Page 157 of Body Heat

The herd kicks up such a thick cloud of dust that it’s hard to see their feet in front of our faces. I know this is granddad’s way of getting back at me for not wanting to stay on the ranch and let men better qualified than me run the company. I just regret that Olivia must endure the dust too. But her being here beside me helps me accept riding drag like a new cowboy.

Although Olivia’s Autumn isn’t a cutting horse up to Buckskin’s standards, she’s pretty good. Olivia looks sexy with her boobs bouncing up and down as she rides back and forth hitting her lariat against her saddle. Several times I get a fucking hard on just watching her.

Finally, Dan closes to gate to the South pasture.

“You haven’t lost it yet, Mr. Isaac. You’re a little bit rusty, but you and the horse of yours still got the moves.”

Praise coming from a man that has won more than one calf roping contest made me smile all the way back to the barn.

“I guess we’re finished, right, Dan?” I say smiling at the old, wrinkle-faced cowboy.

Dan shakes his head.

“There’s more?” I ask thinking that I misjudged the situation. I thought that was it, more likely I hoped that was the end of it.

Dan glances at Olivia. “You want to tell him?”

I look at Olivia. “Tell me what?”

“Whenever we put cattle in a new pasture, we’ve got to ride the fence to make sure the barbwire isn’t broken.”

“I guess I forgot about that,” I reply. I glance at the fence that runs across the flat land until it’s lost in the distance horizon. “It’s a huge pasture,” I add with a sigh.

“Roger, that,” Dan says as he tips his hat and rides off to the right, following the fence line.

“That leaves us the left side,” Olivia says.

I know she’s hiding a smile taking pleasure out my discomfort. Still, I can’t get upset at her. At least she’s here rather than I’m just being stuck out here with Dan.

“Time to cowboy up,” Olivia says as she rides off following the fence line.

“I’ll cowboy you up for sure when we get back to the barn!” I say as I ride after her.

“Yeah, promises, promises! That’s all city slickers are good for.”

“When we get home, I’m going to make you sorry for calling me a city slicker,” I say as I catch up with her.

We ride side by side for what feels like an hour but is probably a forth that long when Olivia pulls Autumn to a full stop.


She nods her head toward the fence row. “It’s a good thing we have the rule about riding the line after changing a herd to a new pasture. There’s a break in the wire just ahead.”

“Damn, you have good eyes.”

“Come on let’s fix it.”

“Uh . . . I forgot to bring the wire stretcher. I didn’t know we were going to be riding the fence line.”

“Don’t worry; it’ll be okay,” Olivia says reaching back and pulling a pair of fence stretchers out of Autumn’s saddle bag. She waves them at me.

“Yeah, you are a barrel of laughs,” I say shaking my head.

“A cowboy is always prepared . . .”

“Don’t start with me, Olivia, or I’ll rub your pretty little nose in a cow patty. And then we can call you Cow Patty, the cowgirl,” I say and start laughing so hard I almost fall out of the saddle.

“God, I wish you would fall off your horse so I can get a shot of it with my cell phone. It would look good on a Facebook page . . . CEO trying to cowboy.”