We’ve done the reverse of what most people do. Or maybe that’s just me. Gretchen says that I live in a glass box sometimes, but then again when you’ve spent the last five years cleaning up after one man then you tend to not notice what’s going on in the world. Or that’s my excuse for my ignorance? Everything fits perfectly I think as I stare in the mirror. Only yesterday I was looking in a different mirror thinking the complete opposite. And now, one day later. I feel different I admire my body as I stare in the mirror. My breasts are on full view and I take one last look as I take one deep breath as I gaze in the mirror once more. I leave the room and wonder tonight if by any chance I’ll be sleeping in it alone.
I never thought that he would kiss me, he seemed to make a point of not wanting to do so tonight could be the start of something or like he said in the car on the way here.
Just one fucking weekend. I’m getting too nervous. I start to sweat a bit and cling on to the stair rail as I head to the dining room. I try to control my breathing even more with the distraction of my heels. I concentrate on just getting down the stairs without breaking my neck. The stairwell seems even more elongated than earlier today. As I reach the bottom of the stairs, I let out a heavy sigh of relief.
I don’t even think of composing myself before entering through the dining room door. Joshua said that it was on the left, the part of the house, like so much of it that I never entered. I didn’t want to pry then, but knowing that he’s here doesn’t stop me from opening it. That and I’m really hungry and having visions of Luisa’s curry chicken on the table.
I laugh because I’m sure that she’s not going to make the same thing that she made this afternoon. I’m taken aback, but I hold my gaze steady as he keeps his only on me. Joshua’s wearing an apron and if I didn't know any better, I would think that he was the chef tonight.
“You cooked?”
“Good evening Scarlett,” he says as he takes out a chair. The idea that he’s a chef and he has a table for six when I get the impression, that he normally eats alone. Again, I start to wonder if this is too good to be true.
“And yes, I did cook. Does that surprise you?”
I nod my head as I stare into his emerald eyes. I take in all his features bit by bit, and I open my mouth to speak, but all that enters is air, and nothing leaves, only silence. I clear my throat because he doesn’t understand that I’m a sea of emotion right now.
No man has ever cooked for me.
I dated Sam during and after college. The best he could do was order take out and even then, he would always call me to take the order. Always claiming that knew what I would like to eat.
Joshua stands before me and traces his finger softly on my face as if he’s seeing a long-lost friend or lover. I’m just about to turn and sit in the chair that he’s pulled out, but his finger meets my mouth, he leans forward, presses his lips to mine, and as his tongue enters, I melt at the fact that he’s not only kissed me once today, but twice.
“Sorry,” he says as he pulls back. He was so gentle as if he was trying to taste my lips like he’s been doing with my body.
“Why did you stop?”
He ignores me as he says, “Because we’re supposed to be eating. Besides we haven’t even had a conversation. Apart from you trying to make sure that my sound proof house can be heard by all the neighbors.”
I laugh, “Maybe if you weren’t so bent on trying to make me scream then you wouldn’t have that problem.”
“Sit down so that we can eat.”
“Yes, sir!” I salute him as I sit down. Then he pulls the wall behind me, which turns out to be a door.
“It’s quicker to move the food this way. Asun told me that you like chicken.”
“How did she know?”
I wonder if she was sitting and watching me while I was sitting in the kitchen alone. The idea of it makes me feel nervous.
“Oh, she said that you started eating the chicken first. Dead giveaway. Besides Asun’s a fantastic cook, you should have helped yourself to more food if you loved it so much.”
“I didn’t want to overeat, in case you were…”
Now, I feel embarrassed that I’m admitting that I didn’t want to eat without him.
“I know I shouldn’t have left you. We only have one weekend together and besides I’ve never done anything like this before, it felt kind of weird knowing what to do.”
“Because you’ve never spent so much time with someone?”
I can tell that I’ve touched a nerve. He moves away from me again and goes to get something in the kitchen. Or so that’s what he’s pretending to do.
I’m just about to stand up when he comes back.
“I hope that you like cosmopolitan food?”