Page 195 of Body Heat

We move again, he has me in his arms, and my eyes are still firmly shut. That’s when IU hear the plates drop to the floor. He pushes me onto the dining table effortlessly, but with my tits on the firm wood. I spread out my arms wondering what he’s going to do next.

“This is going to hurt!”


Then his thumb starts to go up my ass, and I know exactly what he’s talking about. We’re going to have anal sex. Something that I told Sam that I would never consider in a million years. I’m lying face down on the dining room table with my heels still on my feet, offering Joshua, the guy that I’d met only yesterday to stick it to me up the butt.

I should protest and tell him that this isn’t something that I’m ready to do. Not yet. Not ever.

“Remember you’ve got your safe word? If it gets too much…”

He growls as he changes from putting his thumb in there to his fingers.


I nod, thinking that he didn’t need to remind me. This one act would be something that I’ll remember.

He strokes my back, “Try to relax. You’re too tense.”

I move in sync with the rhythm that he’s creating as he starts to rock me back on forth on the table. It’s not the most comfortable position in the world, but with my eyes closed and focusing on how he’s making me feel. I soon forget about my fears as he replaces his fingers with his cock.

“That’s my girl,” he purrs as I start to relish in the pleasure.

I close my eyes and hear him gentle push into me. I rock on the table, but then he has one hand on my waist keeping me steady.

“Your ass is so fucking tight!”

Now, I understand the fascination of anal sex. The idea used to gross me out, but it’s so different from him putting it in my pussy.

“I can’t even hold back any longer. I’m fucking coming!”

He barks as he starts to pump me harder, I think that his whole length is inside of me as I leverage my weight against the table. Then with a couple of forcible and harder thrusts, he drops on top of my back as I feel his come shoot up my spine.

As I try to stand up, I struggle with the weight of my heels, and now I feel sore. The reality of what took place starts to take its turn as his length turns soft and he removes it. Like a delicate flower, he lifts me up.

“You must be exhausted?”

I whisper, “Sore and tired.”

With one flick my heels which felt as if they were implanted on my feet, drop to the floor. I feel as if I’m being rescued as I wrap my arms around him and he takes me up the stairs. We’re both naked, and I remember him shutting the door earlier. I want to ask him if someone else in the house, but my throat is dry and I’m tired. I snuggle against him as we get to the top of the stairs and he moves in a different direction. Not my room and I wonder if he’s taking me to his room.


I don’t say a word as I open one eye and take in my surroundings. He flicks on the light, and I can see that his room is no different to the one I’ve been staying in. Paintings hang on the wall, and he has a four-poster bed, which is double the size of mine. The room is beige and there’ s nothing personal about it. Maybe the papers that are scattered on the desk in the corner are the most personal part of the room.

As he lays me on the bed, I smell the same woody scent of his cologne, and it should be enough to make me fall asleep, but then he whispers something so that I know that we may be upstairs, but he's not done.

“I’m going to make love to you. This is what you need and want right now.”

He’s right I do need tenderness, but I also need rest. He’s a beast with a constant erection.

Doesn’t his cock ever get tired?

He sighs as he makes his way to the bathroom to clean himself. I watch him like a frozen statue as I wait for him to return. I need to clean up too, and it is as if he read my mind as he returns with a towel. My pussy wants more, and it knows he’s willing to give it. As he makes his way back, Joshua kisses me on the forehead, then my cheeks and finally my lips.

My wetness is driving me mad as it starts to flow when his length strokes my pussy. I can’t believe it feels this way after what he did, and I feel betrayed.

Every part of me is letting me down, my pussy for reacting every time he touches me. Joshua rocks on top of me, all the time looking directly into my eyes with his gentle emerald gaze, and I run my hand through his hair. At that moment, he kisses me. He kisses me again and part of me doesn’t know what to think. At first, he didn’t want to kiss me at all, and now it’s as if he can't stop.