Page 178 of Body Heat

My eyes dart to the woman seated next to me. I’m just about to introduce myself to her, when Aunt Betty asks for everyone to be quiet.

“Welcome friends, newcomers and everyone that’s seated tonight.”

Everyone starts to clap and I follow suit as we sit in the marquee. Aunt Betty may be doing this for charity, but I must admit that I’m impressed with the ball. There’s entertainment for absolutely everyone from the chocolate to the champagne fountain. There were dancers and the acrobats outside. They were subtly performing by everyone so they did not have to stop and watch them. Even the synchronized swimmers distracted me for a while as I was looking for Aunt Betty. Part of me wonders if this is really for charity or just an excuse for a lot of middle-aged, or maybe more like retired people to meet up. Apart from the guy. The one who’s hand that she’s now holding on stage. Before I was distracted looking around the room and admiring everyone here for showing up tonight.

Now, both of my eyes are on him. The stranger that she gave me the impression she would introduce later is on stage with her and they’re smiling together as if they’re old friends.

“Some of you may know Joshua Moore.”

A few ladies clap and one of them even winks at him. I wonder how exactly they know Joshua Moore, but I can’t get over the fact that even his name is sexy.

If I was slimmer, feeling better and all that jazz. I wouldn’t hesitate in getting my aunt to introduce us. He could be exactly the type of distraction that I need to get me out of this hole. Depression. Sadness or whatever it is, I just wish it’ll go away and I must admit that I haven’t really felt that sad since I’ve been here which is the first time in weeks that I’ve gone more than an hour without feeling that way. Maybe this is exactly what I needed and I smile as Aunt Betty sits next to me. It’s as if he’s got me under a spell or something, because I don’t know what he’s doing center stage right now, but I can sit here and stare at him all night long.

“Now for the fun to begin,” she laughs and Wendy claps with her.

“This is a fantastic idea!” Wendy screeches and then I feel as if I’m the only one that doesn’t know what the hell is g

oing on. My eyes are on Joshua and if I’d been paying attention, I would have kept my eye on Aunt Betty.

“What are you doing?”

I blurt out as another woman takes the place of my aunt on stage and announces the auction. I soon realize that the auction that was on the billboards wasn’t for items or even pieces of art. It was for hot men like Joshua.

She laughs as the bids are going as high as ten thousand dollars for a weekend with Joshua Moore. It soon falls into place, why she was excited about tonight. It wasn’t the entertainment or even helping those poor children in Africa. It was simply because of the auction!

She’s bidding to spend a weekend with Joshua Moore. I don’t even know the guy, but I can’t help but ask the question.

“Aunt Betty, what are you going to do with him for a whole weekend?”

She winks at me and says, “I’m not bidding on him for me. But for you dear.”


I screech as I want to protest and tell her to stop, but then there’s this other part of me. The side that can’t take my eyes off of him which can’t help staring and licking my lips the way that Wendy’s husband was doing a few minutes ago.

Is she really doing this for me?

“But now you’re up to fifty thousand dollars. That’s a bit too much.”

Wendy flaps her hand, “It’s your birthday. Enjoy!”

I’m just about to tell her that my birthday isn’t for another couple of months, but then Aunt Betty kicks my foot under the table.

“Seventy-five thousand dollars!” she screams as she stands up. There’s a cheer and scream from the woman that Aunt’s been bidding against.

“Good, serves her right!” Wendy claps her hand and I feel as if I’m stuck in the middle of a war between them all and I have no idea how it started, but as Aunt Betty’s declared the winner. She kisses me on the cheek and says, “Happy Birthday.”

Joshua Moore winks at me and all of a sudden my birthday does feel early and for once I’m not dismissing the fact that it’s not my birthday for another few months. In fact, I’m welcoming it with open arms as I pick up a fan which could have been my aunt’s as I think that Joshua Moore’s wink wasn’t just for our date. I have a feeling that he has something dirtier in mind and as I look at Aunt Betty’s cunning face. I can tell that she’s thinking the same thing too.

Chapter Six


After the excitement of the bidding and I wonder if her niece, Scarlett is worth all this money. Not only from the bidding, but from the reduced amount that she’s accepting for the land as a result of fucking her. I wonder if she knows what’s at stake?

Then again, it’s not my place to tell her. She’s not my responsibility and she seemed willing as I head to her table. I know that I have to do one thing. Let her know exactly what’s at stake.

“Ms. Young,” I nod to Betty Young as I head to her table.