Page 175 of Body Heat

That feels a bit deep and I wonder if at last Daniel and Aunt Betty are going to admit that they have more than a working relationship.

It’s as if he controls his thoughts as he blurts out, “Anyway, I’m sure about that. I’ll see you later then.”

I want to stop him as he brushes past me and then heads down the stairs. This place used to be my comfort zone even more than my own family house. Now, I feel like a stranger in a hotel. Unclear where to go next, but as I walk up the stairs and approach my room. I don’t even feel like going back to Gretchen as I see the pictures on my walls.

Paintings that I used to do when I was here during the summer some of them neatly hanging up and others in some kind of artist pattern up and down the walls. She turned my room into an impersonal one and made my room into a home. That’s what it used to be when I was a kid. Dad would frown at the idea that I wanted to be an artist, and mom would just about agree with everything that my dad said.

Aunt Betty said she never had to, because she was her mom’s younger sister. She had the authority to put him in his place. He is a bully, which is why he hated Sam. Looking back at my relationship now, I can see that Sam was a carbon copy of my dad. Not one that lead me and looked out for me, but just controlled me. The same way that dad does with mom.

I notice that on the gold throw sitting on top of the bed, there’s a pink dress. I hold it up and admire its beauty with the lace backless top and the chiffon skirt that flows to the bottom of my feet. I laugh at the idea that Aunt Betty went shopping and happened to get a dress which is exactly the right size and as I lift up my arms and discard my existing tight, black number. I put on the pink dress and somehow in the midst of all this anxiety. I feel like Cinderella as I spin around in it. I have on a black bra and realize that there’s a matching bra and panties set to go with it. It’s as if she thought of everything, I should be mad at her, but as I look at my painting from my first summer here as a teen.

I realize that I can’t be mad at her. She cares, so much so that she wanted me to feel at home. She just wants to take care of me. I should appreciate her. Rather than try and act as if I don’t need it right now.

I look at the time remembering that she said I had an hour left. Right now, I have forty-five minutes and counting. Cinderella’s going to a ball, and she’s certainly going to shine.

Chapter Four


As the valet takes my car, I think about this being the first time that I’ve ever been the ‘Youngs mansion’, that’s it’s nickname in town. It has a sign calling it a residence. From what I hear it could house a few families. I wouldn’t exactly call that a residence. Especially, because only one person’s taking up so much space.

I step out and my four-bedroom house feels like a drop in the ocean compared to this place. A young woman dressed in black takes my arm.

“Good evening sir, I’ll direct you to the back of the house.”

I didn’t even notice her pretty dark hair and matching eyes until she was standing by my side.

I nod my head and then she loops my arm and smiles, “Welcome to the Young Residence. The aim of tonight is to raise money for the schools in Africa.”

“The whole of Africa or a particular part.”

She stops and faces me. I feel uneasy as she says sternly, “Mr. Moore, have you been to Africa?”

I shake my head because I feel as if I’m in some kind of conspiracy.

“How did you know my name?”

“Your plates say Moore and besides Ms. Young gave a clear description of you when she told me to wait for your arrival.”

“I see, so you must be the notorious Cathy Winters her assistant.”

She seems taken aback that I know her name and the fact that Ms. Young made a point of keeping the identity of the woman that as far as I was concerned even knew all of Ms. Young’s businesses and personal affairs. She had enough information on the woman to even disclose what color underwear she was wearing on a particular day. Sometimes, I hate fucking rumors, but sometimes especially in my business, they end up being necessary to secure a business deal.

I didn’t know why Ms. Young felt the need to hide the true identity of the woman that she considered to be her right-hand woman. But she did and no one knew who she was. No one but me.

“It seems as if I’m not the only one that did their homework tonight.”

She raises an eyebrow and if this fucking deal wasn’t centered around Ms. Young’s niece then I wouldn’t hesitate in taking Cathy Winters and showing her how far I’ll take my research. I take her hand and this time, I’m the one that’s looping it into my arm.

“You see in my line of work,” I confidently walk and I can feel that Cathy’s shaking. Good!

“It’s necessary to be one step ahead of the game. So, yes, I do know that you exist, but up until tonight I never imagined that you would have luscious lips that I could imagine sucking my cock all night long. Or even a voluptuous body that could ride my cock all night long and let's not even talk about that round ass of yours. It's definitely your best feature and I have a paddle at home. I'm sure that both of you would just get on like a house on fire.”

I stop as I can see guests and posters of Africa and schools, I assume that this is the ball. The one that she’s supposed to direct me to. Her lips are quivering, but I don't stop there. She's wearing a stripy shirt and pencil skirt that leaves nothing to the imagination when it comes to her curves. They're all perfectly outlined especially her tits which keep bouncing up and down like a tennis ball in a court before our walk came to a

dramatic halt.

“I could easily serve and score with you. I'll have a point or two and depending on how you scream. I may let you get one too.”