Page 90 of Saving Her

My heart was racing by this point. I felt a spark between us reverberating through my body, feeding a fire that was already raging. I knew already that this was a feeling that I wanted to explore, but this wasn’t like me at all. I didn’t normally do this. I was far more the girl who waited for the man to make the first move.

However, I didn’t want to lose this feeling, so, before he pulled his hand away, I reached out and grabbed it with my hand.

My mind was reeling. I had no idea what I was doing, but when his eyes rose to meet mine, I could tell that he was purposefully trying to keep his distance. It was then that I was sure he felt the same way I did.

My gaze fixed on him, focusing in serious, intense insinuation.

He didn’t pull his hand away, but he waited for me to make a move.

“Thank you,” I insisted, drawing closer to him, “Seriously, I don’t want to think about what would’ve happened if you weren’t there.”

He grunted slightly, as though unsure, but didn’t pull back.

Johnathan was hesitant, but I was sure that I wasn’t the only one to be experiencing such an intense current of emotions.

The sexual tension that flowed between us was nearly palpable.

I had never felt such a strong connection, with a person who I barely knew. It was a strange sensation, but one that I welcomed.

My eyes focused on his lips, hiding behind the beard and mustache and I wondered what it would be like to kiss him. I found myself wondering what he would taste like and how he would react.

After all, I didn’t want to scare the man, but as the seconds passed and the intensity of the look we exchanged became more intriguing, I was extremely tempted to find out exactly what would happen.

So, taking a leap of faith, or whatever it was that propelled me forward, eyes closed, lips puckered, I lightly connected my lips with his.

Lingering there, I felt his breath on my face and his taste, which was surprisingly intriguing.

His aura was intensely masculine and everything about him, including the essence of his tenderness.

I paused after I broke away, feeling my stomach topple over with attraction and wanting to continue, but I forced myself to stop to see what his reaction would be.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that he was staring at me. A look of confusion, yet intrigue was apparent in his eyes.

“Are you sure?” He insisted gruffly, his eyebrow raising and his eyes glowing with need and assurance. “I don’t want you to think…”

“All I’m thinking, is that I want you…” I replied, succumbing to the passions that seemed to overtake me.

I leaned in to kiss him again as his hand cupped my cheek and brought me closer to him.

His hand was warm and calloused, giving me the same stimulating sensation, I felt when he was touching my ankle. Yet, this was far more intrinsic, and natural, considering our current closeness.

When our lips met again, I felt the roughness of his facial hair as his mouth caressed mine.

At first, his movements were cautious, but eventually, his kisses increased in their passion. His tongue managed to slip its way past my teeth, dancing and swooning my desires, which increased the growing, lustful sensation my body was experiencing.

He was so warm, and gentle, though he took control. From then on, he progressed, though he was always careful not to come near any of my wounds.

When he pulled away from my lips, I pulled the nightgown I was wearing off, revealing the top half of me to him.

His eyes glowed with intrigue and allure as his gaze passed over my body, taking particular care to take in my breasts.

With strong, solid arms and protruding muscles, he hovered over my body. He was extremely close to me and I could feel the heat of his body against my own, even through his shirt. The heat that radiated off him caused me to feel a raging sign of intimacy forming between us.

Lifting himself up, he backed away, so that he too could remove his shirt.

I watched in awe as his chiseled muscles were etched perfectly into his abdomen and the taught, sinewy rope of muscle that wove throughout his chest was entrancing. The brown hair that curled over his chest wasn’t overly thick, but it was noticeable. I couldn’t wait to run my fingers through it.

I had never actually witnessed a man with such a perfect body. His stomach was flat, except for the washboard stomach, which tightened into the waistband of his jeans, which were positioned low, showing off a tantalizing patch of hair on either side.