Page 233 of Body Heat

I order, and then I grab one of the bathing robes. I’ll get changed after I’ve eaten, I don’t feel like it right now. Once the food arrives and I’m sitting down to eat it, my thoughts start going around in circles. Not long after, the center of those thoughts walks into the suite wearing jeans and a black polo shirt. I don’t think that I’ve ever seen Marvin wearing jeans. Watching him come towards me, makes me realize that he’s too sexy. Just like Michelle was telling me when I arrived, and I did all the things that she said I should do. Not to have fun, but because I wanted him.

“Good afternoon. Wow, you’re awake!” he says surprised as he walks up to me and kisses me on the cheek.

“That’s because you keep tiring me out,” I smile at him. “Marvin, what time’s our flight?”

“You have at least twenty minutes to eat and get ready.”

“But, why didn’t you say anything earlier? I could have got ready.”

He laughs, “Don’t panic if we miss that flight. We’ll just get another one.”

I know that for him this is nothing, he can afford to just book one flight after another, but I still feel guilty about it.

“I wanted to make sure that you got the rest that you needed.”

He’s talking, but I’m too busy panicking about getting ready. I jump up and head for my room. I get dressed and put my things in order, then move to wait in the living room while Marvin does the same, but his pace is a lot slower than mine. I watch for a second as he has his clothes all folded and neatly puts them in his case. I just stuffed them in mine.

Afterward, I'm rushing out of the hotel. We stop by the reception so Marvin can drop the room key before heading outside. Again, I’m out of breath rushing, and he’s walking in his stride as if he’s got all the time in the world.

“I paid before coming up for my things. I left early to tie up things here, so we’re clear to go.”

“Okay,” I say as we get into the limo waiting for us beside the curb.

Kurt is dutifully holding the door open, “Ms. Crawford.” He nods, but I’m too busy thinking about getting on the plane, and I wish that he’ll call me Emily. There’s no need for him to be formal all the time.

“Kurt,” I blurt out as I hand him my case. The one that Marvin said that the bellboy could take and we didn’t have to rush down with it.

The drive to the airport is a quick one. It takes almost an hour before we can board our plane, but then we’re finally seated. It’s when the plane is gliding down the runway, about to take off, when everything settles down for me. I sigh a breath of relief, whereas Marvin’s still as cool as a cucumber.

“You panic too much.”

“Marvin you don’t panic enough,” I say as I’m still trying to catch my breath. That’s not the real reason that I’ve been panicking, so I say exactly what’s on my mind, “Is this it then?”

He coldly turns to me. The same way that he did when we first met in Vegas, “The deal was for the weekend. A weekend, and I give you the amount you wanted. The deal is done, isn’t it?”

His eyes watch me closely, or so I feel.

“I don’t want it to end. I don’t want our time together to end,” I clarify, in case he doesn't get what I mean.

I think he looks pleased as he takes my hand and lightly kisses the back of it. My breath catches as I meet his eyes, an intensity in them that I swear was not there a moment ago.

“It doesn’t need to if you don’t want it to end.”

I don’t, and I wish that I didn’t have the seatbelt on, because no longer do I feel tense, but I close my eyes and shriek inside my mouth as the excitement takes over me. Marvin has said exactly what I need to hear. I open my eyes, and he’s smiling at me. I wonder if he knew that this was going to happen all along?

I don’t care because I’m holding on to his hands and I have no intention of letting him go.

Chapter Fourteen


I wait almost impatiently for Marvin to show up after being back for nearly a week, I can’t go a day without seeing him. It’s as if I have a constant craving to be with him.

We’re supposed to go out to dinner, and I’ve been ready for a while because I’m too excited. I didn’t even bother to go to the office today. I just spent most of the day trying to figure out what to wear and catching up on some sleep. One thing about us is once we get started, we don’t know how to stop.

The business is coming along nicely with Marvin's help, and I have fun thinking of all the ways I can reward him for all the help he’s giving me.

I find myself thinking all too much of Marvin lately.