“Save it, Marvin! I’m not interested. At what point were you going to tell me that the one company that’s ruined mine, just happens to be one of yours?”
He smirks, “I thought that we agreed that you destroyed your company. Not the other way around.”
“I can’t believe that you just said that, but then again what should I expect from a snake. You used me, knowing that you could have helped me a long time ago.”
He starts to head to the driver’s side.
“If that’s what you want to believe then fine. I wanted to talk about this at home. Behind closed doors, not on the street like animals. I think you’ll find that you used me too. You never came to Vegas for a good time! You went for the money.”
Then he gets in his car, and then he leaves me on the side of the street like a hooker. I hated Marvin when I thought that he was using money as a means to get me hot and bothered under the sheets.
But now I hate him even more, not only for the secret. But for saying that I’d slept with him for the money, even if it was the truth.
Chapter Fifteen
I stand on the street corner, watching his car go by. I don’t want him anywhere near me ever again. I start to wonder if he’d planned the whole thing and through my tears, I call Michelle. Maybe if she’s at home, then I’ll talk to her about the whole humiliating experience that I suffered tonight.
“Michelle, are you home?”
I blurt out as soon as she picks up the phone. My voice is muffled, and I should have tried to calm down before speaking to her, but I’m so upset. Heartbroken and I can’t stop fucking crying.
“Yes, yes, what’s wrong?”
“Okay, just come over. Calm down, and then we’ll talk, okay?”
“On my way.”
“Or maybe I should come to you? Are you at home?”
I shake my head, “No, I’m out, but I can come to you. It’s okay. I’ll just grab a taxi.”
She sighs, “Good. I’m waiting okay?”
I nod, “Okay.”
Then I hang up, and I feel guilty for calling her at nearly midnight, just because I’ve been a fool. Maybe I should have waited until the morning, but I know one thing for sure. I’m not sleeping tonight. I’m so fucking mad and upset.
I walk up a bit, and within no time, I manage to hail a cab. After I give him the direction, I manage to wipe most of my tears on my dress and to take in a few deep breaths and close my eyes for the short ride allowed me to calm down. Just a little bit.
By the time I pass the taxi, then buzz her apartment, the tears start falling once again. I can’t help myself, as much as I’m trying to control myself. I’m not doing a good job.
Michelle screams as she opens her door in her pj's. I feel guilty that she must have been sleeping when I called, but the look of concern on her emerald eyes tells me that she’s more concerned about me.
“Michelle, he used me!”
I run into her arms. She pats me on the back, and her soothing voice reassures me that, she’s not bothered. She’s more worried about my emotional state at the moment.
“Come on, let’s sit down. Do you want a drink?”
I shake my head as she goes to shut the door and I dump my purse and my body on her sofa.