it. I would have walked out.”
“Emily, it doesn’t matter. All I know is that Marvin’s been trying to help you for years. Correct?”
I nod and then she continues talking.
“He’s told you that he’s interested in investing in that type of a business for a while and you were never interested. Correct?”
“No, I was never interested in giving him my body for…’
“That’s not what I asked you. You could have come up with a contract or something. Told him that you would listen to him. Take his investment under his terms. But you never did, correct?”
God! I hate listening to home truths. I move to the other side of the kitchen. Get the bottle opener seeing as mom’s going to walk around all evening with the bottle of wine in her hand.
As she hands me the glasses and I pop open the bottle. I start to pour the wine and mumble, “Okay mom. You have a point.”
She knocks her glass next to mine and smiles, “You are too stubborn just like your father.”
She takes a sip and says, “Marvin saw a business opportunity and took it. There’s nothing wrong with that in his world. Why he kept it from you, do you have to ask? He was worried that you'd take it the wrong way. Look I do not agree with what either of you did, but I do know one thing. You’ve been miserable and by the look of him too. He’s been feeling the same. Don’t make the whole thing go to waste. At least give your love a try.”
I giggle as I sip a bit too much wine quickly, “I was shocked seeing him unshaven and in those shorts.”
She nods her head, “And as for the Hawaiian shirt. What’s up with that?”
She takes my hand and leads me outside to dad and Marvin. As soon as Marvin seems me, he’s no longer smiling but looking at me.
“Dad,” I kiss him on the cheek, and he hugs me, making me nearly spill my wine.
“Dad! Why did you do that?”
I say as I pull back, thinking that maybe after today I’ll stop drinking. I’m getting a bit too attached to it.
“Because I thought that you would run through the door.”
I turn and face Marvin, “Marvin.”