Page 46 of Saving Her

“The glass,” I said, wincing in pain. “We need to get rid of it before we pull her out.”

Bobby quickly broke the shards sticking out, clearing a path for me to carefully maneuver Andrea around and out of the wreckage. The heat was scorching my skin, and I began to cough violently as Bobby helped me carry Andrea away from the flames.

We laid her down on the grass just off the side of the road, and I bent down, listening to her breathing. It was weak, but it was there.

“Andrea?” Bobby knelt down beside me. He shook his sister’s arm frantically.

I stopped him, shaking my head. “Don’t,” I warned. “We don’t know if anything’s broken.”

The sirens grew louder, and an ambulance screeched to a halt behind Bobby’s truck. I waved the paramedics over with their gurney. They hesitated when they saw Dennis.

“Forget him, he’s fine!” I shouted. “This on

e here’s the real problem.”

They rushed over, one of them briefly looking back at Dennis’s still body. They pushed us back and bent down around Andrea, fitting her with a neck brace and checking her pulse and breathing before moving her onto the gurney and rushing her back to the ambulance. Two police cruisers pulled up behind the ambulance, and I sighed in relief when I saw Jeremy stepping out of one of them.

They moved Andrea into the back of the ambulance, and Bobby climbed in. I started to follow when one of the paramedics stopped me. “Just one,” he said.

“That’s bull –” Bobby started, but I quickly cut him off.

“It’s fine, go with her, she needs you,” I said. “I doubt she’ll be very happy to see me if she wakes up. Besides, someone’s gotta drive your truck back.”

Bobby threw me the keys. “Where are we going?” he asked the paramedic.

“Closest hospital is Coventry Mercy,” the paramedic replied.

Bobby looked at me, making sure I got that, and I nodded at him. I helped them close the ambulance doors and smacked the side twice as it pulled away.

I watched it disappear down the turnpike, my heart racing, slamming inside my chest like a jackhammer. My breaths came in short gasps, and Jeremy had to hold me up when I tried to move and felt my knees buckle.

“You’re okay, buddy,” Jeremey said, helping me to the side of the road and sitting me down on the grass. “Stay here, okay? We’ll take care of the rest.”

As he walked back, another ambulance pulled up, followed by a fire truck and two more police cruisers. I watched them move about, the paramedics racing to check on Dennis and hurry him off as well, most probably to Coventry Mercy.

I closed my eyes and ran a hand through my hair, waiting for the pandemonium to end so I could drive after Andrea and Bobby. Jeremy would probably want a statement.

I lay down, staring up at the night sky and the flashing lights, the sirens deafening.

I couldn’t believe how fast everything had gone downhill since this morning.

Chapter 17: Andrea

I opened my eyes to white walls and the sound of a constant, rhythmic beeping. My lids felt heavy, and when I tried to move my head, a sharp pain shot through my entire body. I wanted to scream, but all that came out was a groan. My vision was blurry, the room around me fading in and out of focus. A figure appeared above me, and it took me a few seconds before I could see her clearly. The woman looked to be in her forties, hair tied back in a bun and wearing pink scrubs.

“Welcome back,” she said, a little too loudly for my liking.

I blinked and frowned as more pain shot through me.

“You’re in a hospital, Coventry Mercy, to be exact,” she said. “You’ve been in quite a nasty accident, sweetheart. Can you tell me your name?”

“Andrea,” I croaked. “Where’s Dennis?”

The nurse frowned. “I don’t know who that is,” she said. “But your brother and his friend are outside. Would you like me to bring them in?”

Bobby. Andy.

I wanted to nod, but that only made the pain worse, and instead I closed my eyes.