Page 223 of Body Heat

“I just think that these rooms are better. I prefer this hotel to the other. Nothing more and there’s no hidden agenda. Now, are you going to eat? Or am I going to have to tie you to the chair and force feed you?”

She laughs at that statement and says, “Force feed me. No, but maybe feed me. I’ve never done that before.”

“You haven’t done anal either?”

She smiles, “You promised that we'd do that later.”

“One thing about me Emily, I’m a man of my word, and I never break my promise.”

“Good,” she blurts out. “Because I’m starving.”

She winks at me, and for a second I wonder if she’s talking about the actual food or sex? She doesn’t let on about what’s going on. As she starts acting innocently all the time tightening her white robe and exposing her legs. She’s letting me know that she wasn’t talking about the food. I can’t help but slide my hand up her leg; she moves closer towards me. I let go, thinking that she needs to eat for now because she’ll be needing her energy much later on.

Chapter Nine


“Wow, I haven’t had a full breakfast for ages,” I say as I stand up and then start to let my robe slide to the floor. I want more of what we did earlier. Now, I’ve had a taste of him. This. I can’t think of any better way than to enjoy him once again. We only have one day left, and I want to make sure that it’s all about sex, sex, and sex.

Like a drug addict needing a fix, I walk up to him and sit down on him. I start grinding my pussy against his rising dick.

“This is what you like right?”

He slowly pushes me away from him, and a wave of panic enters my mind.

“Did I do something wrong?”

He shakes his head, “No, all good things come to those who wait.”

I smirk, “Will you ever stop playing games?”

He sighs as he stands us both up.

“Emily, I need you to get showered and changed, I thought that you understood about last night. But it seems as if I was wrong.”

I roll my eyes, “You sound like my dad.”

His face changes from a loving one, back to that cold man. The one that seems to reel his head from time-to-time.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to mention him. That was a crap thing to do. But I’m standing here naked,” I open up my arms. I want him to look at me. Marvin does the opposite and walks away.

“Everything that happens now is on my terms. We only have sex when I say we do.You only come when I want you to. Nothing is for you to decide or think about. Unless I tell you to do it. Do you understand?”

I find myself breathless and flustered as he’s so close to me. His cock is rising, and I know that he wants to take me, but something’s holding him back, and I have no idea what.

He closes his eyes, “You need to get showered and dressed,” he repeats and then he stands by the window.

What the heck?

I move to my room and slam the door behind me. I can’t believe that he’s treating me this way. And I want to leave. I feel so frustrated thinking about myself being out there and being rejected like that. It’s so damn humiliating and yet for some reason when he said those things he had me turned on. Hearing his command made me even more wet between the legs.

I’m standing by the door. Thinking that he’ll come to apologize, but he doesn’t. I don’t know how long I’m standing there, before the phone rings.

I run to it thinking that it’s him in the other room.

I put on a seductive voice, “Emily Collins speaking.”

“Hi, this is Kurt. Remember I drove you from the airport and then to the hotel last night.”