Page 329 of Saving Her

“Are you sure about this?” His voice was serious and I nodded slowly before giving him a quick look.

“Yes, I am. It might not be tonight or even tomorrow, but I want all of this. I just wonder what happens when we get home.” I kept looking slowly around to make sure that we were alone, until Brandon joined us. We worked together and this was natural.

“We will figure that out as we go. This will stop wherever you want it to,” Brent said as Brandon looked at us. We stayed there as the boat pulled into the island, stunned by the rough trip to the shore as I held my bag over my head and made my way through the water.

It was a fun afternoon and we went back to the boat to return to the hotel. We’d already decided to have dinner in the suite, just the three of us and I joined them on the elevator. We walked in together and I stretched as I felt the sunburn starting to sting. I always wore sunscreen but the water seemed to have washed it off a bit.

Brent got the room service menu and we looked at it, deciding on a few dishes to share and a bottle of wine. Brandon looked at me and saw my red skin as he touched me gently. “You should soak in a bath after dinner. Maybe it’ll take the sting out of that.”

They did have a beautiful tub.

We had dinner on the balcony and laughed as we ate, discussing the day. I drank two glasses of wine and took the third into the bathroom to draw up a nice bubble bath. I was inside of the water when they walked into the bathroom and sat down on either side of the tub, talking to me as I relaxed.

I got out blushing as I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body. I had barely touched them all day and stepped over to Brandon, nuzzling his lips with mine as I felt lips on my neck. It made every nerve ending in my body react as Brandon deepened the kiss slowly. I lifted my arms to slide my hands into his hair, feeling the towel slide down my body before I could stop it. “You’re beautiful,” Brent told me as I felt him tracing my back gently with his fingers. Brandon slipped a hand between us, and I felt him slide it up my stomach to capture one of my breasts in his hand.

Oh. God.

He thumbed the nipple as our tongues collided together and I felt Brent take a gentle hold of the other one. He tugged, and I pressed my thighs together as my pussy screamed with need. I never felt this before, and I knew that I’d give them everything I had to offer.

The odd embrace had continued for a while before I felt Brandon cup my ass and lift me against him. Excitement flooded me as he brought me to the bed and placed me on it, still damp from the bath. His rough voice told me to lay back against the pillows, and I did, all too aware of my nakedness on display. One of them kissed me slowly, distracting me as our tongues moved together quickly. I knew it was Brent by the way a hand tugged again at my pert nipple while another pair of hands parted my legs. “Do you want to come?” Brandon asked me as I let out a moan and splayed my legs open for him. I’d used the toys at home to death and my own hand, and now I needed his touch.

I felt him tracing my thigh, damp with desire. Brent worked my breast with his hand, careful with just enough force to send heat to my core. When a finger slid into my folds, I let out a pained cry as my body instantly reacted. He found my clit, swollen and needy and stroked it teasingly as I felt myself creep closer to the edge. The feeling of coming against Brent’s cock was incredible, and I knew that this would be too, no clothes between us. “You are so wet,” Brandon told me as he circled my nub again, sliding a finger over my entrance.

I came as he slid a finger inside of me, thumbing my clit at the same time. I screamed, rocking forward as Brent held me close. He peppered me with soft kisses, and I moaned as I felt warm breath between my thighs. I looked down to see Brandon’s eyes watching me as he covered me with his mouth, tracing me with his tongue. “Brandon…oh God. I’ve never…” my voice trailed off as he sucked me between his lips, focusing on my sensitive clit and bringing me to another orgasm as I cried out. I closed my eyes and breathed, feeling better than I ever had. This was wrong, me being involved with my supervisors but it felt so right. The guys moved to either side of me, and I felt a mouth cover my right nipple, working it with teeth and tongu

e before a hand slid down between my legs to touch me again. Oh, God. I was coming again, and I never wanted to stop as lips covered mine.

We woke up to the alarm, and I blinked in the dim room. Where was I? I felt the warmth surrounding me and looked to see Brent and Brandon sleeping beside me in boxers as everything came back to me. The conference. Mazatlán. The way they made me feel when we were all together, making me blush and reach over Brent for the alarm. He opened one eye and gazed into my face for a long moment. “Are you okay with what happened?” His voice was soft in the quiet room as I pressed myself against him. I nodded. “I won’t…we won’t go further if you don’t want us to.”

“I want to,” I assured him as I pressed a soft kiss to his neck, hearing him moan softly. His skin was soft and smelled so masculine as he slid an arm around me. I kissed down his chest slowly with uncertainty as he whispered for me not to stop. My mind went over everything that happened between the three of us, and I thought about how turned on they both must be. I circled his small nipple with my tongue as I slid my hand into his shorts, gripping him.

“Jane,” he choked, sliding his hand down to cover mine. “You don’t have to.”

“Guide me,” I told him as he covered my hand and stroked me over him slowly. He was thick and long, making me wonder how this would ever fit inside of me. I stroked him, first gently and then hard, feeling his breath quicken before he jerked forward and warmth flooded our hands as he choked out my name.

The alarm went off again, and Brandon stirred as he rolled towards me. He wrapped me in his arms, feeling me pressed against Brent as his hand slid lazily down my side.

We stayed together every night, taking things just a little bit further every day. The last night is when I knew that I was ready since I’d fallen madly for these men in the short time that we’d known each other. They played my body skillfully before Brent slipped into me for the first time, slow and gentle so I could adjust to him. Brandon stroked my skin as I moaned and whimpered, pinching my nipple once I was ready for Brent to move. Before I went to sleep, I felt Brandon inside of me, gentle so he wouldn’t hurt me. “So wet. So tight. So fucking beautiful,” he told me as he moved above me, kissing me gently. “You’re ours, Jane.”

“Yours,” I agreed as I came for him, feeling him still inside of me before jerking. I had no idea how this was going to work out yet, but I loved these men. I loved them both and as unconventional as that was, it was the truth. Brandon’s words to me only assured me yet again that they felt the same. We planned on a lot of nights at my apartment while we worked through this new situation and some private time in the office until we could sort through that, keeping our relationship under the radar.

I landed in New York with a smile on my face, ready to take this on. I was ready to love these men the best that I could, showing them all my feelings along the way.