Joshua’s causing so many mixed emotions in my mind that I can’t think straight. I kiss him back with hunger as he gently enters my pussy, and my legs wrap around him so we can be as one. Joshua thrusts gently inside me, using his hands to caress my sides, my face and at times, to drive my head closer to his as we kiss.
It is one of the most romantic times we’ve experienced together, and I want it to stop. This is just one weekend, soon it’ll be over, and another will take my place I’m confident about that. He’s a man that’s had women here before; I know that I’m not the first and certainly won’t be the last.
There an aching as my pussy clenches with what feels like the last orgasm I’ll ever have in my lifetime. After we finish rocking and I wonder how one man can come all the time.
“We shouldn’t have done it without a condom,” I say feeling silly that after it’s happened, I now want to tell him that we should have practiced safe sex.
“Well, there’s the after pill, you could get that tomorrow?”
I shake my head while still looking directly into his eyes, “Sure.”
He rolls off me, and I sigh, “Silly me.”
I’m not used to these situations. I was on the pill for so long that the moment I had my first period and Sam had dumped me. I stopped taking it.
I turn to face him. I’m trying to read his mind and figure out what’s happening between us. I’m acting as if we have a future together when it is evident that we don’t.
I lay beside him with my arms wrapped around him for safety and comfort. He continues to stroke me as I hold onto him for dear life. I don’t understand it at first, but then I don’t care as for the first time in a long time I feel completely safe and warm being in another man’s arms. Even if it’s only for the weekend.
Chapter Eleven
“Who the fuck keeps calling at this time of night?”
The first time my phone rang I ignored it, but the second time it was getting on my nerves, so I reached out and picked it up. Scarlett was peacefully sleeping on my chest. I didn’t mean to wake her up, but I was surprised that she could sleep with the phone ringing.
“What!” I blurt down the phone. I don’t even look at the number as I push her to the side and pick up my phone.
“Mr. Moore?”
“This is Wendy Hart. You don’t know me, and I’m so sorry to be calling at this time of night. I was calling Scarlett’s phone but she wasn’t picking up.”
I hate people that ramble especially at this hour. I’m listening impatiently as I head to my closet to get my pants.
“It’s just that I need to speak to Scarlett and I know that she won the auction. Well, she didn't win it, her aunt did....anyw
ay, I just rang on the off chance that she was still with you.”
“One minute.”
I walk over to Scarlett who’s hugging the pillow as if her life depends on it. I wonder if she still thinks that she’s in my arms?
I push her gently, no movement. So, I shout out maybe a bit too loudly, “Scarlett!”
She jumps up, “Fire!”
Her hairs all over her face and if it wasn’t for the call then I’ll probably take her again, there’s nothing like waking up a woman with my cock that sends me over the edge faster than normal.
“No, Wendy’s on the phone for you.”
“Who?” she says trying to get her hair out of her mouth. I hand her my phone, and as she blinks her eyes furiously, I put on the light and grab a shirt.
No one calls at this time of night unless there’s something wrong. The fact that Wendy said that she’s been trying to get hold of Scarlett at one makes me think that there must be something up with Ms. Young.
“No, no it’s no trouble. I’m on my way,” Scarlett shouts down the phone and then she’s running around the room like a chicken.